Thanx to you all, it will make a difference when this is all said and done. I hope you know how grateful I am.
The surgery on my arm/shoulder went well as expected, you might say, I'm all screwed-up now, plated too! Hurt like a beotch the first 24 hrs, home resting now, pains not to bad now.
Looked at my-self in the mirror, both my shoulders are even now! They weren't even before the accident, due to 15+ yrs riding the wand, kinda funny, I never thought they'd be even again, so that's one up side!
Anyhow, thank you all for your support & prayers, I was truly humbled by the out pouring I have received from the members of this board. I don't care what anyone says about you guys, your good people!
So, is that Luddy's shinny head I see at the top o' the page?