Get in on the ground floor.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
No I didn't recommend it.

I used it and reported back that it did not work.

Smartguy is a no brainier considering you can cancel at anytime.


I would not recommend spending your hard earned money here. I researched this place, and it looks like a one man type operation. The contact information is one e-mail address no phone number, the address of who owns the domain name is who they registered it with. The website looks good, but really look around and think about what a web designer with time on their hands can do and this place isn't that impressive for what they are supposed to be. Their page rank is 3, the same as Mikeys Board and Service Magic is page rank 7. I'm am impressed that someone thought of a cheap way to make money $20/mo per trade for no guarantees, but your one of 3 trades/service provider for a zip code. I wish I would of thought of this, no promises, and you really can't get into trouble, but you can make a whole lot of money on an idea.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Seems to me to be another mlm scam but I suppose I could be missing something.

How would a potential customer of mine even come across this site?

Please don't give me ,they will be advertising in my area when they have enough people in my area, cause that's probably just a pipe dream. I want to know what can they do for me NOW, seeing as how they would be taking my money NOW.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The key words were GROUND FLOOR..

Smartguy has to start some where right?

I've been approached my hoards of MLMers that wanted me in after every Thom Dick and Harv already knew about it.

This is fresh and the best thing about it is, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT

Get a group of local tradesmen together to refer each other and make money on both ends.

Sure beats Val Pak.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
You can network with other local service providers without having them also recommending your competition.

One good way is; you can each hand out a reward/gift flyer at every appointment.
The flier has coupon/promotions from each service provider in your group.

You can each spread the word for each other in a way that,I guess will be more productive than this MLM.

Also, Why would anyone want to advertise with their competition?


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
I service an area of about 15 zip codes. If they list 3 cc'rs per zip code that would be 45 in my area. That's about everyone.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
All 45 of you and your competitors can refer each other and you can then dominate the market!!!

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum

Just have to give this one a while to see how it shakes out.

I think it doesn't make much sense to advertise with your competition. Especially on the Internet.

It just dilutes your marketing. You can just as easily have prospects go directly to your own website without making them first route through an other website.

I also wonder how much referring is really going to happen. People may want to refer with all good intentions. But, they get busy,life gets in the way, or they go back to old habits and the referrals don't happen.

Also, how would they know which cleaner to refer.

Take my area for instance; There are over 20 zip codes. That means that there could be over 60 cleaners from them to pick a referral.

Then add up all the other businesses and service providers that potentially could be in the program.

There could be many hundreds of business from them to pick from. The task would be overwhelming. They might as well be playing pin the tail on the donkey to pick a referral.

Back to Internet marketing it is easier to have your prospects go directly to your own website by having a good organic ranking.

I rank higher that all the directories in my area. So, why would I want to be in one.

I also, have exclusive, non-competitive listing on over 10 thousand computers in my area on inter-office websites by executing my marketing system.

Very few business know how to recieve FREE advertising this way. That is why I promote my way of marketing.

I'm also, always ready to share how it works so that other cleaners can save money on their current marketing efforts.
Oct 8, 2006
Dave it just seams that you are always posting crap on any other marketer lately. Have you called and talked to him ?


Feb 23, 2009
Wow...just got on this board and read all your posts, thanks for posting I will address some of your concerns.

Some of my History

I founded, built and sold many pioneering lead generation companies over the past 20 years. Each one has been hugely successful and helped thousands and thousands of business professionals nationwide (you can Google my name 'Jordan Wexler'). In each case, I had to pioneer a new approach to give small businesses an edge - a way to compete against huge corporations with unlimited advertising budgets.

For instance, I founded Information Now, Inc. ( over 15 years ago and introduced interactive voice response technology (IVR) to the real estate and mortgage community, allowing them to provide 24 hour information on their services, with direct connect, voicemail, faxback, and ANI technology. This allows them to not only provide 24 hour info on their services, but get text-messaged instantly with each caller's phone number - even if they had caller ID Blocking! (revolutionary). I am still involved with this.

I founded over 10 years ago and was one of the first to create an online portal for mortgage professionals to grow their business by buying leads online (I sold this company to one of my partners). It still exists and is very successful.
I recently developed to meet the present and future needs of all businesses in a contracting market. You see, the other companies were built for fast moving positive economies, but when business tightens, Smart Guys must stick together (forgive the pun). I knew all too well that for most service businesses, 70-80% of their deals come from referral or past customers. after all, referrals are the highest quality lead you can get since they come from a trusted source. After having analyzed local networking groups, chambers, clubs, and popular advertising, I discovered their weaknesses and limitations and found an automated way to help small businesses everywhere build their business (without having to advertise or spend any money). In fact, it will allow them to establish a constant pipeline of referrals so that they could hire others and spend their time with their families, overseeing their business - rather than working in it every day.

