i am curious

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
gregcole said:
tom mcfadden said:
Profit: Currently at 19% for the year RTO - hoping i tweak it to 21.5% by the end of the year
Greg what does RTO mean?

sorry for the delay. Sitting on the beach drinking a cold Corona.
RTO = Return To Owner ( aka. PROFIT)


{RTO} = {Return to OZ}..."Follow the Yellow Brick Road"...{aka.False PrOpHeT}

OH..!!!!!!!!! and take YouR ..SUB's...with you... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
gregcole said:
I often catch crap from the usual suspects for my marketing practices. They always thump their chests and curse those that offer carpet cleaning at a lower price. it is reminiscent of the small mom and pop stores in the 80's complaining about walmart coming in and offering goods far below their costs. Many said that Wal-mart would never stay in business , called them unethical, slave drivers, cheats, etc. Of course most of them perished and Walmart remains.....

So, here is my question: would the usual suspect please lay out their business plans for taking their 1-3 truck ($100k-$500k) operation to a 7 million dollar business?
Both Ken and I have explained in detail how we run our businesses. We've both explained how we got there. And we have defended our positions.
How would you get enough jobs to create revenue of that magnitude? How would you maintain it? How would you keep your lead?
Do you dare to dream? Do you have the balls to go for it?
Walmart is making a fortune by keeping China profitable, making products on the backs of cheap labour. For me, I'm getting tired of supporting a communist country that has an elite group living the "dream life" while the majority slave away with no hope.

So sure, Walmart style carpet cleaning busns will make lots more money basically because they are running many more trucks. Its not that its hard to have employees, the knowledge is out there, the hard part is finding an employee that's willing to put in the extra effort to provide that higher level of service. Easier to find an employee will do a mediocre job. That's why the "mom & pop" busn can't duplicate itself the same way and thats why the two busns won't provide the same service nor will they generate the same gross income.
It all depends on what you personally are willing to accept as "good enough".

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