Green prespray


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Supertramp said:
tmdry said:
Regarding Soy...

It's a healthy choice in moderation, just like fish and mercury. As long as it's not your ONLY source of nutrition, it's fine.

Regarding "Green"...

Explain to me how someone can go "Green" and market "Green" while using a TM?

No bashing intended, but im all ears.

Using green cleaning products, recycled paper. Some of the paper I use is actually plantable paper, so they can plant it afterwards. Trying to get recycled uniforms too. Ect. Obviously you cant go 100% green, but I do the best I can. Green is VERY big up here in the northwest and its a ever growing market that I want to tap into. I believe it is the future and will be a very big part of the industry pie. I am just starting this up but when things get rolling and I have more of a budget, I want to invest in converting my new TM and van over to biofuels. I do use green products at home too.

I know alot of people think this who green thing is weird, stuiped, passing trend, ect. Thats fine and you should keep thinking that, but I know the market up here and its $green$. Whats big here may not be big where your at yet. Government and commercial building have gone green in regards of cleaning products and thats just the start. Many say if your not going green than you already falling behind. I agree that this green cleaning is still in its infancy and I just want to get ahead of the wave. You cant put this genie back in the bottle, its out and here to stay and that is what I am baseing my company after it because I believe in it. I am trying to be different from all the companies I've seen and worked for. I think if I stand out I will stand above.

Please I am not telling you to go green and clean green, I am not imposing what I am doing on anyone else, you can do whatever you want and I am cool with that. This is what I do and I hope you can accept it for what it is. I do not judge anyone here or think less of anyone for what they do or use. I am not a tree hugging hippie. I do eat meat and my poo does stink too. :D

No worries, I know there are many people out there with different views about green, i read about it sometimes on here and on ICS as well. To each their own, whatever works for them and their businesses is fine with me.

i'll pm u the rest.

Good luck to you.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Yes, I'm only converting my GMC Van to CNG (comp. Nat. Gas) it's a Direct Drive, not a slide in. There is a big insider secret that most guys doing CNG conversions don't want you to know. READY............. they are ripping you a new asshole worse than the oil companies are. YEs, that's right. A guy in SLC quoted me $14,000.00 to convert my van with two 9 gallon tanks. However, a good friend of myne is starting a CNG conversion business and he will be doing the same exact conversion with 20 gallon tanks with the same certifications as the high priced guy for around $3500.00 to $4000.00 out the door. Basically it's not that complicated. Just a fuel system change and new tanks. It will be all certified too. BTW the certification is a bunch of BS government liberal bureaucracy that's just running up the price even more. CNG is CNG even without the stuipid ass seal of approval.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Enjoy your soy milk. So good tastes best... Try their vanilla, omega 3, and chocolate flavors..

New Zealand Medical Journal (Volume 113, Feb 11, 2000).
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry September 2001.
Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2004 Apr;55(3):201-5.
Toxicol Lett. 2004 Jun 15;151(1):151-62.
Am J Vet Res. 2004 May;65(5):592-6.[/quote]

Nothing newer than 2004 huh? Science changes on a daily basis.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Mikeyxj8 said:
Yes, I'm only converting my GMC Van to CNG (comp. Nat. Gas) it's a Direct Drive, not a slide in. There is a big insider secret that most guys doing CNG conversions don't want you to know. READY............. they are ripping you a new asshole worse than the oil companies are. YEs, that's right. A guy in SLC quoted me $14,000.00 to convert my van with two 9 gallon tanks. However, a good friend of myne is starting a CNG conversion business and he will be doing the same exact conversion with 20 gallon tanks with the same certifications as the high priced guy for around $3500.00 to $4000.00 out the door. Basically it's not that complicated. Just a fuel system change and new tanks. It will be all certified too. BTW the certification is a bunch of BS government liberal bureaucracy that's just running up the price even more. CNG is CNG even without the stuipid ass seal of approval.

i know...

I assume you will be using the FMQ2-36 if you are fueling at home/business, as you probably already know the Phill will not work for you.

Only in the US, CNG tends to be a new thing for some reason just because politics took over oil and major companies such as GM stopped producing vehicles that were bi-fuel or dependent due to govt pressure...

I was on a business trip down in South America last year, and there are CNG conversion shops in just about every block doing this conversion, offcourse not with the whole EPA BS either. These shops are all legit, registered businesses, state of the art FI kits, just like taking your sports car for a dyno tune. CNG makes up for 30% of vehicles down there, especially in major countries such as Brazil. Right now, Ethanol not E85 and CNG are the major players, even though the regular consumer gets no trunk space in their automobiles, just about every service van i saw had cylinders hanging from the bottom of their trucks.

I was also doing my research for a company but noticed how these so called certified epa shops were charging an arm and a leg to do a simple conversion. The tanks can be purchased on ebay fairly easy and many other companies sell them depeding on the gge size, etc.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Brian Robison said:
Enjoy your soy milk. So good tastes best... Try their vanilla, omega 3, and chocolate flavors..

New Zealand Medical Journal (Volume 113, Feb 11, 2000).
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry September 2001.
Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2004 Apr;55(3):201-5.
Toxicol Lett. 2004 Jun 15;151(1):151-62.
Am J Vet Res. 2004 May;65(5):592-6.

Nothing newer than 2004 huh? Science changes on a daily basis.[/quote]

I don't drink Soy in a daily basis, i know of those articles of how it's bad for men, but there hasn't been any proof, just "studies". It shouldn't be abused or taken as a protein diet when men drink/eat it.

Do a search on Google, here's the link...

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I'll be filling up with CNG at the gas station. They have 4 stations within 7 miles of my house. The closest being only half mile away.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Mikeyxj8 said:
I'll be filling up with CNG at the gas station. They have 4 stations within 7 miles of my house. The closest being only half mile away.

Oh that's right you're in UT! You lucky bastards!!

The closest one to me is about 15 miles away and they want $2.18/gallon i believe.

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
either way. i have used soap free from masterblend and green balance from bridgpoint. both work well. i personally like green balance better but only because i have used it more. cleans as well as my regular for my residential clients.

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