How much time per job and or day do you HX guys spend...


Oct 8, 2008
Naperville, IL
Michael Malandruccolo
Mike Draper said:
with my butler and the max HX setup ( blower exchanger) I would not turn the damn thing off all day long in the winter. I would go in and vacuum, measure, bs and whatever and still leave my butler running all day in the winter. Even at that, it still takes a good 10-15 minutes before the blower would create enough friction and heat to make my water anything over 180 ATW. 190 atw was usual winter running temperature with my butler. In the summer when it was 85+ deg it would usually be warm by my first job. I still could not achieve over 200 atw unless I was running my RV360i because that creates tremendous lift and heat in the blower. I would say on average in the winter my butler was idling 30% of the time (1.5 hours a day) just so it would stay warm. ( we have cold ass winters) I'm talking ATW temps because nothing else matters.

Same here Mike,

My high heat butler will not go over 200 atw even on the hottest days. I too just let it idle in winter. It takes a couple rooms for it to get to a decent temp. I notice when I'm cleaning nylon the glide locks down a lot more than a cut pile poly and I get a little better temps on nylon. Another 40 degrees would be great.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
When I ran my Big Red, I would start it and let it idle till I finished vacuuming. (yeah, I know shiteatinggrin ) I had it modified from its orig design to heat water via the engine water jackets to running a normal HX (well, not normal, custom made)
I think it took 20 min to get to max temp the few times I just started cleaning without prevac.
The Perkins is pretty good on fuel, didn't burn much idling. Biggest challenge I had with it was overheating and the engine would shut off. Never did figure that out.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I don't run a HX'r TM
but if i did, I'd do it egg-zaccally like Chavez

we do it similar now and we have mega screaming heat in under 5 minutes

this ain't rocket science, guys

s'matter Mike?

you coming from a HX'r your whole career til just recently riding the propane train.....
you discovering the PITA factor of propane fueling ??

Dual fuel is a PITA...
Are the virtues worth the PITA factor ??
depends on the operator

propane was a bigger PTIA to me than kero...that's fo-sho


Bob Savage

Oct 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Bob Savage
Larry Capitoni (Meat) said:
propane was a bigger PTIA to me than kero...that's fo-sho
????? You fill a propane tank - you fill a kero tank.

You didn't have one of our patented propane heaters did you Larry? It is nothing like the Little Giants. They don't call them "little" for no reason.

Our LP heater is completely automatic - no pilot to light, no pilot to turn off, no jets to clean, no burner to clean - just years of usage of high consistent heat, with nary a problem.

If you are happy with HX, or kero — carry on.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
The Powermatic has kero burner Bob.
dual fuels are a PITA compared to one fuel stop and one tank to fill
But it's worth the virtues to "me"

Bob Savage said:
????? You fill a propane tank - you fill a kero tank.

kero is so much easier to find and fill yourself, Bob.
All the Sheetz station have Kero , of which their are many around here.
Several other stations carry kero year round too.
and worst case scenario, we can find diesel pret'near anywhere

not so with propane

You didn't have one of our patented propane heaters did you Larry? It is nothing like the Little Giants. They don't call them "little" for no reason.

I know you have a large burner, Bob.
The one that came on the SteamGeme Hydro-genie would cook water .
I don't know what brand it was wasn't a Little Giant.
It was good heater none the less and i have very little trouble ..think i changed thermocouple once is all

Propane was just more of a PITA to "me" compare too Kero

If you are happy with HX, or kero — carry on.

you know me, Bob, it doesn't mater to me what anyone chooses .
Kero works best for "us" !gotcha!

May 12, 2007
jimmyolas said:
i Start the machine when i pull up to a job, go in and measure up , then run hoses. Max time is 20 min before i am cleaning. I have 16 flow and temp maintain at 215 to 220
( i have modified the hg a bit higher) blue wave.
Carlsbad Water Damage Restoration

Fifteen to twenty minutes sounds about right to me on a 50 plus horsepower slide-in truckmount when using a high-flow wand. The reason it requires slightly more time for preheating when using a high-flow wand is that you must bring the temperature up on both heating systems on a heat exchanger.

Your main exhaust heat exchanger comes to temperature fairly quick…in about 5 – 10 minutes, but you must increase your preheated water to maintain temperature on a high-flow. The preheated water is the water that is being preheated usually from the blower and there is a return line from the main exhaust heat exchanger that is preheating the incoming cold water in your float tank.

Bringing the water up in the float tank is what is taking a little more time. Then the heat exchange truckmount will do as Jimmy says; maintain 210 – 220. When using a standard flow wand on a 50 hp plus machine, it will not require the preheated water of the system to be heated as high.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
I have never preheated any HX machine I have used. honestly if the carpet is that bad that I need blazing heat likely I have hit it with a CRB machine. granted I don't get full temps on the first room, but the machine does heat up nicely as I go, prespraying the next room and pulling the hoses back normally gets me to full temps. also I don't get total max heat until usually even after the first job, the componets, do seem to produce more with a heat soak, or with a full hour of run time.

sam miller

I have a 405 and I usually idle it while I setup and pre vac once it hits about 125 140 I use a descale line at machine to fill hydroforce and mix pre spray with hot water I try to keep machine around 140 during prespray I use a lot of enzymes.

After pretreat I kick machiine up while I go and aggitate presprayed area's then I go rinse usually around 200 plus depending how hot out side it is!

I'm thinking about pulling blower heaters and adding a propane heater better heat and more vac but I sped the machine up first more rpms thats helped a bit to.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
And alot of you guys are pre-spraying with cold water!! thats horrible.. glad i have propane
Your solution lines have cold water in you too are prespraying with cold water for the first room or two depending on how much hose you have run.

That's horrible!

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Doc Holliday said:
And alot of you guys are pre-spraying with cold water!! thats horrible.. glad i have propane
Your solution lines have cold water in you too are prespraying with cold water for the first room or two depending on how much hose you have run.

That's horrible!

nah, I carry a female quick connect and flush my line first to not only get the hot water through the line but also you would surprised at the crap that comes from HX units or that neptune hose. My friend has a Cleanco, does quite well at keeping up temp (my CanAM still outperforms it) but the crap that comes out of the system I wouldn't want in my presprayer.
My Big Red used to do the same thing, lot of crap settles in the system.
I dont get that with the parflex hose or the LG. Might be just the hose, but I still flush the lines first. Hot water when I need it, no wait, no muss, no fuss, any temp I want/need.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
It's that damm Goodyear hose breaking down! :p

Seriously it use to happen us too as the hose would aged. It breaks down to tiny bits and pieces of rubber.

I know it can be done Ron, but I would guess the majority do as we do and clean in non soiled areas like behind furnishings until they come up to temperature.

I've never waited for heat and if it was that big a concern that we started immediately upon arrival I would just send one of our Butler's.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I can't tell any difference pre-spraying with room temp or hot spray
I don't think it makes a dime's worth of difference ...with the exception of some chems that need mixed hot to activate, like sodium perc and temp range specific enzymes

I don't s'pose the fuel fired vs HX debate will ever end .
There are virtues and draw backs to both systems ..and THAT'S the troof


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