Happy Holidays From Legend Brands- GiveAway!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Dennis Bruders and Legend Brands are celebrating the season of giving with us here on Mikey's Board.
They want to raffle off a Studebaker AirPath Fan through our raffle system as well as hold a giveaway photo contest for a Sapphire Upholstery Pro hand tool.

In order to make this fun for the Air Path raffle, you can earn extra credits by sharing what you or your company has done to give back this year to your community. Photos and stories about the events most people never mention but just do. Normally we don't want to incite bragging when it comes to charitable actions, but for this event we want to hear about how you are helping improve the image of our industry.

Dennis, Keith and I will decide on how many extra raffle credits to give you based on your submissions. It could be 2 or it could be 200,000..

Lets see just how far you went to give back! Enter the "Brag Off" as many times as you like.

Our other contest is a bit more simple. Post a photo of you, a crew member, family or friend getting creative with a Sapphire Upholstery Tool. Simple as that. Creativity wins.If you don't already own a SS Pro, download a photo from the web, borrow one from a cleaner or supply shop or whittle one out of balsa wood.

As aN added bonus, both SS Pro and the Air path with be Autographed by Keith the man Studebaker.

(please use common decency and good wholesome christian values when submitting photos or your junk will be deleted)

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Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
Sometimes we don't know the difference we can make in a persons life.
I was called by a realtor to clean an elderly lady's carpet. The realtor explained that the lady was preparing for company because her son had recently passed. I remember seeing the story on the news. Her son was an alcoholic and had stumbled into the Boise river and drowned.
I knew it was going to be a tough job emotionally and judging by the older neighborhood she lived in I knew that the house would be cluttered with furniture.
I brought my son with me and I had prepped him for the situation we were going into. He is a good natured kid and very respectful. He helped move and tab all of the furniture.
I planned extra time at her house in case she wanted to visit. We talked with her, played with the puppy and made sure everything was perfect when we left.
I got this text from the realtor the next day:

Remember, you do make a difference to your customers.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
I know this isn't related, but as the Harvest Project (my charity of choice) usually has a hard time raising funds in the post Christmas season so I came up with the idea of donating 1 hours wages on February 22 (222) to keep some funds flowing. As they have a pretty big database and it's not asking for the retirement savings, this will give them the funds they're usually short on that time of year.


Jan 2, 2016
Jeremy Gray
I do two Charities, if you can call them that.
1. My Son's school does a fundraiser bingo night every year to help raise money for the school. This year I donated 4 rooms of carpet cleaning and 1 couch cleaning.
2. Locally we have an App called DIVI. Local businesses offer up a deal to customers and the customer then "buys" the deal though the app. The "buy" price is divided between a charity of the business choice and a charity of the customers choice. My charity is Feed my Starving Children.


Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
Last Feb 22, I did a free job for Aunt Leah's Society. They provide homes and counseling for teen moms. I brought Holly, my wife with me and we cleaned a 2-story house. They were so appreciative. Really made us feel good. They are going to be my charity of choice this year. We will do up to 2,500 sqft, (give or take a bit) for them anytime this February. I also do a few jobs at no charge several times a year for different clients. I recently had a customer who lost her brother at age 56. They had to sell the house and there were several blood stains on the carpet. We took them out and never sent the bill. Sometimes, you know it's the right thing to do.


Supportive Member
Apr 30, 2007
Ogden, Utah
Tim Magaw
I do not know where to start. I do not give back just once a year, it is a daily part of my life, it has been for over 20+ years. We are actively involved in a local Bike Collective http://www.bicyclecollective.org/ it is a non profit bike shop and the main goal is to get kids on bikes. We are giving away 50 bikes next friday to low income kids in our community thru our local boys and girls club. So far this year we have donated about 100+ kids bikes into the community, they have several programs thru different local church groups and homeless shelters that allow people to volunteer in the shop and they earn a free bike after so many hours. we do many other events throughout the year with the bike collective.
We donate our carpet cleaning services to our local domestic violence shelter all year long, We clean all of the transitional housing and the office and common areas for them https://www.ycchope.org/
We are also involved with a local foundation called Nurture The Creative Mind http://nurturethecreativemind.com/ We have donated carpet cleaning in their office space, we give them Gift Certificates for any fundraiser that they do, supply them with tools and art supplies as they need them. It is more of a lifestyle for myself and my wife. We give back to our community on a daily basis to many different groups and individuals.
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Supportive Member
Feb 21, 2013
Las Vegas NV
Different charities will reach out to us through out the year for services. As a small business, we have been able to provide $9,000 in services to charities this year in Vegas and Henderson. 2 of the larger ones we support are USO and You Got The Power (Women's Shelter). USO we clean all 2,000sq ft. of Tile and Approx 1,500 sq. ft of carpet twice a year at McCarran Intl. Airport. If you aren't familiar with the USO, they are all volunteers providing a place for troops to stay at the airport while waiting for their next flight, stays during delayed flights. They provide free food, drinks, games, relaxation areas, etc. IT is an awesome place. Everything they have is fully donated. You Got The Power is another awesome organization helping battered women, homeless, single mothers with different resources. For them we provide carpet cleaning in their office space and one of the living homes. Other charities we have provided services to in the form of upholstery or carpet cleaning include: Help of Southern Nevada, Veteran's Village, Speedway Children's Charities. I'm rather fond of providing any services to military as my grandfathers and step-father all served.

