hos orbot any reviews on here


Supportive Member
Feb 1, 2008
Anderson sc
I been thinking of buying one
i know some commercial carpet needs padding i have one in mind that
could use it.
does the orbot or similar jigglier really do that much better than my 175 with a pad on it?
ANd i could use it along with my cimex on large comm jobs
Let hear some feed back please


Jul 10, 2010
I use a Challenger and a Rotary. The rotary is faster on cgd but you already have a Cimex. The Orbot is alot more expensive than a rotary. Challenger does alot better on the really nasty stuff like black traffic lanes and trashed out apts. I think alot of it depends on your chems and the time you have to spend on a particular job


Supportive Member
Feb 9, 2009
West Jordan Utah
Ken Raddon
I have used both and cannot see the value in a jiggler. They don't work that much better than a 175 imho.


Aug 1, 2007
The orbot is going to be much faster on commercial jobs than a 175. Once you get your technique down and figure out the right chems and pads, you can do a remarkable job on very dirty commercial carpet.

That all said, others make a good point about the cost. Unless you have a good amount of commercial carpet to clean the Orbot may not "pay" for itself for a long time.
Sep 7, 2008
I used my superzorb pads and 175 on a commercial job the other night. We had two wands going on the first level while I cleaned with the 175 and some releasit ds on the second level. The carpet turned out good even though I know I was pushing the limit with some dirty pads. I sprayed the cleaner on and buffed it out. It seems like running the solution through the tank would work better than spray and buff. I had to use a black pad to hold it in place. Red, green, and white will not hold the pad on. When I got done I thought it would have been just as fast to bring the second van and actually clean the carpet.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I use the Orbot everyday on Residential carpet. The reason for buying it...and spending the extra money is because of the look of the machine. Bringing it into the home just looks very professional in my opinion.

I've used it on limited commercial and I can't see where it would be faster than a 175....I used a 175 for years with Chem Dry.

I believe for residential carpet it does a better job of getting down into the fibers with the jiggly action. It's more like mowing the carpet than sweeping back and forth with a 175.

The thinner pads are more aggressive so that may have something to do with it as well. You can't use the fluffy bonnets with a jiggler.

The thing that makes a commercial job go quiicker is having the onboard sprayer (sprayborg for the Orbot) and a very good chem like Hotknife or Peroxcellent from www.vacaway.com

I don't use the tank in homes....spray first then jiggle. The tank was a really PITA when I tried it on my own carpet. Sprayed down the wall and furniture.

So....for image...Get the Orbot

For commercial or empties etc.....Get something less expensive.

For commercial I hear the cimex works well. shiteatinggrin

But I prefer to remove the dirt with the pad etc etc etc preferences.

I like the wheels down version of OPing...I've used both. With the Orbot you have the option of flipping up the wheels to give more head weights and dig.

I've been happy with Orbot except for a few things.

1. Not real powerful....but it's residential and I let the chems do most of the work anyway.

2. Paint job is chipping/pealing off and showing rust.....no good for image

3. The velcro pad driver has been a real pain for me....My technique was such that wore the velcro down to flat in about 2 months of part time cleaning. :shock:
I've since done some things differently...like letting the machine do it's work instead of me forcing it.

4. With all OPing...I'm looking for the perfect pad....Haven't found it but the starfiber Microfiber Pad has some potential.

This has been a few moments with Brian. !gotcha!

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
i don't have an Orbot, but do have a rotary and shake 'n shine machine

does the orbot or similar jigglier really do that much better than my 175 with a pad on it?

"much" is relative to one's comfort level of what they call "clean"
But I'd say ..yes (if you mean cloth pads and not VCT type fiber pads) padding with a shake 'n shine machine gets carpet cleaner than rotary

ANd i could use it along with my cimex on large comm jobs

absolutely .
Use the sCampoo scrub 'n run Cimex on the less soiled areas and shake 'n shine with pads on the more soiled areas .

note again, that's "IF" you're referring to cotton or synthetic pads and not VCT type pads .
In that case, a rotary would be better than shake 'n shine machine ...cause fiber pads turn into a ball of twisted "dingle berries" under a shake 'n shine



Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Brian R said:
I use the Orbot everyday on Residential carpet. The reason for buying it...and spending the extra money is because of the look of the machine. Bringing it into the home just looks very professional in my opinion.

