How many of you think

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I could only work for someone or something if I was allowed to work at what motivated and inspired me to enjoy the efforts of my job.

I definitely could never work for another carpet cleaner.

In just a few phone calls I could return to the medical equipment industry and start at almost 6 figures . But I wouldn't enjoy the freedom and independence that I have now and so would not return to that rat race. Numbers, numbers, numbers and your only as good as your last quarter, especially in these times. But still I'm a hunter gatherer by nature.

Do I help m potential clients see why there is such a wide difference in price from company versus another?

I show the difference with my work and demeanor to my customers and let this carry me. I generally come to a prospective customer with a strong recommendation from a current customer.

Do I educate my clients as to why I am better than the next guy?

I just show them.

Some of you guys in this industry might not grasp how immediate and easy an opportunity you have to enjoy the fruits of your own labor compared to other career options including other service trades.

The next few decades ARE about the service sector.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
meAt said:
wellhell.... this had the START of a good thread.... :lol:

steve said:
That you could go to any other industry or profession and make what you are making now?

I'm too dumb to do anything else
Though i consider myself street smart......I could probably figure it out

How many of you are un- other words you just could not work for some one else?

I'm probably unemployable.
hell, if I wasn't the boss , I'd fire me...

So long as they let me be the boss :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously, so long as they gave me task lists etc. and let me do it my way to get to the end, i/we would be fine

[quote:eek:7vqyexu]Do you help your potential clients see why there is such a wide difference in price from say......................your company versus another?

When I have too.
But most are referrals , so there's not a whole lot of "selling us" to be done.
But we're not in the "hi-end" price range ..just "normal" prices that average $40 to $60 pr room and 16 to 22 cent sf for empties (depending on the account)

Do you educate your clients as to why you are better than the next guy?

Nah, cause if they're our "clients" they already know why or they wouldn't be using us, right??


Damn i almost 100% agree with Larry :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
steve said:
Hey hoody....good answers ,but....have you ever had a client ask you," what is the difference between you and ?????"

Or....what makes you better than????

Steve - to answer your question, Yes I have had them ask me that question. People don't have a lot of time to chit-chat, I've had to learn that the hard way because anyone that knows me knows I have the gift of gab. But with potential clients I try my best to keep it short and to the point.

I ask what their concerns are that they may have had with previous cleaners, I try to let them do the talking so that I can learn why they'd be calling me. I want to know what they want. They're coming to me with a problem, whether it be bad experience, or the last cleaner couldn't cut the mustard, or they never have had their carpet cleaned and they were referred by someone.

I can "sell" better in person than over the phone. I'd like to think I'm a genuine honest person, and I think that people can tell that about me, with my body language, and my willingness to serve them. I would simply ask that they allow me to give them a no obligation pre-inspection and demo so they can experience the great service and cleaning I'm able to provide. Most people that are really wanting great service, and experience will allow me to come out. If they deny that request I can conclude what they really want to know is price 99% of the time, if I haven't already figured that by them simply asking.

If they're absolutely set on me answering the question over the phone, I say something like "I don't know of your other experiences with carpet cleaners but we arrive on time, we're uniformed and logo'd vehicles, well groomed, corner guards, drop cloths, furniture tabs/blocks, guarantee, ect as quickly as possible to not sound like a sales speech.


Nov 14, 2006
With my education level there's no way I could make the money I do now. I would never do well out in the work force. They expect you to show up every day and at certain times. Whats up with that? I'll stay where I am.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
this is the easiest funnest miney I have ever made. I started a year and a half ago and roll by myself and love it. I'm paying my bills..having fun and stacking a few chips. I don't know what other business I could have started here in NYC and took off this fast. Plus, I actually know what I am doing a little bit now. this board saved my

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