How many of you guy's are STUCK..."In NO mans land?"

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
I have no problem with the five bucks.

Just holding off to see these guys beg for it is worth more than that in humor.

George V

HARPER said:
handdi said:
ok harp lets hear it.
i have a full time guy which works every day alone
i fill in and do 2 or 3 jobs myself do'nt kill myself by any means
and give estimates when time permits.
I have actually been stayin pretty busy

When days are light or not enough for 2 trucks we team up.
I'm pretty happy.But could do more Would really like to have mikeys
averages for a truck.

I can'nt never see myself sittin around
kinda new to the full time ccer gig :roll:
So what can i do to expand and then what do i do?

Hey Buddy...!
I think you are doing the GIG...perfect for you.. 8)

Remember...You have been very sucessful in a short period of time.. :!: :!:
Go at your own pace...! You are doing great.. :!:

My only ADVICE to you is...
Keep you ARSE out of the HOUSE... !gotcha!
Your wife hasn't seen this much of YOU in 15 years.... :lol: {Randy drove 18 wheeler}

Geeez Harpman!

That's all you got buddy? That was pathetic!

Thankfully, you stopped short of recommending two TM's in a box truck. Otherwise, i'd have to reach thru the monitor and slap u up side ur rEdnECk head!

you get an A+ for effort and extra credit for an interesting thread.

However, anyone interested in growing their business is better off listening to Brian R instead you.

I'm suprised you didn't tell him "the secret to success is simply out live the competition" or "wait for them to have quadruple heart bypass."

I'll admit determination can be a good quality. But the determination of a spawning salmon is absolutely ludicrous! And that's exactly how you got to where you are today. Nothin more, nothin less....

Harpo. Talk to my hand.

Cuz the face don't wanna hear ya.



Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Its really not about the five bucks.

Take me for instance. I don't have a business yet, but I come on here touting stuff. Most won't listening or give me crap because they have the put up or shut up attitude, which I understand. Its easy to say how it should be done but to do it is a different story. These gentlemen's point are if what you say(your marketing system) is so grand and works wonders than why aren't you further ahead than you currently are. If you choose not to expand because you're comfortable where you're at and it provides you the life style and everything else you want than so be it.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
George, you really come off as even more of a idiot when you attempt to show up Harper.

The guy has ten times the class, business skills and intelligence you could ever hope to buy.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I have to agree...Harper hasn't give the slightest bit of info here at all.

Nothing new.

Why don't you tell us how to get jobs first THEN maybe we'll listen about how to get another truck moving.

I know they are the same thing but I am sure you don't.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Dave Yoakum said:
I found that to maximize profit a company has to be a owner operator or have over 4 trucks with techs.

That middle size without the owner cleaning can be a tough row to hoe.

IE: 15-20% profit on 3 techs or 90% profit on owner operator.

Where did you get those numbers from?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Able 1 said:
[quote="Dave Yoakum":6lfzyk80]

I found that to maximize profit a company has to be a owner operator or have over 4 trucks with techs.

That middle size without the owner cleaning can be a tough row to hoe.

IE: 15-20% profit on 3 techs or 90% profit on owner operator.

Where did you get those numbers from?[/quote:6lfzyk80]

I've have 4 crews for many years.

I now make more profit, I work less , have more free time and less headaches as an owner operator.

How much profit do you think a crew makes. 15-20% seems reasonable to me after all costs.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Brian R AKA Corky said:
I have to agree...Harper hasn't give the slightest bit of info here at all.

Nothing new.

Why don't you tell us how to get jobs first THEN maybe we'll listen about how to get another truck moving.

I know they are the same thing but I am sure you don't.

Cork, you deal with guys who have no personality and/or live in shit holes, thus the very reason they need YOU to get them work.

Harper's kid and crew live in an area flooded with geriatric clean freaks and are people pleasers and reap the benefits.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Steven Hoodlebrink said:
Can we stop the my dick is bigger than your dick crap and get back to the topic at hand ?


