Mikey P said:
but is Crow really that tasty or good for you?
You all will believe what you want no matter what I say and this post may not have happened when some of you wanted it to, and some of you told me not to even bother posting anything, but I'm glad I waited to post this. Not only have I been very busy, I was pretty upset. There was some things that I wanted to say but knew I shouldn't. And thank you Harper for talking with me after Mike posted about this whole thing and for understanding that Christians are humans and may react to things like this in a human kind of way. I haven't been posting, but as Mike says-I 'sneak' in here late at night. LOL! Just checking my personal messages and looking to see if anymore of you are going to jump on Mike's wagon.
As you know Harper sent me his old set up with the help of some other people who donated money for shipping costs. The price I will be paying for the set up is $2500. Harper wanted that just between us, but apparently Mike wants different. Harper said he is in no hurry to get the money and as I start making money I could just start sending him money. Again, I really can't thank Harper and those who were doing this out of the kindness of your heart enough. I've been & am currently using the Harper TM to clean with and my family is grateful to you as well. Also to Jeremy for the bottles of cleaners and stain kit and to pacfancjh for the sample cleaning package, thank you guys very much, great products! It's going to good use.
While this 'no strings attached gift' was in route to Nevada, one of the people in my county who does not attend any church, but who I minister to (by minister I mean- spend time talking with and listening to, performed funerals and weddings for him and his family) saw me while I was having dinner with my family. He came over to our table to say hi. He said that he knew I was having trouble with older equipment wearing out and freezing up and breaking in the weather we'd been having. He said he wanted me to talk to him later that night no matter how late, so I did talk to him late that night. He told me that he sees how hard I work at trying to support my family and to pastor a church and community and how tough it gets for me trying to keep older worn equipment running so I can clean. He said he wanted to help get some descent equipment so that I could spend time in the business and make money for my family instead of putting money into and stressing over older broken equipment. I told him it was too expensive but that I appreciated the offer and that some people got together and are sending me a set up. He asked if it was new or used. I told him it was an older set up with high hours, but at least it works. His response was that it sounds like another old set up that I would be spending more time and money on to try and keep it running good enough to clean with. Again, I thanked him for the offer anyways. He actually got a little upset with me and said something like, 'what are you going to do, keep putting duct tape and bailing wire on it so you can support your family?' He insisted that I at least look into something new, so I agreed to look into it and we also agreed on a $10 grand allowance (his amount was more than that). We came to that amount because I read many times on these boards how the market was 'flooded' with almost new or well taken care of $10 grand set ups. WRONG! Anyway, I got off the phone after talking to the guy for a while and while surfing the web I noticed a special on this board for a TNT for $10 grand. I sent a PM to Greenie asking questions about the TM that very night, like 'why isn't there heat with the machine' and other questions.
I looked at equipment that whole month, but everything I found in the price range of $10 grand had 300,000 hours and up. I found something that would work for me and at the end of December I got serious about a purchase and then accepted the money from the guy for equipment in the first couple weeks of January. The deal includes the trade in of the Harper unit and as soon as I felt serious about the deal I called and talked to Harper about it, he didn't like it at first but after talking with him for a bit he said it was cool with him. He DID warn me that some of you would rip me apart over this and I told him that I knew it would happen and figured that it would be Mikey and the 'some Christian you are-there is no God' group more than anything (not all of you, but most).
About the Harper van- My brother is a business owner in another town. I owed him money for a set up I bought a while back and he took an old set up of mine instead; a Chevy van and an EZ1836. The Chevy van just had like $2500 dollars worth of work put into it and should last a very long time. He wanted to help me out so he traded me the Harper van for the nicer Chevy van. So I've been running the Harper TM from a Chevy van now instead of the Harper van.
Before Harper sent his old set up, the TM I bought a while ago is what I was using and it froze and started spraying water here and there. I have gone through it a bit and it just needs a few repairs now to get it in working order. The plan was to use that TM to 'pay it forward' to another cleaner I know that lives about an hour from me. I would help him with as much repairs as I could and he could use it to clean with. It could really help him and his family out and I know they would really appreciate it. And if he didn't keep it, that would be fine.
I was hoping the ones who were actually involved in getting the set up to me (a lot of people want to be involved now) would be happy about this. #1-Right now I'm using the Harper equipment to keep food on the table, #2-which will allow me to pay it forward with the other machine, and #3-I'll use the Harper TM towards the purchase of a new TM. If I didn't receive the set up- I'd have a harder time keeping food on the table, I wouldn't be able to get the new TM, I wouldn't be able to help out the other cleaner. With this set up, I will now be able to do work in like nine other towns.
One thing's for sure, I definitely found out who my friends were and were NOT! I was actually kind of shocked to read how fast some of you are willing to take Mike's word as gospel! And then some of you were jumping on the band wagon and making claims not only about my past on these boards (let's see you back up those claims!) but calling my walk with God and ministry into question! And then some of you were even calling me names! Sheesh!
That's all I've got to say about this. I'm making the offer right now, to all those who donated money to get the set up to me, if you feel 'ripped off' or 'taken' or whatever and would like your money back that you donated, let me know and I'll get your money back to you. That includes
Greenglide Lisa who is said to have donated $500 to the shipping cost. I've always liked and respected her and how gracious and giving she is. She also didn't want everybody to know about that, but like I said, Mike wanted different and like he keeps saying, it's HIS board. I have a few names of the ones who donated money, Harper didn't give me a list but I'm sure he can get that to me if needed.
Mike, you thought I was rude to you on the phone yesterday? I was actually being nicer than what I should have been. I don't know why you have my cell number, but lose it. Do not call me. If you see me, do not attempt to talk to me.