Here is one of our testimonials from them from last year:

Thank you to NaturalDry Carpet Cleaning for doing the You Got The Power carpets pro-bono!!! We are so grateful. . . . with so many people coming through the doors it was getting pretty bad. They do an amazing job!!! We love them. Dry in 45 minutes, no harsh chemicals and they got out every horrible stain we had. Please support them and use them for yourself.



Supportive Member
Apr 30, 2007
Ogden, Utah
Tim Magaw
Just wanted to add to mine, The Bike Collective that I volunteer with just did a bike giveaway with our local Boys and Girls Club. We were able to donate 50 bikes to kids. We have been able to give away over 200+ bikes this year to low income kids and adults this year. Here is a video of the event.

Lisa Jordan

Sep 22, 2016
tampa fl
Lisa Jordan
For Cleaners Giving Back last year, I contacted the local Ronald McDonald House. They have two in this area, so after I spoke to the one in Tampa, I contacted Kevin Cluff and he got on board with the one in Pinellas. We teamed up with Joey Harper and cleaned the Tampa one. I had also contacted a local foster care, and got Geoffrey Odermatt on board to clean a couple of houses that foster kids. I'm also one of the admin's for the Cleaners Giving Back page and am working with Mike P. on Mikey's Fest this year to give free cleaning and the proceeds of the tool raffle to Ronald McDonald House. Outside of the cleaning industry, this past fall I organized a school supply drive, and we collected over $500 in needed supplies for a local elementary school. We will be doing another one right after the New Year. I am also in Rotary, and currently serve as the Service Projects chair, overseeing all of our fund raising events, and I am the Chairperson for the annual Crawfish Festival, which I took from making $7,000 a year to $17,000 in 2 years, 100% of which goes to local and international charities. I collect food and clothing donations at the Rotary meetings every week and deliver the to ECHO (Emergency Care Help Organization), donations of old towels and sheets are delivered to the local animal shelter also.

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Lisa Jordan

Sep 22, 2016
tampa fl
Lisa Jordan
Ken reminded me...I also participated two years in a row in the Sylvia Thomas Center "Royal Highness Race" winning the crown by helping to raise nearly $10,000 each year. The center helps children who have been placed in foster care or adopted out to adjust and realize that they are love and wanted. Our company gives carpet cleanings to the center for every event they have too.

2015-04-30 20.14.28.jpg

Old Coastie

Supportive Member
Jun 29, 2015
Heart of Dixie
These stories are heartwarming. Personally, I do not seem to be able to give away work, not through churches, United Way, Red Cross or other organizations. I think it has to do with Southern pride and people wanting to pay their own tab.

I may have accidentally forgotten to send a few invoices here and there, but can't seem to remember any of them at the moment. No plans to remember them later, either.

Anyhow, God bless you guys for your good hearts!
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Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
Well, if you must know, I cleaned all the carpets and upholstery at Santa's place in the North Pole completely free of charge. Santa said I was a good boy. Sorry, no pics. Santa was afraid that Norad would finally figure out where he lives. Now, that deserves more than a lump of coal doesn't it?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Well, if you must know, I cleaned all the carpets and upholstery at Santa's place in the North Pole completely free of charge. Santa said I was a good boy. Sorry, no pics. Santa was afraid that Norad would finally figure out where he lives. Now, that deserves more than a lump of coal doesn't it?

you have 16k credits left..

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
A few years ago the Boise Rescue Mission called and wanted a quote for their corporate office carpet cleaning. I went out and gave them a price. The asked me to do them. The next week they called and said they couldn't find the invoice that I was supposed to leave on the office managers desk. I told them there wasn't an invoice to leave.

This was a time that we could have used the money. But the people that they house and feed could use it more.


Boy Sprout
Feb 4, 2016
I give to a bunch of different charities. I have a program where 10% of my gross goes to a different charity each month. Some are local and some are National.

I also clean my church and all the classrooms for free twice a year. Not sure if that counts.

My next scheduled charity donation is slotted for the Good News Rescue Mission of Redding Ca. They help the homeless get back on their feet and aid battered women. I'm probably going to clean their facility for free as well.

Below are some of the PR awareness stuff I've done.

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