Hose recovery tests at Nickfest

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I read the ICS thread

I wish the protocol used was more detailed.

Jay, you were there.
I know you're a straight shooter and i trust you 100%

were all the tests done on the same wet piece of carpet?

if a carpet is already saturated from the first, second and third tests, you won't get as accurate evaluation due to the fiber already being saturated.
(it won't hold as much moisture on second, third, 4th runs)

I'm curious on the order of tests


Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Carpet w/ pad was installed on 4x8 plywood on a 2X4 frame. 4 different 4x8's with the same type carpet and pad. They rotated to different frames/carpets to run the tests. I did'nt pay too much attention to every last detail but what I did observe is that 4 to the door did'nt give as good recovery as the standard 100' of 2" hose. 50 ft of 2.5 to 50ft of 2" hose did slightly better then 100' of 2' with the wand on the carpet. CFM sounded greater but meant little when the wand was on the carpet. we tested a 1.5" aw29 wand and a 1.75" cmp angle jet wand. with and without glides. The carpet was touch tested for dryness before another test was run AND WE ALSO TOOK BREAKS FOR DRINKS AND LUNCH. It was 105 degrees in wicHita falls yesterday. HOT. Did I mention the food was GREAT. :wink:


Oct 7, 2006
Perhaps you can all be forgiven as being outside in that heat has been known to affect brain function. :mrgreen:

I do not understand how the value of using larger hose(s) can possibly be tested when using wand sizes that have SMALLER diameters than the hoses being tested.

What am I missing here ?
Would adding a 25 foot long, 1.5 inch lead hose give an even more useful test ?

I know when I tested 4 to the door when using an upholstery tool it proved to me how full of it Greenie really was.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Thanks Jay!

give more details man!..MORE DETAILS ... :mrgreen:

what were the hoses hooked to?
ie...Blower size, RPM, HG setting.

was same length of solution hose used, or did it vary in length with the longer vac hose runs?

any heat spikes from one test to another?
all tests done with similar sol temps)
(meaning no tests were don't with a cold HX start up)

also, were different operators used?
or did the same guy do all the wand running.

I'm not suggesting there was any shenanigans going on, just that operator wanding style can vary wildly from one dude to the next.
and the dynamics of even damp carpet can change things.

and "dry to touch" is so dawggone subjective.

I've told the "dry to touch" cowboys here how to decrease their "so called" dry times by 42.78%
Feel the carpet when it's at the "almost" dry to touch point.
Then go wash and towel dry your hands.
Now feel the carpet....VIOLA! it's now dry to touch... :wink


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
harryhides said:
I do not understand how the value of using larger hose(s) can possibly be tested when using wand sizes that have SMALLER diameters than the hoses being tested.


Harold, you've stumbled on to one of my unending bewilderments.

regardless of wand tube size, there's only so many square inches of space at the wand slot.
4 to 5 sq in depending on wand.
even less from a hole glide

grab that slide rule out of your gEEky pocket protector and give me sum "pie are this many" numbers on sq in for 1.5 and 2" tubes



Dec 10, 2006
New Zealand
Heath Menefy
Jay DeLaughter said:
CFM sounded greater but meant little when the wand was on the carpet. we tested a 1.5" aw29 wand and a 1.75" cmp angle jet wand. with and without glides.

So there was no difference at all between glided and unglided?? I would expect that the glided wand would have less of a nullifying effect on the extra CFM due to the extra flow being allowed through.

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
What I said was I did'nt pay attention to every last detail. 2" hose directly to the wand NO whip used, Hg guage installed in the cuff, 45 blower machine turning at 3600 rpm. Same hose used on all tests. Wand on for 60 seconds in continuous flow over said carpet, then 60 seconds vacuum only over same area with 1 vacuum up and back then move wand, up back move wand. then when all was done they ran machine a little longer to recover the water from the hose. Dumped tank in a 5 gallon bucket with preprinted liter markings on it. tests were done with many witnesses including Larry Cobb. Flow of the wand was tested (prior to the vac test) into a large ice chest for 1 minute and then poured into the 5 gallon pre printed measuring bucket. I have not read the post on ICS, guess I should look now. :shock:

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