So....for image...Get the Orbot

This has been a few moments with Brian. !gotcha!

Now that right there is too funny! Worrying about image while using a rug burner .... roflmao.

That's like saying a rental steam machine looks better than using a shampoo attachment on a Rainbow.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
let cOrky have his fantasy that Mrs Pift is going to notice the purple anodized CNC rocker switches on his scrubber thingie when the last guy had only black rubber knobs on his.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Now Now you 2. tsk tsk

You know that bringing in a machine like the Orbot just looks more pro than a metal spray and suck wand with hoses attached.

YOU 2 nimrods think the wand looks better because it's attached to your MB machine out in the yard.

But Mrs. P doesn't care about that....She really only sees what's coming into her home.

I've ran the wand for years, I've ran the 175 bonnet for years before that...I ran the 175 and porty combo for a time...I"ve even prescrubbed with a 175, tm....or TM with a post bonnet.

I know the Orbot is the most pro thing I've ever brought into a house.....and like it or not....It adds credibility with the customer.

Unfortunately.....just not with BDCCers :oops:

Edit: I should add that I've used the RX 20 as well.....No likey.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
KevinL said:
No way Brian. Sure, some people don't have a clue but most people want the dirt sucked out to the truck.

Horse Hockey.....Most people want a clean looking/smelling carpet.

Your statement is indicative of what most cleaners think.

You are not your customer.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian R said:
KevinL said:
You are not your customer.

that's true, but if you don't think "most" have a "perception" of which method is better, you're in complete denial

My guess is, you don't tell them what method you use unless they ask .
The only reason VLM duuds can make a living in the res market is due to so many "wet for three days" outfits on the road ...otherwise you'd starve


Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
And since I do VLM scampoo clean it's on commercial carpeting .

But , and don't deny it because it's true.

How do you explain the CRUNCHY feeling on residential carpet underfoot to your customers after it's dried.

You have to vac everyday for a week before it's any where near soft again.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
There is a reason HWE is the most popular method amoung cleaners and most referred method amoung mills.

Have you ever noticed that most vlm cleaners are really weird dudes?


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Jimmy L said:
You have to vac everyday for a week before it's any where near soft again.

That is not true. Except if you don't know how to properly run (encap method) low moisture systems.

We do a fair bit in residential setting (because its pretty much the only thing that is acceptable there) in a very high end retirement place. Multi level, indoor hallways where some units are simply impossible to get to with the truckmount. (About 60grand in orbot encap cleaning.)
It doesn't have to be crunchy feeling after it dries. I have gone back to many of the units and zero issues with the way it dried. No crunch no dirt no smell nada! Just good looking clean carpets.

You can keep saying Jimmy that that is just a scampoo method but we have been doing encap too ( 4 cimex, 2 orbot, along with the truckmounts) for about 8years and it has its place in our carpet cleaning world.
As a stand alone only method...no I wouldn't do it but it works fine, if you do it right.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ok, let's get this straight.

The reason TMs are so "highly recommended" is because of marketing. The mills and manufacturers want people to spend $15,000 instead of $1,500 on equipment.

They're doing a great job of it....Hense this board.

The only reason there would be crunchy carpet is A. Too much juice or B. Too much protectant

Both of which are just as possible with HWE or any other process.

My carpets have been cleaned waaaaaay too many times with VLM because of testing and trying new stuff and they are fine. No resoiling, not crunchy, no discoloration etc.

If there is heavy pet urine or something like that, I can see where the spray and suck will help make things easier but not necessarily better.
It's the chems that counter the urine...Pulling a ton out is good but it doesn't matter if you even leave even a little bit in the carpet....it's going to smell unless you use a chem to counter it.

Too much is too much. If you like it great. Have fun with it.