Lets say a guy is at the 1.5 truck status. What are 5 keys things you could recommend them to do in order take it to the next level ?


Thank's for the hi-jacking....from the 3 AmIgos... :roll:

Steve, the 1st thing is the inability of a sufficient support the 1/2 truck..!
I will list some possibilities..that require little to no capital. If the capital was available
naturally you could "buy" advertising.. !gotcha!

1.Diversity... add some new services to your business model..area rug cleaning,tile,ect..

2.Subcontract...Go to a local cleaner and make your services available for their "overflow"..

3.Expand your territory... Travel a little farther than your present area..

4.Offer same day service...Try to do as many job's as you can in one day."offer extended working hours" This gives you the ability to close more job's and add to you customer base...

5.Structure your business...Create a personal budjet,then stick to it..! "Reinvest every dime back into the business." No new personal "goodies"..Flat screens,Droids,Jet Ski's,Boat's,ect.."

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
.3... from day one I chose to travel further rather than go after low end work.

I still have regulars that are an hour away.

and they pay dearly. shiteatinggrin

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Mikey P said:
.3... from day one I chose to travel further rather than go after low end work.

I still have regulars that are an hour away.

and they pay dearly. shiteatinggrin

How about #1......?

You clean more SHOWER'S than any man...I know... :shock:

That is a $500.00 diversity that makes you a lot of .."jACK"... 8)

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Dave Yoakum said:
I've have 4 crews for many years.

I now make more profit, I work less , have more free time and less headaches as an owner operator.

How much profit do you think a crew makes. 15-20% seems reasonable to me after all costs.

Since the marketing is FREE FOREVER! I would have thought more like 45-50%?


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
HARPER said:
Steven Hoodlebrink said:
Can we stop the my dick is bigger than your dick crap and get back to the topic at hand ?


Lets say a guy is at the 1.5 truck status. What are 5 keys things you could recommend them to do in order take it to the next level ?


Thank's for the hi-jacking....from the 3 AmIgos... :roll:

Steve, the 1st thing is the inability of a sufficient support the 1/2 truck..!
I will list some possibilities..that require little to no capital. If the capital was available
naturally you could "buy" advertising.. !gotcha!

1.Diversity... add some new services to your business model..area rug cleaning,tile,ect..

2.Subcontract...Go to a local cleaner and make your services available for their "overflow"..

3.Expand your territory... Travel a little farther than your present area..

4.Offer same day service...Try to do as many job's as you can in one day."offer extended working hours" This gives you the ability to close more job's and add to you customer base...

5.Structure your business...Create a personal budjet,then stick to it..! "Reinvest every dime back into the business." No new personal "goodies"..Flat screens,Droids,Jet Ski's,Boat's,ect.."

You and I think alike, of course you already knew that.

I would find restoration companies that might need some help. Whether it be extracting, cleaning soft goods, or if you have the ability to help dry out. Network and help one another out, you might be down one day cleaning a large commercial job, and need some help.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
oh and George,

quite being a puss with your AC/DC songs..


Powerage and Let There Be Rock and it stops there.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
maybe this is why most are not donating, because simple Q+A threads turn into pissy bitch fights daily... mostly from people who have the least info to offer.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
This reply is not exactly right on for your post but I wanted to share anyways. I am in that aggravating neverland that is frustrating. As most of you know I have been back in the business for 2 years. Being an o/o I have always used help on our commercial jobs. However for 2 years I did all the resy by myself. This past 6 months I started using a helper in resy work and was very delighted with both the increased amount of work we could get done per day plus I was not nearly as exhausted at the end of the day. However, at 6 months I felt I had my new tech trained to the point, not only with cleaning, but with customer service that I was discussing with him that I wanted to get a back up truck and that we would be spending the balance of the winter fine tuning him to go it alone "if he so wanted". I had to let him go a couple of weeks ago after he decided that he could show up when he pleased. The problem I have had with keeping a tech is not being able to give consistant hours week after week and the fact that they have to work a helter skelter schedule to get 30-40 hours per week. It's just alot different when you are interviewing trying to find that one perfect candidate than it was in the restaurant business when we hired hundreds in new store openings and knew that 75% of them wouldn't be there in 2 months (that was the plan). Yes, I have been guilty of trying family and sometimes a friend, even though I knew better. This last search has landed me a mid 20's guy that doesn't have a family or kids and hince I think might be able to withstand the up's and down's of the paycheck in the beginning and especially now until spring.

