
Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Like I said George, I like you and your passion. I just don't like your Rug Soaking For Hacks Videos. But that's OK and here is what I am gonna do. I will give you your own room here for a month to do what ever you wish with. You will have the power to add or delete then users in it. They will have to ask you to join to be a member. All I ask is that they are a Supporting Member here already (you'll be able to tell by looking at their profile on the left) You will be the one and only moderator in the group. Be aware that all of the Admins here will be able to view it as well. You can start a new thread in the Clean Room asking the members here if they want to join your room. Up top you'll see a drop down list of Usergroups, yours will be named Checkmate. To add a new member, cut and paste their name into the Add Member box in the bottom left corner. It will be a private room so only those you let in will be able to participate. If you have further questions about how to use it contact Bob Foster. You can also use the Club Greenhorn chat/audio room if you want. You have a month to do something positive in there, after that I'll review whats going on with you and if you decide to keep it we'll come up with a dollar amount that suits us both. You could try and create your own forum but you will never attract a audience like we already have here. Pay attention to how many new sign ups we have in a given week. It would also behoove you to get Howard to participate in the room. He certainly is a draw and I'm sure is on the look out for new clients as well. Be assured that I will not interfere in your room what so ever as long as you keep things respectable. Do not let your interest in small defenseless animals take over here.

Good luck..

Mikey, The most honest , hard working carpet cleaner you'll ever meAt.


Oct 4, 2007
You give him a room and I don't get one! Damn Mikey, you really don't like me!!!



Dec 23, 2006
Please stop all the rooms. Keep it simple.

Now that george has a room what's next......John G

Todd's room would be way more entertaining.

I like the quote at the top better than the pics.


Thanks Mike you are soooo cool. For a void your warranty, blossom your tips, take out the heat set memory, part time moving truck on the side to make extra money carpet cleaner.

Just kidding I really do think your cool. For giving me this opportunity. You and your DA's are welcome anytime but I want the power to monitor you. Bob said I have the ultimate membership is that true? I would like to see what this puppy can do, I might even help you take it to the next level. We will talk about my charges. Looking forward to speaking with you I am glad to see you can dish it out and take it because I kicked your apple and your DA's. Let's make some MONEY:lol:



The bottom line is if if anyone doubts I K.O.ed Mike in round two. You are definitely suffering from cranial anal inversion. Mike and his dream stealer's, you have to ask yourself what is bigger your ego or your bank account? I think its obvious, its your ego, put it aside and listen to someone who is making more money than you. If you are making more money than me I will listen to you. As long as you put the how big your penis is compared to mine attitude away. Everyone has a gift to offer, it doesn't mean you can't contribute in a incredible passionate way. Everyone is safe here. There is a new sheriff in town Geroge Grijalva We are going to change the way people view this website. Mikey'sboard has a terrible reputation. I hope Mike can put his ego in his back pocket with me and see the great opportunity he has by me being here.

My purpose in life is to change and transform other peoples lives in a positive way. Sometimes you have to come down to other peoples level to reach them. Now I have every-ones attention which was been my plan all along. If your smart you can see how God has blessed me to be a genius. I take no credit. You are either manipulated or the manipulator. I obviously shut Mike down without a doubt. I am the manipulator, he can't even defend himself he has to have others fight his battle, they are like Nat's to me. You have to have thick skin like a rhino if you don't you will bleed. Rhino's are not like Mike's sheep (DA's) they are independent and strong. When they see what they want they go after it. I am a rhino. Does anyone else want ot be a rhino. No sheep aloud. I have never felt more empowered than right now, I am at the top of my game. Like one of my slogans you can't stop a moving train. I look at Mike and his DA's as lobsters or dream stealer's.

True story if you put a bunch of lobsters in a bucket and one tries to climb out, one of the others will pull him back in. They don't want to see the other climb out of the bucket and be more successful. Mike likes being the go to guy. He is threatened by my success and he wants to steal your dreams by talking bad about my DVDs. He does not want you to be more successful than him. He doesn't bother me because I already am. If I wasn't, it would effect me.

