Help me, help you...I know it's cliche' but..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
If you are coming to M10F this week I want YOU to go home with that one nugget that made the whole trip worth the cost and hassle.

Please tell me here in this thread what I can do to make it so you don't go home feeling it was a waste of time.

New cleaning technique?
Test some new tools?
Gets some face time with one of our speakers?
Toot the horn on my Aerotech?
Learn how to work Yelp?
Buy Billy a beer?
Have Billy buy you a beer?
Gain the courage to hire help or a second truck?
Learn how to be a Rug F*g for the cost of a Powr Flite Portable and a jug of suds?
Punch Fred Boyle in the throat?

I'll do my best to make sure you go home with a suitcase full of nuggets, even if your name is not Chad..:icon_twisted:
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
sorry, buddy, you and I are going out in the POS Vortex today.

It's horn is so gay you better eat plenty of red meat tonight to offset the emasculation effect.
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As a guy that lives hours from a distributor I think the many different brands of truckmounts on site is worth the trip. I haven't been to a carpet cleaning fest since the Summerfest in 99. I learned a ton and had a blast. It was small by comparison to this. But being able to look at a Butler then walk over to a Prochem or a Sapphire, that's awesome. Same idea with the rotary machines.


Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
sorry, buddy, you and I are going out in the POS Vortex today.

It's horn is so gay you better eat plenty of red meat tonight to offset the emasculation effect.

Gus and I are sitting here drinking coffee and laughing about this comment right now....

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Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
Looking forward to meeting all of you guys and picking brains. Everyone seems to have an area where we can learn from.

Checking out Mike's AT will be cool. I'm sure I will want one.

Bawb and Chris will be helpful in understanding my "magical" PTO

I think Saiger runs the type of biz I aspire to.

Tom King worked in my market years ago, will be great to meet him.

I'd love more commercial carpet cleaning. Looking forward to hearing from Rick on how we can do that.

Lots of fun playing with the rotaries and upholstery tools.

Lots of laughs with brothers in this industry.

Definitely interested in the Social Media Debate and any info I can glean on internet marketing.

Can't wait to see the different Truckmounts.

It's my vision to have @ 2 trucks busy but I'm scared to hire people and worried I can't keep them busy during the Winter. Not interested in WDR right now so I'm open to learning how we might do that.

Looking forward to meeting guys like Chavez and Jim Martin (and Mike) who are active here and I just think I could learn A LOT from them.

SO looking forward to this. I absolutely would not be able to come this year without the generosity of those who contributed to the Ken Snow Fund. I really wish I could have met Ken in person too.

The Clean Machine
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
Yelp, wouldn't mind hearing other perspectives on it. I'm find with my place page for most part. Perhaps hear from folks who have done a paid campaign.

Like to know if there's an average time "techs" hang around before they say, "screw this noise". Anyone got crafty and hire only part time folks like college students or even top notch housecleaners and trained them for carpet and tile? Do all of us hire young guys who have no career options?

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Yelp, wouldn't mind hearing other perspectives on it. I'm find with my place page for most part. Perhaps hear from folks who have done a paid campaign.

Like to know if there's an average time "techs" hang around before they say, "screw this noise". Anyone got crafty and hire only part time folks like college students or even top notch housecleaners and trained them for carpet and tile? Do all of us hire young guys who have no career options?

I have a few bits and pieces in both my presentations about how we use extras when needed, and also how we are family, but pay and other benefits that we try to use that are affordable for both the company and employee. If you are unable to make those parts of my presentation due to other commitments, I am more than happy to share as well with anyone anytime.


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
We've had many college students in the past and wouldn't be opposed to hiring college kids again.

The Pro's: They work hard and for the most part are easier to train. They can be very responsible and often can run a crew quicker than they average guy off the street.

The cons: They like to party, late work or emergency stuff really cramps there style and with less commitment its hard to force them to do so.
You also need to be flexible in your scheduling. They usually have heavy days for class, Monday Wednesday Friday they don't come in until 1:00pm.
Tuesday & Thursday are usually early days and they come in mid morning.

They also need time off for finals and big tests. They will usually wanted some time off for Spring break but worked most of the summer full time.

Overall they really worked out pretty good, if you can adjust your work to fit there schedule it can work out for you.


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
We've had many college students in the past and wouldn't be opposed to hiring college kids again.

The Pro's: They work hard and for the most part are easier to train. They can be very responsible and often can run a crew quicker than they average guy off the street.

The cons: They like to party, late work or emergency stuff really cramps there style and with less commitment its hard to force them to do so.
You also need to be flexible in your scheduling. They usually have heavy days for class, Monday Wednesday Friday they don't come in until 1:00pm.
Tuesday & Thursday are usually early days and they come in mid morning.

They also need time off for finals and big tests. They will usually wanted some time off for Spring break but worked most of the summer full time.

Overall they really worked out pretty good, if you can adjust your work to fit there schedule it can work out for you.

Have you ever thought about Home Schooled Kids?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Yeah, people are over rated anyway. :neutral:
After a week of work I'm toast I enjoy the peace and quite. In the summer I could spend all day outside and not see or talk to anyone (except cats, dogs & horses) until I come in for the evening.

My wife is just the opposite she can't wait for the weekend to go places and I can't wait for it to stay home. :biggrin:


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
Home tots...I mean taughts?

They can be sharp too but I'd be afraid they could lack social skills necessary to deal with the general public. After all how many Mexicans or blacks do they see in their class daily? :p

No social skills = no bad habits so we can help mold them : )

Dunno I'll ask him when i see him.

Sent from da middle of a Trailure park
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Also is the cimex gonna have a hands on area? And I'm really curious to talk to those who use service monster. Maybe a speaker who does could compare it to the alternatives.


Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
Maybe a dumb question...Will you have name tags for us to wear? I don't know what most guys look like and it might help to have some identifier. Maybe even their user name on MB?

The Clean Machine


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
I'll have 8 Red Bulls on the plane...

The Clean Machine

Guarantee I'll drink one upon arrival. Gotta Deal with Atlanta, L.A. and San Jose all in the same day. That is A LOT of plane chasin for even me. As long as I out run security, all will be well. Freaks em out to see a sprinter : )

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