How do you motivate a minimum wage employee?



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Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
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Thanks Fred. I am currently listening to the 3 Signs again. It is a fable and normally I don't like that style but Lencioni has mastered the fable in about 4 other books.
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Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Just curious, what do you mean technically you cannot hold it against them?

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Taken from Labor Dept website.

The Correction Law provides that an employer may not refuse to hire, may not terminate an employee, and may not take an adverse employment action against an individual because that individual has been previously convicted of one or more criminal offenses, or because of a belief that a conviction record indicates a lack of "good moral character," unless there is a direct relationship between one or more of the previous criminal offenses and the specific employment sought or held, or employment of the individual would involve an unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
I read some replies but I passed up most so if I say the same thing as others excuse me.
First let me qualify myself. Before I came to this side of the industry I was an area manager for a large Janitorial company. I had between 50-70 employees at a time depending on the flux of janitorial accounts coming and going. Our average wage was 6.25 an hour and 4 hour jobs. My average new hires was over 100 a year for those positions. Luckily some of those were handle by the site supervisors. I had to fire probably 10-15 people a year and let go many because of losing a contract to low bidders, and people that quit for one reason or another.

As Richard said they are not your friends. Doesn't mean you cant make friends. If not for my friends that always had my back I don't know how I could have every handled everything.

With that you have three times of people. Those that are true believers those that are true haters and those that are in the middle. You don't have to worry about the first or the last but the middle.
You need to earn the respect of those in the middle. The fastest way to when them over is to see you dump the ones that are the cancer. Do not let them stay one more day.

Call everyone in for a sit down and set your expectations. Immediately fire those that will not or cannot meet them. The ones in the middle we see that you are not willing to let someone else drag everyone down.

One thing more then anything else people hate to see someone else getting paid the same as them and doing half the work. If you make sure everyone knows you will not stand for someone else not carrying their fair share, you will start to when over the middle.

Last do NOT try to fight to get them more money. The only thing that will do is get your replaced. The budget is so very far above your pay grade do not even think of going there. Getting them to let you have a sandwich/pizza day once a month is huge. I made sure to always have a sit down pizza part with my large crews every month and let them take an extra half an hour paid. They got 15 minute breaks on a 4 hour shift. More then the free food it gave me a chance to stand in front of them and say thank you and let them share openly and honestly about how they were feeling, did they need anything to help them do their job that the supervisor or I was missing? The only thing that was off limits was pay.
Congrats on the new gig feel free to call me and I will do all I can to help.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Taken from Labor Dept website.

The Correction Law provides that an employer may not refuse to hire, may not terminate an employee, and may not take an adverse employment action against an individual because that individual has been previously convicted of one or more criminal offenses, or because of a belief that a conviction record indicates a lack of "good moral character," unless there is a direct relationship between one or more of the previous criminal offenses and the specific employment sought or held, or employment of the individual would involve an unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public.
Thanks, what a strange and BS law. Although depending on what the offense was it seems they have provided some "outs" that you could argue if it ever came down to it. When I was managing an auto parts store in the 90's I tried to hire about 60 some odd year old man and corporate wouldn't let me because he had been convicted of pot possession in the 60's.
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Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Your hearts in the right place, but as Freddy said its a job you dont really control of the bean$. Being in that position is hard when you care. I was in a semi similar position and cut my own throat by saying too much. Its not a high skill level position. Do your best to be a good leader, watch your budget and recognize others that have leadership qualities. If you want this gig for a while just make sure you dont find your replacement. Everyone is replaceable even the owner/pres/ceo of the company. Best of luck.
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Oct 9, 2006

Roughly 2 months into the job and I've fired 3 people (1 for sleeping, one for ongoing poor job performance and one for drinking). The rest of the crew considers this a favor to them as they were dead weight. I've worked my ass off for them and earned their respect. Now in return they're working their asses off for me. The campus is showing a marked improvement and as a result the customer relations have become more pleasant.

I've made progress in a few areas.

The first was getting the route techs to do things right. I started by making up daily cleaning schedules to get the details on a specific rotation. I even made laminated daily work charts for their closets and carts. This allows for accountability and prevented them from being overwhelmed by a laundry list of things to do... I also, helped them out any way I could and took the time to show them how I wanted it done.

For the first 2 weeks I rode them hard and while I was getting them to catch up on the stuff they weren't doing I identified my attitude problems and corrected them. Those that couldn't or wouldn't get on board are gone. We seem to have a pretty good team at the moment. Morale is as high as I've seen it.

I also talked with the management about creating some junior leadership positions that get at least some people some extra cash. I framed the argument in a way that benefIts the company as much as the employee. The position also creates a career path of sorts and should make my job easier, while helping with morale and retention. I've been approved but I'm waiting to hear back on how many I can promote and how much per hour. I even built a sweet ass spread sheet to calculate the cost for them prior to the meeting... They're reviewing the budget.

I know this isn't really a big deal but my predecessors weren't doing it: When there are promotional opportunities available within the company, I let the crew know about them and encourage them to apply. One of my crew has just been promoted and will be leaving my charge but she's been great and has been greatful for the opportunity. I've been mentoring her for the last few weeks. I'll miss having her around. She was great help but she's moving on to greener pastures.. I'm going to try for some pizza before she goes.

Also, I've been very careful to treat the crew like people and to "use my manners". I've also been careful to give specific instructions and set clear expectations. When setting an expectation I also ensure that I give the suppport needed &/or requested to allow for proper, timely completion.

I probably also saved the company a ton of $ in law suits and OSHA fines... We had 6 eye wash stations on a shelf in the office and 6 closets without eye wash stations... We now have 0 closets with out eyewash stations and 2 cases of refills on order... I think I'll put 2 more on order and add a bottle of eye wash to everyones cart.

Another thing my predecessors weren't doing was responding to the customer's complaint emails. A simple 1 paragraph email letting them know that I'll address the problem and will make sure that it won't become a problem again is all it took and the emails are now much nicer... It just shows a complete lack of customer service/professionalism prior to my arrival. Mind boggling.

All in all I think the hard part is over, things are going smoothly at the moment and my boss, his boss & the Facilities Director at the University like the way I'm handling things... The only down side to that is it may make me un-promotable...
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Oct 9, 2006
Turns out I had it all wrong... I got promoted today. Should be training my replacement starting next week.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Jeremy, I'm not sure if this will help but my favorite job ever (besides this one) was a minimum wage job at a drive-in. My job was to bounce out sneak-ins and trouble makers. I sat in my car on ramp 4 and if the yellow light came on I was supposed to respond. I could watch the movies, smoke from a bong, practice my guitar, sneak in my girlfriend and make out, pretty much anything I wanted. The money was terrible but I saw some great movies and got laid. As for doing any work, well I sure wasn't going to bust my ass for the 3 or 4$/hr they paid.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Jeremy there is a simple solution.
When your workers quit and they always do just replace them with a RETARD.

You might have to hire twice as many but you could pay them less and they would be more than happy getting a COOKIE once a week.

And you could have a employee of the week and give them a colorful BALLOON which would increase moral.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Jeremy there is a simple solution.
When your workers quit and they always do just replace them with a RETARD.

You might have to hire twice as many but you could pay them less and they would be more than happy getting a COOKIE once a week.

And you could have a employee of the week and give them a colorful BALLOON which would increase moral.

If i were you i would refrain from calling other people RETARDS ...
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