Hate Cleaning Berber


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
pfft if its that bad then it should just be replaced....i mean how do you know it was all the way through

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Jamesh921 said:
Ever had a trashed rental that the soil had been tracked completely thru the backing of the carpet?

Ever had one that the soil was even tracked thru the pad and onto the sub-floor?

I think that's what PCCN is speaking about.

If the soil has penetrated that deep, you can vac, vac, vac then pre-spray, and let it dwell and dwell, pull out you're big 'ol suck hose and stroke all night long and STILL get lousy results and wick-backs in the traffic areas.

In some cases, the carpet is salvagable """""IF""""" the technician is allowed to get PAID to replace the pad in the affected areas and then clean the carpet.

It's doable - if'n yer client will part with a portion of his well-protected CASH!!!

Most of the rentals I do let me make the call on clean or replace. They don't replace many, except for the units with trashed polyester. There's just no way to make that look acceptable- Olefin? No problem. I've converted a lot to nylon and they can see why.


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
Haven't you ever seen a carpet in that condition near the kitchen enty?

Sometimes the metal transition piece is missing or the carpet has been pulled away from it?

Maybe even some of the pad is missing?

Yes, it needs to be replaced, but when I mention that to the custy, they just say, "Can't you just fix it for now?"

"We plan on replacing it next spring and want to make it last til then."

OR, "we're trying to get just one more tennant out of it before we rip it out"

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Jamesh921 said:
Ever had a trashed rental that the soil had been tracked completely thru the backing of the carpet?

Ever had one that the soil was even tracked thru the pad and onto the sub-floor?


I personally did one last week as a matter of fact.
It was roached with heavy black grease/oil gunk and deep spills all over.
I nuked it, scrubbed and extracted
Stopped back about 5 hours latter to pick up my ca$h
dry to touch...no wicking ..(and I didn't even vac) :oops: :lol:

I do expect some of the deep "in the pad" soil/spills will return within a few months of traffic.
But that's a different condition than wicking .
Which is what a whole lot of cleaners have probs with on berber and com.



Supportive Member
Feb 27, 2011
David Reed
There was a time when i thought of berber as a premium carpet but after a couple of years working for all these section 8 apartment complexes that all use berber it now has lost its luster for me.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
We vac (not werner style) and very seldom see an issue with berbers

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
PCCN said:
Am I just a wuss or does anyone else hate Berber? I find a ton of it in rental properties and of course it almost always is matted down, torns, burned, etc. Landlords don't even consider paying for repairs but for some reason continually install this "stuff".

I use the RX20 and acid rinse to do the best job possible but one some jobs you can almost watch the filth reappear and it stays matted.

Hey, I'l clean whatever the customer has, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. :mrgreen:

It's just a theory but the carpet store sales reps MUST be getting a bigger commission to push this mess on to customers.

Just wondering if anyone else feels the same?

the RX 20 is your problem, it leaves the carpets soaking IMO much wetter than need be. you also don't need near the agitation with berber. berber is generally the easiest carpet I clean, especially olefin berber, now if its low loop commercial thats a whole nuther story. but standard olefin residential carpet normally cleans up like I am painting it. its also pretty cool to show the customer the difference. I used to not even prespray them, just use dryslurry extraction powder and they cleaned up decent. however just a regular prespary (ultrapak traffic clean)and a prochem quad jet wand will clean them right up.

with the advent of glided wands the RX 20 needs to be put out to pasture in the back of the garage.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
steve g said:
PCCN said:
Am I just a wuss or does anyone else hate Berber? I find a ton of it in rental properties and of course it almost always is matted down, torns, burned, etc. Landlords don't even consider paying for repairs but for some reason continually install this "stuff".

I use the RX20 and acid rinse to do the best job possible but one some jobs you can almost watch the filth reappear and it stays matted.

Hey, I'l clean whatever the customer has, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. :mrgreen:

It's just a theory but the carpet store sales reps MUST be getting a bigger commission to push this mess on to customers.

Just wondering if anyone else feels the same?

the RX 20 is your problem, it leaves the carpets soaking IMO much wetter than need be. you also don't need near the agitation with berber. berber is generally the easiest carpet I clean, especially olefin berber, now if its low loop commercial thats a whole nuther story. but standard olefin residential carpet normally cleans up like I am painting it. its also pretty cool to show the customer the difference. I used to not even prespray them, just use dryslurry extraction powder and they cleaned up decent. however just a regular prespary (ultrapak traffic clean)and a prochem quad jet wand will clean them right up.

with the advent of glided wands the RX 20 needs to be put out to pasture in the back of the garage.

As someone who in the last year picked up an RX-20....I am telling you now....you are smoking dope....

now as far as an RX on berber...dunno.......360 works like a champ though...

as with anything though....they are all TOOLS to be used where best suited......you wouldnt break out a 16 penny nailer, and air hose, and compressor, to frame 1 door way.....But you would bust it out if you had 1 or 2 rooms to frame....

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
floorguy said:
steve g said:
PCCN said:
Am I just a wuss or does anyone else hate Berber? I find a ton of it in rental properties and of course it almost always is matted down, torns, burned, etc. Landlords don't even consider paying for repairs but for some reason continually install this "stuff".

I use the RX20 and acid rinse to do the best job possible but one some jobs you can almost watch the filth reappear and it stays matted.

Hey, I'l clean whatever the customer has, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. :mrgreen:

It's just a theory but the carpet store sales reps MUST be getting a bigger commission to push this mess on to customers.

Just wondering if anyone else feels the same?

the RX 20 is your problem, it leaves the carpets soaking IMO much wetter than need be. you also don't need near the agitation with berber. berber is generally the easiest carpet I clean, especially olefin berber, now if its low loop commercial thats a whole nuther story. but standard olefin residential carpet normally cleans up like I am painting it. its also pretty cool to show the customer the difference. I used to not even prespray them, just use dryslurry extraction powder and they cleaned up decent. however just a regular prespary (ultrapak traffic clean)and a prochem quad jet wand will clean them right up.

with the advent of glided wands the RX 20 needs to be put out to pasture in the back of the garage.

As someone who in the last year picked up an RX-20....I am telling you now....you are smoking dope....

now as far as an RX on berber...dunno.......360 works like a champ though...

as with anything though....they are all TOOLS to be used where best suited......you wouldnt break out a 16 penny nailer, and air hose, and compressor, to frame 1 door way.....But you would bust it out if you had 1 or 2 rooms to frame....

I guess I should have said for residential use I see no purpose in it. who wants to go back and have to redo everything around the furniture. a 175 or CRB machine when needed and a glided wand is better than an rx 20 on residential.

Fred H

Oct 11, 2008

Here's an olefin blend berber being cleaned. A good prespray, dwell time, agitation, hot water rinse followed by plenty of dry passes. moisture control and recovery are paramount.
Professional cleaner closed course, do not attempt this yourself.

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