Now this is personal. Mike has become a big motivator for me, I love it. I will turn his negativity into productivity. I promise if you buy my DVDs I will help you to be more successful than Mike and his DA's will ever be. They are welcome here but they have to put there ego away. If they can't, they are not welcome. We will have fun but in a clean and positive way. I will not respond to any rude comments anymore I have already proven, I can take all they got. They can have there fun in a another room. If we do this right all they will be doing is talking about us. I will be lifting everyone up in a way you can never imagine.

Next week I will share in a powerful way how important setting goals are. I know you have heard it a million times but success is repetition and you haven't heard it the way I will share it.

I forgive all the guys who have attacked my character but what you don't understand is there is nothing man can do to me. I believe in a higher power and its not Mike and his crew. I am a sinner, we all are and fall short of the Glory of God. He who has not sinned cast the first stone. I would never want people to ever put there faith in me I will let you down every time. Put your faith in Jesus. I am a religious man but not religious. My relationship with Jesus is my own personal business. I don't think God is proud of the way I have handled myself on this board but he does understand and forgive me.

I am done with Mike and all his dumb apples (DA's). I guarantee he is making copies of my DVD's for all of them which will give them information you don't have. Don't worry they want get anything out of them because they are brain washed by Mike's criticism about them. They will see them as a joke. They are copy righted and it is a federal offense with possible jail time and a fee of up to $250.000. I created these DVD's to make a profit, make no mistake about that. Don't ask me to give them to you for free. If I gave them to you, you would get nothing out of them because you did not earn the money to buy them. Success only comes when you take a risk others are not willing to do. Buy purchasing them at full retail price you are investing in your future and setting yourself up for success. If you get them for free there is no have to. You need a have to make money. By spending $250.00 you will be determined to make a profit with your investment. You will watch them like you never would if I gave them to you. Plus its not like a seminar. If you forget something you can watch them again and again. Get it! I promise you just one DVD will pay for the whole series. You will take the knowledge and make more money off one correction technique, then you paid for the whole series. After that, it will be pure profit. I know with all the controversy between Mike and I you may be confused. I understand. I can't please everybody and neither can you. So I decided to give you one last chance , if you purchase the series at full retail, I will still give you the up sell video and as an extra bonus the Perfect Patch. Just the Perfect Patch alone will give you the confidence to make thousands of dollars this year and hundreds this coming week. It comes with a 30 min how to use the Perfect Patch video, even a house wife could do it in 15 minutes. Its that simple. I will not offer this again. You have 72 hrs before its over. You must email me on this site to let me know you are taking advantage of this offer and I should watch for your order on pay pal in our shopping cart www.carpetcleaning************.com If you order pass my deadline, you will not receive the Perfect Patch. The offer ends midnight Monday June 1st.

I just got off the phone with Howard Partridge and he told me, I am one of a handful of his apprentices, across the nation who has taken his business to the level I have. He is so proud. This is just the beginning. Who wants to get on this train. You will learn more than you ever could listening to Mike and his DA's, if you miss the chance, you may not get the opportunity again. Being in the right place at the right time and knowing the right people is the key to success. I am telling you, you are here now.

Howard and I are putting together a program that is going to take this industry by storm. It has never been done before. When we get all the systems in place you will have the opportunity to be a part of it. Don't ask what it is you are not ready. This is a Global financial space shuttle we are building. If you get in now you will launch to the next Galaxy. If not you will be left behind. TOP SECRET!!! When we are ready you will be invited to a private meeting where you will need a special code, it will not be on this sight, it will be by a live satalight TV transmission conference call.

From now on we are taking this room to the next level, from negativity to productivety. If anyone has anything to share it will be in good clean humor and motivating in a positive way. We will all be on the same level and team. I don't enjoy waking people up to realty, with my ego but when push comes to shove I am not a door mat. It obviously takes more than mike's army to shut me down. If you want to be in my room at anytime all people are welcome. This is NOW the on-line training center for If you decide to join us I will teach and train everyone with a positive attitude. We will learn together, I can't wait to see what you teach me. I live by a code find people smarter than myself. GED remember? Howard lives by the same code. We hire people better and smarter than ourselves.