Now back at your questions a little bit. This past year I have been busy enough that I would be concerned alot of days with a break down on my only rig, hince why I have been looking for a good back up. Since my current rig is paid for to have a payment on a second rig (I don't think is such a big deal) do I really need one now? probably not, but, I have been through the period where I had to let down alot of customers because of my wreck and again when I had the mystery situtation with the fuel pump this past summer. So, I am more about getting to the position to try to eliminate this from happening again. Like many o/o here I don't think I could turn the V lose with a tech unless I had a back up unit. However, once I have obtained a second unit I would not have a problem (with proper training) to turn them lose with either truck if I had 2. Since, I have chosen this as my retirement vessel my vision is to grow to a 3 truck company if possible and if I have the time.

One other comment to those 0/0 that have had techs and have gone without, I feel I would much rather have a tech with me. I know the past 2 weeks has kicked my butt doing the shedule that we had set up for a 2 man crew.

One other question to all since I am in the mood to let it all hang out there and peel the flesh back. I am also going through that transition period of pricing. Started out pretty darn cheap and also changed to the room pricing method to eliminate the time involved with estimating. We now book most jobs on the phone with a final walk through and confirmation of price once at the job site. This has worked well for us and I do not wish to change. I recently went up on my per room price by $5 and dropped the $25 truck set-up fee which I thought was a good move and most here suggested that. But, I did get lectured by a friend/instructer for my pricing methods and being to cheap (and I know he is only looking out for my best interest), my only argument to him was I haven't been in the business for 30 years like yourself so I did what I had to do to put food on the table and pay the mortgage. Now, I am looking at another small hike for the spring. Is this what most of you experienced when starting out. I am gaining confidence for pricing increases as my customer base increases and don't fall for the underpriced big jobs near as often as I used to. I have gone up .03-.05 on my Church pricing and have still landed most jobs but not all, and I have also gone up .05 on commercial and find myself landing most of those jobs as well. I tried the .35 psf route with resy in the beginning and was landing an occasional job, not enough to consistantly pay the bills.

Sorry, for being so long winded, unusual for me to be so open (and loose lipped) in the morning, with nothing to drink. !gotcha!


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I am the best carpet and upholstery cleaner in my company. God damn one of my guys (Matt) who is part time can strip and wax like nobodies business. Another can run a truck much more efficiently than me because he is more hungry. It is finding what works best.

The rug cleaning has been pretty good but I haven't had time to advertise.
Matt is in a similar situation as me where he has to take care of his children because his wife travels he is looking for a Nanny now and if he gets one he will be on the truck with me and then by himself. I think putting more money in my pocket requires me to get out and use all the people I know.

I would love to here what really moves you forward Harper. What is best for a 2.5 truck company and what forms of advetising you have used. I currently don't advertise at all and am repeats and referrals. We are going to start sending reminder cards. Building a new website etc and when I slow down sit down and get fully reconnected with my SFS manual

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
HARPER said:
Steven Hoodlebrink said:
Can we stop the my dick is bigger than your dick crap and get back to the topic at hand ?


Lets say a guy is at the 1.5 truck status. What are 5 keys things you could recommend them to do in order take it to the next level ?


