Hey Lee Stockwell and other detractors,


Sep 20, 2010
Lee do you spend your life being a prick? Do you ever say anything good about anybody Mr. Moderator? Life is short and I choose to mix it up and do as many things as posible to occupy my brain. I welcome anybody to say what they want to my face but have zero respect for the keyboard bullies who think it is ok to judge people who they do not really know.

We all have lives outside of our respective business ventures and I certainly have had some difficulties for sure. I could not write really well prior to discovering these types of forums and you know what I can write effectively now. I share my life and the troubles I have encountered to help others and I get countless positives emails for doing just that.

Carpet cleaning has been my life for over three decades and I have also done many other thing along with this business. You should never be critical of a person for having a high level of ambition or desire o succeed. Do I get it wrong sometimes, oh yeah big time, do I get it right sometimes yes I do for sure. that is just life.

Remember I am 295lbs at the moment and I will kick your teeth in if you disrespect this little old jewish boy! All you internet tough guys make me laugh so big and bad when you are stroking your keyboard. Remember something else, this new venture may not work out for the rest of my life but i will learn something to add to my skill set. Internet is the future of marketing our companies, SEO and video email is here o stay it is cutting edge and it works. Flimp works companies like Rolex, Harvard University, Sports franchises etc. so this is real. The guy who owns this company is a friend and a twenty five year carpet cleaning customer who gave me this chance to do something new.

Be critical all you want that is your choice, I choose to be positive and kick the crap out of anything that gets in my way.


If my Ez breaks down it is so simple even I can fix it, LOL! So far it is awesome and I have used every machine out there. I loved my Butlers no getting away from that but they are just too expensive for me right now. I have no payment for the first time in my career on my truck and machine and it looks brand new and cleans really well period no games or smoke and mirrors this machine get very very hot and does it's job.


Sep 20, 2010
OK Steve!!!

You have never met me Sir as I recall you are always bashing me for what wish me good luck and leave it at that. I will leave it at that. I have been slugging it out for thirty one years and do have something to offer here but go ahead take a swing I like to fight more than anything.

Time to get to work for me so see ya for now.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Welcome Peter- good to see you still in the game and continuing to evolve and grow through success and adversity.

Ken- Still a Butler diehard- Snow :-)


Welcome back to Mikeysboard Pete, you were one of the first people to sign up here.

I looked through Lee's posts to see what set you off on him and this is all I found, it was in reference to your EZ purchase

That machine should last Peter his entire cleaning career.

Have fun!

C'mon Pete, that was pretty funny, you're the one thats laid out his entire life and career shifts over the last 5 years.

If you considered that to be an aggressive slam, then you better just head for the exit now my friend, cause we play rough :mrgreen:


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Peter - I've never "bashed" you, tongue in cheek comment maybe. It is hard to see that behind a computer. But with comments like -
Remember I am 295lbs at the moment and I will kick your teeth in if you disrespect this little old jewish boy!
it may be hard from some here to not be judgemental of you. Like Fred said, you have to grow some tough skin. I've had my share of people "pick on" me here, its part of the initiation of place. When you let folks know what bugs you, it makes you for an easy target. Participate, have fun, but learn to sift through the drama.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Remember I am 295lbs at the moment and I will kick your teeth in if you disrespect this little old jewish boy! All you internet tough guys make me laugh so big and bad when you are stroking your keyboard.
Peter re-read what you wrote. It sure seems to me that you're coming off as the internet tough guy that you don't like. ???

Most of the time when people disagree here we can do so with out threats of bodily harm.

A year ago had someone told you how great the EZ was you would have let them have it with a tirade several paragraphs long about how great the Butler is and how they made the wrong decision.

It's understandable to defend your position and your purchase but you really need to keep the threats out of it.

Lee is as entitled to his opinion as you are yours, argue your point but lets at least be gentlemen about it.

........ and then if we can't, then at least pick on someone your own age or size. J/K


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Remember I am 295lbs at the moment and I will kick your teeth in if you disrespect this little old jewish boy

LOL...I LOVE it!!!

Pete, I promise I'm the same guy in person as i am on the boards .
Part sinner, part saint and a BIG part azzhole
anything I say here, i would surly say in person .

but don't beat me up, unkay??
and please don't threaten me, cause i get scarred and might pee my pantz...... :mrgreen:


Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
fred boyle said:
If you considered that to be an aggressive slam, then you better just head for the exit now my friend, cause we play rough :mrgreen:

Truer words were never spoken, Peter. I've told Mikey and others many times that each board has its own personality. To me MB is like a "biker bar" full of aging Hell's Angels. You walk in pretty cock-sure of yourself, they size you up and take you out behind the building and proceed to beat the snot out of you. So you take the whipping like a man, pick yourself up off the pavement and stagger back into the bar where the whole gang proceeds to buy you too many beers to count.

Then as long as you remember to stay humble, not take yourself too seriously, grow a thick skin and apologize when needed you will be part of the gang and get to be a part of the ongoing drama that Mikey is a master at fomenting. Which reminds me I need to go make a mea culpa on a different thread ...

