Desk Jockey
Nope, it might actually give him a woody. :shock:
LOL BIG TIME!Mikey P said:can Bob watch?
Mikey P said:Have you learned a cleaning or market trick that has led your company to rise above the competition? Yes
Has your income improved since becoming a Mikey Boarder? Yes
Have you gotten a screaming deal on a item? A few of them
Has your membership strengthened your Spidey Sense so Industry Douche Bags cant dig as deep into your pockets? Yes
Have you made friends for life here? Yes
How else can we help you?20 free seeds... shiteatinggrin Actually, I would be very happy if someone would fix that shit ^ so it won't happen anymore. Happens with quotes on my account also, what up wit that...
The Magician said:I would still be using a 1 1/2 wand and short whip line. Learned about Bawbs Genie PTO.
How have you benefited from being a member here?
you updated yor wardrobe too Members Only.......only!Jeremy said:How have you benefited from being a member here?
Wow, that's a lot of typing... Suffice it to say that the community here has helped me personaly, professionally and I have made some real friends and a lot of aquaintences on this board. I've learned a lot about the technical and administrative aspects of this business and my cleaning business is better for it (and thanks to my spam posts so is my supply biz... !gotcha! ).
I've had a sense of belonging and comraderie that I haven't felt in the industry until this board came to be... I've gotten some great advice, had some great arguments, shared the deatil of my home and business life and hopefully we're all better for it... If nothing else someone learned what not to do.
My THANKS to Mike, The Admins, Mods and Members for making this place what it is...