Thank's for the hi-jacking....from the 3 AmIgos... :roll:

Steve, the 1st thing is the inability of a sufficient support the 1/2 truck..!
I will list some possibilities..that require little to no capital. If the capital was available
naturally you could "buy" advertising.. !gotcha!

1.Diversity... add some new services to your business model..area rug cleaning,tile,ect..

2.Subcontract...Go to a local cleaner and make your services available for their "overflow"..
3.Expand your territory... Travel a little farther than your present area..

4.Offer same day service...Try to do as many job's as you can in one day."offer extended working hours" This gives you the ability to close more job's and add to you customer base...

5.Structure your business...Create a personal budjet,then stick to it..! "Reinvest every dime back into the business." No new personal "goodies"..Flat screens,Droids,Jet Ski's,Boat's,ect.."

:shock: Holy crap, Harp agrees with me.
I've told many to sub out for other bigger companies...or just work together with another quality cleaner and stay honest.

1. Diversification is huge...offer as many services to the one customer you've already bought...the profit just goes up and up with each service. Discount each service as it is added on...don't lose money but make the customer think about it.

For the O/O a personal budget is huge...when business is good...put it away or re-invest it...when business is bad...mac and cheese baby. Every little bit counts.

Finally a good post from Harper...even if it IS everything that's been said before. :mrgreen:

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
A post with specific info to improve your bottom line.

Greg two things you can do and it's free.

It is to get tons of reviews from your clients listed on maps (brings more clients)and more Google indexed one way links (improves ranking).

Google indexed oneway links are easy to find. Look at other Map listing in other areas (Not just carpet cleaning + look in larger towns)and register your company using a consistent website and phone number.

Reviews are now king!!

Reviews are one of the only ways a prospective client can pick out and compare a company at a glance.

It eliminates the rest of the companies (or if you have no reviews and one other company has tons. The lack of reviews will eliminate your company)

I'm currently getting over 2k in new client from maps every week from having more positive reviews than the rest.

Ask for, promote and reward clients for positive reviews and make it easy for clients to leave reviews.

Hey it's FREE! and it can dramatically improve your bottom line.


Supportive Member
Feb 1, 2008
Anderson sc
Greg two things you can do and it's free.

It is to get tons of reviews from your clients listed on maps (brings more clients)and more Google indexed one way links (improves ranking).

dave i only see 12 reviews on your site is that a ton?
very good idea though
But does all of your customers have a google acct to post on maps?
i do'nt think so
but still a good idea.

tell us how do u do this?

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Chris Adkins said:
maybe this is why most are not donating, because simple Q+A threads turn into pissy bitch fights daily... mostly from people who have the least info to offer.


I enjoy they Q&A threads...It gives the oppertunity to get a direct response to their issue..

I myself have learned a lot on this reading about how mechanical issues as solved
& some marketing ideas as well..! I personally, probably have the least to offer on what to
do.. :oops: But , I can offer a HELL-OF-EXPERIANCE...on what NOT to do... :!:

The "pissy-bitch" fight's.....Are just like a annoying "COMMERCIAL" in the middle of a great
movie or sports event... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
handdi said:
Greg two things you can do and it's free.

It is to get tons of reviews from your clients listed on maps (brings more clients)and more Google indexed one way links (improves ranking).

dave i only see 12 reviews on your site is that a ton?
very good idea though
But does all of your customers have a google acct to post on maps?
i do'nt think so
but still a good idea.

tell us how do u do this?

I recently lost 1/2 my reviews when Google changed and merged the map listings with the general websites.
I also have many on other review sites that haven't posted yet.

Here are some tips I sent out the other week on how to get more online client reviews:

There are no doubts that client reviews effect ranking factors on the major search engines.

The number of reviews also,works as “eye candy” to people searching for local businesses.

The review count is the last part of the listing that users see they are surrounded by white space.

This means that reviews are the only means of comparing businesses at a glance .

If your business has more reviews that the rest in your area it will stand out from all the others even if it is not on the top.

