help me understand encaping


Jul 11, 2010
help me fully understand this encap process
Apparently encaping is only suppose to be a maintenance type cleaning and should still be cleaned using HWE method after 2 to 4 times of encaping it. This I assume is because almost everyone says that encapng is not a real deep down clean as HWE is and your not really pulling anything out of the carpet, so correct me if i'm wrong or if you disagree, the encap process is 1. you put down whatever encap chem your using ( this is down in the same manner you would put down normal pre spary as if you were going to HWE) 2. you then use some sort of powered/mechanical agitation like a cimex, or 175 or whatever you use, (this works the encap chem into the carpet the same as it would work a normal pre spray into the carpet for HWE) So at this point encap or HWE the process is the same except of course the chems. Now this is where the big difference comes in, if your using HWE method you would then use your extractor to rinse and extract the prespray and all the dirt along with it. Whereas with encap your done after your agatation ( leaving everything still in the carpet ) But wait there's more, isn't the encap chem suppose to, when it dries to tiny crystals entrap all the dirt and stuff so that when you vacum you are in reality taking the dirt out of the carpet, your just doing it when its dry as opposed to when its wet. And the better the dry vac you have obviousley the more you'll get out, much the same for HWE, the better the suction of your HWE machine the more you'll get out. Now far as i know most guys use the encap for commercial only (not that you couldn't do it in residential, depending on the type of carpet cust has) but encap is mostly used for commercial. Way less chance of wick back or stains coming back--I have went in and did HWE on commercial jobs after it has been done with encap prior and looks great when your done but then the next day they call you back and say "Hey where did all these stains and spots come from) i'm sure this has happened to alot of us-so why not just encap commercial jobs always and leave it at that


Aug 19, 2008
Holly Ridge, NC
Not to shabby!
I do not encap but have used encap juice for certin things. I have picked up (learned) alot about encap from this board. Your explanation left out 1 other type of encap called Padcapping, same as encap but you use a 175 or orbital machine with a bonnet and absorb much of the encap solution and dirt. There are some on here that can explane this much better than me and use this method daily.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
after your HWE carpet cleaning, wipe the carpet with a white towel it see if you actually did get it clean, which you probably didn't if it wicks

we all know that after encap the towel will be dirty when you wipe the carpet with it

so in both cases you have left the dirt behind and it doesn't vacuum out, go ahead and let it dry, vacuum it then wipe the carpet with a damp white towel

the towel will still be dirty so the dirt doesn't vacuum out, it is still there all encap does is hide the dirt in the polymer

after a good HWE flush the olefin carpet fibers are standing tall and you can feel the fullness to the carpet while you are walking on it, never had that with bonnett cleaning

I use the OP method, it is fine and has it place

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I've never encapped only...I've always used the encap with a pad the Orbot. Before I did padding with a cleaning solution that didn't encap.

I like the fact that you can take some of the dirt with you...just like HWE when you use a bonnet pad of somesort. This way you don't have to worry about anything building up in the carpet.

Also, the solution that's left behind will still encapsulate the soil and vacuum of both wicking either.

By the way, you can use some encap products as a rinse in your HWE...but I'm not sure of the issues with it because I've never tried it.

The absolute best way is to dry vac, prespray, agitate, HWE, post pad with encap. The encap juice can be used anywhere in the long as you end with it as well. (I mean the padding is at the end...hense the "post" part).

I've found so far that padcapping on it's own is working really well for both residential and commercial. At this point...I don't see a point in HWE...but some will argue that.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Encapping is just smoke and mirriors.

Don't fall for it!!

Shampoo is shampoo.

No matter what new fangled name you call it.

Encap is the new splash and dash!!!

Is it better to just spray shampoo on your hair or is it better to follow with actually rincing it out?

I'm a carpet "cleaner" (Notice the word CLEAN!)

What are you?

You encappers kill me.

What a bunch of rip off artists!!

See you guys later I'm off to encap some monthly commercial............


