How Are You Recruiting Employees?

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
How are you recruiting employees?

Really had to step up my game this year, we have always had a "system" but would only turn it on certain times of the year or when we HAD to . Which is usually too late....

So now i dedicated myself to constantly be looking for that next recruit, stock piling resumes, handful of interviews. More of a consistent week to week task instead of oh $hit now what i do.

1. Set it up with the local newspaper for 1x month print job finder, online pretty much year round but we can change every 30 days.

2. Set up with a placement agency {temp}, partly to hire temps for big projects that come along to help out so i dont burn people out. Partly to help look for long term placement. So far they found me 1 great one.

3. Took tom's advice and am on the lookout now for people we run into casually in other industries. Found a guy over the summer working at one of the airlines, super nice guy, high attention to detail. Win!

4. $100 Referral Bonus- Should i increase this? a great hire is worth way more then $100.... Yes/No?

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
I'd suggest you keep an eye open for new recruits at the businesses you are a customer at. Look for the go getters, the ones who aim to please and go the extra mile. And then, "HiJack" them.
but do the recruits and your "karma bank account" a favor; Require them to NOT Quit their other job until you both have a chance to "Test Drive" each other for a few days here and there.
Good Luck.
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