To make reviews really stand out. If you have over 5 reviews Google will give you bright shiny yellow stars.

Positive client reviews are critical for a service business!!

Time to get busy!

Gather all the REAL client reviews you can. Don't make fake reviews.!

You will want positive client reviews from on various review sites.(If one source has a hick-up you then will have reviews left standing from the other sites)

Some review sites are: Yahoo local, Google, City search, Judy's book, Angie's list, Yelp, Insider pages....

How you do you mine for client reviews?

Simple, Ask for reviews ,ask often and make it easy.

Leave instructions for how to post reviews on your leave behind after care card.

Give the client a discount or other perk (Bottle of spotter)if they leave a review while you are still at their home.

Collect e-mail addresses for the client and leave instructions how to post reviews when you e-mail your client their thank-you /follow-up.

Have links to review sites prominent on your website top fold on first page of your site.

Make it easy for your client to post reviews so they can inform new prospective clients of your great service.

Keep at this consistently and watch your business grow!!

(Note:For those that like to keep track. This tip is worth much more than 5 bucks a day for every business that applies it.)

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

I am going to offer a few .."suggestions".. these are only things for you to "consider" they
are NOT to be perceived as solutions to all you concerns... :idea:

I don't believe you are ready just yet for the 2nd truck...I understand that you have some
volume in your commercial accounts. But, it seems that they are only producing enough
profit to keep the business operating. The big trucks are expensive to operate...! So the
DOWN TIME...can eat up any profit you have accumulated..!

You might want to decrease your volume & INCREASE your price...! may lose
some clients...! But, since you OWN the Vortex..your bottom line "profit" will more than
make-up for the loss of a client.!

I would suggest that you wait 1 more year before adding a second truck...!! The third year
is the most dangerous for a new CC biz...! "BE PATIENT" It is more important to have the
proper "LONG TERM" personnel in place ...than a truck sitting in the yard... :idea:

There are some HARD NUMBERS in this business that "IMO" don't change...!!! A successful
O/O can only expect to retain 30% of the gross as a PERSONAL SALARY...any addition
"profit" must be reinvested in to the company...!

Since you "like" commercial work..and have the proper TRUCK to do it...fine -tune your
biz to maximize the tool.."production,production,production"... :!: As far as adding the
2nd. truck..."Start a residential division of your existing company..." :idea:

Find a good used unit "with enough power" to do the residential work..and still be able to
support your commercial division...if your Vortex goes down..! Take an aggressive young
man & make him a "partner" in the "profit" of the residential division...!!! He needs to be
able to make "MORE MONEY" than "If he owned the business himself".. :shock:

YOU ARE IN NO MAN'S LAND....If you go DOWN..So goes YOUR business... :cry: You need
a BACK-UP for you...More than you NEED a back-up TRUCK at this point... :!: :!:

Here is the best way ..I know to increase your prices..WITHOUT alienating your customer..!
At you next cleaning...INFORM them that you are having to INCREASE your pricing..!!!
Tell them that you will HONOR the CURRENT price for this cleaning..!! Then INFORM them
that the NEXT cleaning will be $XXX.XX...! Don't be AFRAID to ask the client IF the NEW
price is acceptable to them...????? They will let you KNOW right then... !gotcha! Then
you can make a decision if you want to lose that SPECIFIC client ..or..NOT..!!!

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Dave Yoakum said:
handdi said:
Greg two things you can do and it's free.

It is to get tons of reviews from your clients listed on maps (brings more clients)and more Google indexed one way links (improves ranking).

dave i only see 12 reviews on your site is that a ton?
very good idea though
But does all of your customers have a google acct to post on maps?
i do'nt think so
but still a good idea.

tell us how do u do this?

I recently lost 1/2 my reviews when Google changed and merged the map listings with the general websites.
I also have many on other review sites that haven't posted yet.

