ok..i dont know about hopping..its like a lawn mower..it runs very smoothly and I like it. I probably wouldn't use the CTI product but it got about 80% of the crap out. What I should have done was prespray then go ahead with the agitation. I put some TLC ( CTI product) in a spray bottle to go over some of the rough spots with a hand brush and they came right out. You cant move too fast with it and it doesn't spit out too much fluid so don't worry about the overwetting, the stuff dried in about 45 minutes literaly and was only damp to begin with. Overall..i like it and i'm sure once i get the chemistry right i will love it. Way easier than HWE but..just doesn't clean as well. On the other hand, another thing i tried today was one of those small spotting 60 psi machines..I figured I would use that instead of dragging my bigger porti on the job. The suction on this thing is horrible compared to how much it sprayed down. I left it in the car so I will post the name and model tomorrow or something. But it fuckin blows..I am going to see if the boys over there at Kew Forest can put a stronger vac in it or something. If they cant, I just ate 500.00. I don't know how they say you could clean upholstery with it...it would totally drench it and not get anything out.