How can CHEM-WHY legally slam us on commercials??

Dec 21, 2006
No tv commercials, No radio, To expensive and complicated,

make a documentary called "exposing the chem lie" and just tell the truth, point out all their lies, run it on you tube and every one here have a link to it on their web site, it will eventually get 10's of thousands of views, and the word will get out. Simple?

I had a lady call and cancel her appointment, she said she got her carpet from home depot- and read in her warranty that they "recommend chem lie" so she figured they must be real good, and needed to hire them to maintain warranty.

I told her home de-pot -smokers, own chemdry so of course they recommend them. She was shocked but still went with them.

They get the carpet sale then they get all the money for annual cleanings, and pretend to do it all in the best interest of the customers. They should at least disclose the fact that they are chemdry and therefor biased as to their recommendation.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Chem lie is nothing more than another mcdonalds of carpet cleaning. With high turnover the techs dont do that great of a job and lose customers to people like me. Another thing that hurts most of the chem lie people is that they do alot of their training in house rather than iicrc classes, this ensures they will continue to pass the torch of ignorance to the next generation lol. My biggest competition in the area is a chem dry franchise and I get a chubby everytime I take one of their customers. I have also been to a rental house to estimate a repair right after chem lie left and the carpet was not really any more dry than what a typical non retarded tech could leave it who uses dry strokes. so I say they dont even leave the carpet any drier. but in this day and age the most heavily advertised company is thought to be the best company in the eye of the public. So out advertise them and you will win

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
1. IICRC is a Standards and certification body not a trade association. Join a trade association if you need help with your buisness.
2. Chem-Dry is successful because they are organized and actually accomplish goals
3. This thread is 2 years old and nothing has happened except talk. That is EXACTLY why Chem-Dry isn't worried. They know that no matter how much other "cleaners" bitch and moan, they will almost certainly never do anything about it. Kinda like threatning your kid with a spanking and never following through. The kid will eventually figure out they can pretty much do whatever they want.

Talk is cheap and you get out of it exactly what you put into it air.......ACTION, now that is where the good stuff is..

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
I told my Yellow page rep about an ad they had in saying" Dry's in Hours not Day''s" They had to take it out the next year.

gary mackay

Sep 2, 2007
My experience with new clients in the past as everyone of you are negative experiences that they told me about with them. Today it's the repulsion they have of the word "Chem". As long as they continue to run with that name it's great with me! Everyone is partaking in the mother earth green religion these days and "chem" or "chemical" just does not = clean in their minds.

ChemFree carpet cleaning wins over ChemDry any day!


Jan 16, 2007
Toms river, New Jersey
Vincent Annunziato
It all comes down to one word MONEY and they have it.
You don't see Stanley Steamer worried about them. Why because they got as much money as they do. The small operator has ugots. The only chance they have is to ban together something like a union for owner operators.

Mark Imbesi

Vinnie said:
It all comes down to one word MONEY and they have it.
You don't see Stanley Steamer worried about them. Why because they got as much money as they do. The small operator has ugots. The only chance they have is to ban together something like a union for owner operators.

GTFOH with this Union crap!

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
The best way is for each company that knows the difference to promote it to their clients and in their marketing.
You will reach enough people that will keep you busy enough you don't need to worry about the CD's or SS's and eventually you will pick up some ex CD/SS customers.
Keep showing the difference in your own work, keep yourself as far away from them in any comparison as you can, raise the bar so they aren't your competition, and if someone doesn't want to use your service for a few extra dollars, refer them to SS/CD.

And it doesn't have to be much $'s in difference. If you're charging less than them, raise your price to their level and take the people that want a little better value. You'll make more than you would at a lesser price and you're still competing but on a different level. When they raise their price, you raise it. WHen they lower it, you keep yours where it is.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
gary mackay said:
My experience with new clients in the past as everyone of you are negative experiences that they told me about with them. Today it's the repulsion they have of the word "Chem". As long as they continue to run with that name it's great with me! Everyone is partaking in the mother earth green religion these days and "chem" or "chemical" just does not = clean in their minds.

ChemFree carpet cleaning wins over ChemDry any day!

Like Gary says.......that word "Chem" will peak alot of custys attention. We're out to dis-associate carpet cleaning with chemicals. The key word now is "green cleaners", although most of are cleaners are not really green.

Randy Pierce

I understand they have a portable and truckmounts they are using How do they explain that when they pull-up? Our carbonated water system won't leak or over-wet.

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