Here are some tips I sent out the other week on how to get more online client reviews:

There are no doubts that client reviews effect ranking factors on the major search engines.

The number of reviews also,works as “eye candy” to people searching for local businesses.

The review count is the last part of the listing that users see they are surrounded by white space.

This means that reviews are the only means of comparing businesses at a glance .

If your business has more reviews that the rest in your area it will stand out from all the others even if it is not on the top.

To make reviews really stand out. If you have over 5 reviews Google will give you bright shiny yellow stars.

Positive client reviews are critical for a service business!!

Time to get busy!

Gather all the REAL client reviews you can. Don't make fake reviews.!

You will want positive client reviews from on various review sites.(If one source has a hick-up you then will have reviews left standing from the other sites)

Some review sites are: Yahoo local, Google, City search, Judy's book, Angie's list, Yelp, Insider pages....

How you do you mine for client reviews?

Simple, Ask for reviews ,ask often and make it easy.

Leave instructions for how to post reviews on your leave behind after care card.

Give the client a discount or other perk (Bottle of spotter)if they leave a review while you are still at their home.

Collect e-mail addresses for the client and leave instructions how to post reviews when you e-mail your client their thank-you /follow-up.

Have links to review sites prominent on your website top fold on first page of your site.

Make it easy for your client to post reviews so they can inform new prospective clients of your great service.

Keep at this consistently and watch your business grow!!

(Note:For those that like to keep track. This tip is worth much more than 5 bucks a day for every business that applies it.)

DAVE.... :x

There is a button on your SCREEN...That say's "NEW POST"... :!:

Please take your ..InfoMerCiAl...and START a NEW thread....DAMMIT....!!!!!!

This is NOT a MARKETING THREAD.... :roll:

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum

Who the hell is making an infomercial?

Randy Day asked how to get client reviews.

I answered with specific ways to accomplish that.

If a company wants to grow or just to make more money. If they follow the advise given they will do both.

With the FREE advise I gave.(Note; the word FREE)

If you follow this long post you'll see that most of it with a few exceptions has very little specific information on growing a business.

(Vague stuff like , cut overhead and increase prices.HOW?)

If you don't see the merits of my post for whatever reason and don't see how it ties into business expansion

I'm sure most other cleaners will appreciate the help and may even be thankfull for it.

If you weren't so quick to attack and beat your chest you might actually learn something.

Next time take a deep breath and count to ten before you get out the daggers.

Isn't this board for the exchange of information?

So, we can help each other grow or some to even grow up.


Mar 5, 2010
Gilbert, AZ
Rob Litwin
I'm not stuck, I want to be here. I stay busy year round and I could most likely add a 2nd truck, I just don't want to.

The biggest negative I have is no paid vacation.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Harp, Thanks for the suggestions. For the record we do 60% resy currently and unfortunately I make more per hour on commercial than I do resy and I know that is back asswords, hence why I am increasing my rooms rates a little next year. Start my new guy at 8am tommorrow and he is a young buck that seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

Harp, explain why the 3rd year is the most dangerous for a new business so I'm not guessing. To guess I would say they try to grow to quick, and the tax burden catches up with them unexpectantly.

Jim Williams

Oct 8, 2006
Bynum N.C.
Jim Williams
carpetcleaner said:
I'm not stuck, I want to be here. I stay busy year round and I could most likely add a 2nd truck, I just don't want to.

The biggest negative I have is no paid vacation.

Same here. I had to turn down a hand full of callers, mostly new customers who called at the last minute for a Thanksgiving cleaning before Grandma gets there. Nothing I can do about it. Also had to turn down nine apt. complexes owned by one company. I can't do 90 apt. a month in June July or August when I'm already booked two weeks out. They were willing to pay twice the national average too, but I prefer a simple stress free life.

I don't feel stuck either. I like where I'm at. I plan on a good sized price increase in Jan. to weed out some more of the cheapos.

Different strokes for different folks.

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