Island Boy

PS Congratulations on the new job, Peter. I hope it works out well for you. Even if it doesn't isn't it nice to have a security blanket/fallback position with your carpet cleaning gig? Best wishes. Oh, one other hint, my friend- never post something when you are angry. Words in print stick around a long time ...


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Thanks Steve.
I feel better now.


For a short while there, it felt like the only thing that is a certainty was yanked from under my feet.

And you know how we feel about that here in earth quake land.
I feel on solid ground now: http://www.sfs.jondon.com :lol:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'll be contacting Peter later today about co-moderating our new Cleaners in touch with their feelings Room along with Ken Snow.

Toburen may get an invite as well.

It will be a MBully free zone.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
They must have given you a great deal on that EZ! To say so many nice things about the machine and agree with them about Lee.. So I am assuming they gave you the machine for free! Am I right? Go play with your bypass.


Sep 20, 2010
Re: Hey Fresh Air Guy,

It is none of your business what I paid for my EZ machine and I did pay for it. I have been a Butler guy for three decades hit some hard financial times and did not want to spend $ 60,000.00 for my typical set up at this point. I know what a good solid machine is and my EZ is solid and I have nothing bad to say about it only positive stuff. If there were issues I am not afraid to speak about them. I fear no man that walks this planet so I am as you know the quiet reserved type of guy, NOT!!!

To all you girls in the sandbox I am not angry about anyhing at all. In fact I am one happy guy that is out here working hard o make a better life for my kids, simple and real. If you don't like me good who gives a FU@# anyway. Mikey P is my friend along with many others so I don't need to kiss anybody ass or Boyle, LOL! Sorry Fred I couldn't help myself on that one.

Hey Steve Toburen you know me by now, there is never a dull moment with me and this new role I am engaged in for Flimp Media is perfect for me as it enables me to clean as many carpets as I want to. The new position also allows me to learn a new business and about technology and things like SEO and web design and the tools we all need to take our companies to the next level. A guy always needs to have something to fall back on. I am like a huge Rottweiler roaming around looking for something to eat and somebody to bite really hard just to piss them off.

I live each day like yesterday was my last day on earth, then I wake up look in the mirror and see just how handsome I am and realize why God gave me another day. I am better looking than Mikey P !!!


Oct 7, 2006
Peter's humility never ceases to amaze me.


Must be something in the water in Massachusetts.

Boyle is the greatest biz whiz in his own mind.
Caesar, the window washer, is the greatest Technician in the world
And Peter is just the greatest man to have walked upon the earth.

You all belong in the Hall of Claim.
How are those Red Sox doing ?


Harold, you do realize we will be face to face in 9 short days

one more crack like that and I'll reach down and snap every crayon in your fanny pack
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Reactions: Lee Stockwell


Sep 20, 2010
Oh Harry, you had to go and kick some sand in my face,

Ok Harry Hides with a name like that what else could I say. Seriously, there are two people in fact who do think I am the greatest man who walked the earth and they are my kids. Mission completed. If I piss you off and irritate you than that is cool to me, who are you anyway to judge anyone are you better than me? Caeser is a friend of mine and I hope he gets under your skin as well, Mr Boyle can answer for his own dam self cause he is lurking and yes there is something in the water here and it is Sam Adams we just keep it a secret.


Come to Boston anytime look me up and I will party with ya, great food and sights and fun we are actually a good bunch of folks up here although I am a transplant. I do know one thing and that is where to eat!!!!

Cheers Mr Hides


Oct 7, 2006
fred boyle said:
Harold, you do realize we will be face to face in 9 short days

one more crack like that and I'll reach down and snap every crayon in your fanny pack

Looking forward to it Freddy.

Hey Peter, next time you are with visiting your old pal Caesar, could you take a few pics of his truck and his shop, I'm sure we could all pick up a few tips - picture is worth a thousand words.

And yes, I am far far better than you....... my kids told me so.

The first Wheelwright ( Rev John Wheelwright ) to show up in Boaston in June 1636 was booted out by the then pompous Governor Winthrop and moved the Exeter NH which he founded.

I am planning to visit you guys and check out some family history in the next year or two.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Re: Hey Fresh Air Guy,

peterseltzer said:
To all you girls in the sandbox I am not angry about anyhing at all.

Hey Stockwell, How come you attract all the flaming lunatics? You're just a sweet old man.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Mikey P said:
I'll be contacting Peter later today about co-moderating our new Cleaners in touch with their feelings Room along with Ken Snow.

Toburen may get an invite as well.

It will be a MBully free zone.

How bout a thong room w/ Snow and Robison. Or would that be covered in the "feelings" room? Ouch.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Peter you've had all day to respond to my PM so I will ask again here:

Peter I don't recollect EVER saying ANYTHING about you to ANYONE, especially anything at all negative. Please furnish proof of that?

On the other hand you come onto a public forum and the first words out of your mouth are that garbage you posted...sad.

I spent years helping Nick and trying to put out fires for him. Anything I've posted about him is accurate and certainly not mean-spirited. You are in the "honeymoon" phase of your relationship with him and I hope it works out for you. It has for a few, but it sank a few also.

Get everything in writing.


Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Let me help you out here, Lee.

"That machine should last Peter his entire cleaning career."

Have fun!

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