Oct 9, 2006
kevinj61 said:
help me fully understand this encap process

Apparently encaping is only suppose to be a maintenance type cleaning and should still be cleaned using HWE method after 2 to 4 times of encaping it. This I assume is because almost everyone says that encapng is not a real deep down clean as HWE is and your not really pulling anything out of the carpet, so correct me if i'm wrong or if you disagree, the encap process is:
1. you put down whatever encap chem your using ( this is down in the same manner you would put down normal pre spary as if you were going to HWE)
2. you then use some sort of powered/mechanical agitation like a cimex, or 175 or whatever you use, (this works the encap chem into the carpet the same as it would work a normal pre spray into the carpet for HWE) So at this point encap or HWE the process is the same except of course the chems.

Now this is where the big difference comes in, if your using HWE method you would then use your extractor to rinse and extract the prespray and all the dirt along with it. Whereas with encap your done after your agatation ( leaving everything still in the carpet )

But wait there's more, isn't the encap chem suppose to, when it dries to tiny crystals entrap all the dirt and stuff so that when you vacum you are in reality taking the dirt out of the carpet, your just doing it when its dry as opposed to when its wet. And the better the dry vac you have obviousley the more you'll get out, much the same for HWE, the better the suction of your HWE machine the more you'll get out.

Now far as i know most guys use the encap for commercial only (not that you couldn't do it in residential, depending on the type of carpet cust has) but encap is mostly used for commercial. Way less chance of wick back or stains coming back--I have went in and did HWE on commercial jobs after it has been done with encap prior and looks great when your done but then the next day they call you back and say "Hey where did all these stains and spots come from) i'm sure this has happened to alot of us-so why not just encap commercial jobs always and leave it at that


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
kevinj61 said:
so why not just encap commercial jobs always and leave it at that

In theory, all the magically encapsulated soil effectively releases from the carpet fiber with customers strict adherence to you recommended post-vacuuming guidelines.

In reality, neither of those things happen, and after a while, you wind up with a carpet thats impacted with residue.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I think this was the original doctrine to get HWE oriented cleaners to ease into what is actually an "encap only" reality.

I doubt the largest proponents of commercial encap (I'm trying to not name names) even OWN hwe extraction equipment, nor do they offer it to their route customers.


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
stains don't wick up if you flush them out. it takes a lot more water to flush a cgd along with slow dry strokes. Brian you can use an encap as a rinse. i currently use Vacaways red intensity on commercial jobs.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I hear Peroxcellent "bubbles"up too much with HWE but it's good to know Intensity Red works. Thanks

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Becker said:
Brian R said:
Ok, who posted and then deleted? lol
I got a notification...and no post.

Does anyone really ask for notifications?

It automatically sends me a noti whenever someone posts after me in a thread....doesn't everyone's do that?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave

This is an example of where the soil goes. The picture is one Brent posted from the Vacaway board.

I get notified when anyone responds to a thread I posted in too.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
It all comes down to the customer needs. In a residential setting I clean for appearance and health. HWE will remove soil, oils, and sanitize the carpet with the hot water. In a commercial setting I mainly clean for appearance. The problem with HWE cgd carpet is that the appearance is usually sub par. I know I did it this way for 18 years. Encaping will give excelent clean appearance and the customers are happy. It does dry to brittle slippery product that will vacuum out with proper maintnance. My customers love the results and I generally charge the same as HWE. What is so wrong with giving customers what they want?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Goomer said:
Let's all have some fun and post after all Brian's posts and then delete them.
Ivebeensold :shock:

I like padcapping residential because it's simple, low cost, effective, convenient for all parties and if you market to the right demographic the carpets are rarely super trashed and life is just much easier for all involved. Not too mention it does a great job cleaning (with my help) and the carpets stay looking clean because of the after effects of the chems.

I just don't see the point in doing a "heavy" steam clean on a lightly soiled carpet.

Like Lee says...have your tools in your toolbox ans use them accordingLee. shiteatinggrin

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