If you can't follow this rule treat others as you would want to be treated, this is not the room for you. A wealthy man taught me if you want to be successful, find someone who has what you want do what they do and you will get what they have. If someone in business is not making more money than you, why would you listen to them. If you keep doing what you been doing, you will keep getting what you been getting. All Mikes dumb apples, if they have what you want, go listen to them. If they don't listen to me. I can promise you the best speakers in the industry if you follow my only rule. Do onto others as you would want done to you.

From now on bring your best game and strategy's here. We can help one another to succeed. Success is not how big your stack is, its how much of a difference you have made in other peoples lives. This is a photo of my wife and I we took today. It is our 13th wedding anniversary and We have to kids 9 and 12 a boy and girl. Get ready guys I have so much planned ahead for us.

Does anyone know the IICRC instructor and executive of PROCHEM Sherman Guffy. He is a close and personal friend of mine. I know he will be excited to share some time with you in the near future. He lives in my neck of the woods about 20 minutes away. I have a lot of plans, put on your seat belts and hold on.

Sincerely George Grijalva
President Checkmate Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Bob said I have the ultimate membership is that true?

I don't know about that but it would be cool of you to also become a Supportive Member here as well.

I know you can't afford a booth at Connections but I'm hoping Samantha gives you enough allowance to afford the $5.00 a month here.


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
Just a quick tip George, if you want to hold peoples attention make your posts quick and to the point. People lose interest when the have to read a book on their comp screens.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So George,

Sell us on what you hope to accomplish in your room here.

I just gave Rich instructions on how to add members so give him a call.


Supportive Member
Dec 1, 2007
Florence, Az
Mike Fent
Man George you are confusing, one paragraph you appear to be humble, contrite and maybe worth dealing with, next paragraph you ruin it with your ego. Excuse my ignorance, but I can't tell if you are screwing around with us or just screwy! Either way I gotta say this is better than some reality shows.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon

this will either take your credibility to a new level or mikey gave you enough rope to hang yourself

Bob Savage

Oct 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Bob Savage
I watched the video of the purple paint applied directly to the carpet (great color contrast you used between the paint color, and the carpet color - BTW). Then I watched it's removal, and the fast pace you displayed at your setup at the job, and your determination to get that paint removed from the carpet..

Do the same test, but allow the paint to completely dry.

I guarantee different results, and the time spent in your attempt to remove the paint from the carpet!

A great marketing display of your work, but not a complete story of the job itself - namely the time involved between the accident, and the time you arrive to do the job!

Customers may assume that no matter how much time elapses, you can fix their problem...


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
BTW WTF was he talking about removing heat set twists???

really what a shmo


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
Doug I think he is talking about slow speed 175 machines and padding but I could be wrong, heck who know what he is talking about. Man he sure does get excited easy

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
Mikeys board is very on the up and up. i have learned more on this board than most of the local cleaners around here even know.

Checkmate, just remember who's house your in. take it easy. just because you can take a test drive doesn't mean you own the dealership!!!!


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
So much to add, so little interest. You lost me at the second paragraph Georgy. No actually I saw you ( or one of your guys) on you tube taking out wax with a carpet layers stair tool. That's when you lost me. I would like to learn more about doing repairs and such but not from you. I'm still looking for your cranberry remover.


My room is open, I did finally figure out how to let some of you in. then I changed it to an open room for everyone. I hope you can join us. If you sent me an email please resend it right away. I accidentally erased all of them. OOPS! I am just learning how to figure this out. Especially the person who wanted to sell my DVD collection at his carpet cleaning supply warehouse.


A lot of you guys have very big mouths. How big is your stack? If its not bigger than mine then sit down and be quite and you might learn something. My next room will be for you the DUMB APPLE ROOM. What are you certified in? How many trucks are you running? Do you work 9-5 or grave yard? How many employees do you have?


I have been informed by Mike, that if you would like to get into the Checkmate Training Room, you must be a supporting member. What that means is you need to sign up with a commitment of $5.00 a month then send me a message to let you in and I will.


Oct 26, 2006
I am a sinner, we all are and fall short of the Glory of God. He who has not sinned cast the first stone. I would never want people to ever put there faith in me I will let you down every time. Put your faith in Jesus. I am a religious man but not religious. My relationship with Jesus is my own personal business. I don't think God is proud of the way I have handled myself on this board but he does understand and forgive me.



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