But don't BS me because I know better.

Larry, I really don't think most carpet cleaning customers have a clue of how their carpet is being cleaned unless they've had it done before.....and then it's just a maybe.

My website says Low Moisture...but no that doesn't explain it.

Not because I don't want them to know....but because process is not good marketing no matter what process you're using.

I wouldn't advertise HWE or TM even if I was exclusively using one.

I may have it on my SAC website somewhere because I used to mention it...But I know better now. Process does not matter....Clean, Safe, Convenient does.

I assure you it's not prominent anywhere if it is. It's good for SEO not to delete text.
Sep 7, 2008
Brian I think you are doing the right thing. I have seen numerous cases where hack steam cleaners do a crappy job and the carpet looks awful a few days later.

My thoughts are that most high end homeowners with not dirty carpet would prefer a quieter less invasive process such as running pads. Also the cleaning will likely stay clean longer as well.

Still Brian stop being a cheap ass and buy a decent used suck machine. You can get a full set-up for 10k. You will be able to offer so many more services and just be more versatile.

You could still keep the low moisture system in the truck and CHARGE A HIGHER RATE FOR IT.

At the end of the day as long as you are making money that is all that matters.

For me I have to use a tm because of the sq ft that we clean on a daily basis.

Still I will not sit here and argue that tm extraction is the best method for every job.

Each method has its place and time.

You really should offer both.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian R said:
Ok, let's get this straight.

The reason TMs are so "highly recommended" is because of marketing.


i didn't bother to read the rest of your post.
i figured it was just more baloney rationalizing why you do what you do.....


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
If I were to clean full time like I used to I might consider getting a TM again.

But I don't and I'm not.

I just clean for fun (sorta) and I like the way the low moisture OP cleaning works. Plus when I'm not using it...it's not costing me anything.

Low maintenance.

Daniel, you're right. I like the nice houses with cleaner carpet and that's who I market too.

If I were doing trashed rentals all day (nothing wrong with that) I would surely get a TM just to go faster.

But you don't need all that for 90% of residential type jobs.

Larry, Yes the TMs are marketed to newbies and oldies whether they need it or not. Industry standard my ass.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian R said:
If I were to clean full time like I used to I might consider getting a TM again.

But I don't and I'm not.

I just clean for fun (sorta) and I like the way the low moisture OP cleaning works. Plus when I'm not using it...it's not costing me anything.

Low maintenance.


there , that wasn't so hard, was it?
I can understand that and see how it can make $ense
Instead of all the other horsechit trying to convince yourself spray 'N wipe cleaning is just as good a clean as TM

"clean" being defined as the absence of soil.


Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
On commercial carpet you won't notice the CRUNCH but on residential you will.

The reason.......people take off their shoes and socks in a home.

Ask Marty about his "Dirty socks" complaint .

Don't tell me I'm doing it wrong I've done it in my own home for years and tried just about all the SCAMPOOS out there. And NONE of them leave a soft touch.


We do a fair bit in residential setting (because its pretty much the only thing that is acceptable there) in a very high end retirement place. Multi level, indoor hallways where some units are simply impossible to get to with the truckmount.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I cleaned my home last the winter (Sub zero temps) with an Orbot. I had tracked in a lot of mud and was too worried it was going to damage the carpet if left until the weather got better and when I could HWE.

I have light carpet and it looked really bad some of it was mud but some was also residue from salt de-icer. It cleaned up great looked just like it would had I used HWE. It was crunchy for several days but it stayed clean all winter long and never resoiled.

I just HWE my carpet Monday and while it looked just as clean as the OP cleaning it was wet longer and it wasn't crunchy.

I like having the ability to use OP when needed, is it as clean? It sure appears to be. No dirty socks syndrome either and it dried faster. My carpet is a low level dense plush and I don't see any damage from the method.

I prefer to HWE, but if it needs to be cleaned in the winter again I'll be sure to use it again.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Taco ... I long for the day when you get your green card so you will quit riding the fense on all issues and not be afraid to tell the truth.
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