First, for those of you who don't know, is a business directory, business network, and referral management system all rolled into one. It can align you with hundreds of other professionals in your area (up to 30 miles in each direction) all willing to provide top quality service and refer you to everyone they know. SmartGuy limits their network to 3 professionals per category per zip code (i.e. 3 carpet cleaners, 3 plumbers, 3 electricians, etc.) Others are put on a waiting list.

By the way, it is only $19 a month (month-to-month there are no contracts) In fact, you can try it 100% risk free - if you are unhappy within the first 30 days, let us know you want to cancel and we will send you your $19 back. As an incentive to grow your own business, we pay YOU $7 a month for each person you refer through your SmartGuy weg page, and $3 for everyone they refer. (in other words - once you refer 3 businesses it's not only not costing you anything, you are making money)

Some concerns expressed by posters
The compensation for everyone is the same (as I listed above). It doesn't matter if you sign up through the home page or through a members web page, you pay the same thing and makje the same thing.

This is not a one man operation. The idea is humurous and only shows that you have either not looked at the site, or know very little about programming, design, or running a company. The development staff alone exceeds 10 people.

This is not an MLM company - this is a service that provides a 2 tier affiliate program to encourage you to quickly build your referral sources and quickly benefit from the alliance of others.

How can SmartGuy help you know? How many businesses are you currently sending business to and not getting anything back in the way of referrals? Have you used a plumber, electrician, accountant or cpa, do you have home insurance, car insurance? I can go on and on. You are probably verbally and financially supporting plenty of people, are they recommending you to everyone they know? How many homes are you in every day? These are local business owners that can benefit from being in this business network. Once they join SmartGuy it will you and them.

As for handing out flyers, well...I can tell you what I do with all the flyers I get in the mail everyday, but you probably dont want to know.

Finally, those worried about being listed with 2 other professionals in your zip code, so what. With 3 professionals per category (there are 400) per zip code, that is a maximum of 1,200 other non-competing businesses in your own zip code that are willing to recommend your carpet cleaning or tile services to everyone they know). Isn't that worth 19.95 month to month? If not...don't sign up. Quite frankly, its first come first serve. The first person to sign up is listed on top, then the next two. After that it is a waiting list. (anyone getting excessive bad reviews is booted and someone from the waiting list gets lucky)

Feel free to respond back with any concerns you have. I am a very religious guy and am really trying to help as many businesses as I can. I also don't like others being picked on. I have personally spoke with several of the people who love SmartGuy and that have commented favorably on this board. They are also good people and become my friends.

I hope you will all sign up (remember you have nothing to lose) and see for yourself what can do to help your business. Agai please respond back to keep this thread on top.

My best to everyone!

Jordan Wexler


Feb 23, 2009
My pleasure.

People need to look beyond a simple directory or going after single consumers, such as in advertising. It is all about leverage - it is just as easy to spend the time money to secure a consumer that will have their carpets or tile cleaned once every so often, as it is to secure a relationship with another home professional (electrician, plumber, painter, etc.) that can provide you multiple referrals each day.

I also encourage to join one of our free 20 minute live webinars - I walk you through the entire site (including the member area so you can see the referral management system and affiliate section). Here are the dates, times, and links to join:

Thu, Feb 26, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

Fri, Feb 27, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

Mon, Mar 2, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

Tue, Mar 3, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

Wed, Mar 4, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

Thu, Mar 5, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

Fri, Mar 6, 2009 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST -

You can also sign up by going to and selecting "Free Live Webinars" under the Resources link.


Feb 23, 2009
For those who would like to meet me or hear more about the service, I will be in San Diego at the event. Hope to meet many of you there...



Feb 23, 2009
Great meeting all those that were there, sorry to those who couldn't make it. If you missed the referral building presentation and want to know if you should try it (risk free), just ask Eric Valentine, Mike and Sara Fent, Les Jones, Chad Morgan, Steve Cressail, Martin Bressel, Luis Gomez, Jim Eckman, Jerry Valentine, Ken Raddon, Danny Strickland or the other guys there. Actually, just ask Terry Brevik- despite the tough guy image...really a funny guy!

I will be contacting you all who who were there to get you inputed into the system on Monday. Those of you would who missed the presentation and would like to hear more about it, feel free to contact me at (866) 5-SMARTGUY or (866) 576-2784.



Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Sounds like there is getting to be more and more interest.....Cool!
Way to go Jordan!


Oct 7, 2006
Mike Waldron
How do consumers find it? I have never heard about it. Not bashing just can not figure out how it works. Brevik agreed to pay 19 bucks a month?

Golden Boy


Oct 7, 2006
Mike Waldron
Thanks Jordan for taking my call. If you can get 19 bucks out of Brevik it must be the real deal.

Golden Boy

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