Let's say out of 10 jobs, how often do you pull out the brush and scrub the carpet?
bensurdi said:this may sound dumb but what is a GLS?
I am doing a 6K SF church tomorrow, will be encaping the whole place for the first time!
Hey Walt call me, 206-353-4155. Have a few jobs for you.
Cobbs stuff is pretty good stuff , i agree
SDSinc said:Has anyone ever considerd using a Prochem Procaps (type) machine with a tank to put down pre-spray and agitate at the same time. I know the pre-spray would be lacking heat by not laying it down with the hydro-force but I think it would be fast and save a step.????
rjfdube said:Here is a job we did today; Shampoo'ed first presprayed after; Turned out great!!!