Honestly, some of you...most of you... are about as DUMB as you can get when it comes to marketing.
Marketing is about one thing...getting a response by hitting someone's emotions pertaining to a certain want or need.
Joe Polish is GREAT at this. It works...years of success have shown this.
Instead we have a bunch of f'n idiots talking about Whoretex's, branding, does my van look good in the picture, and all that BULLSHIT that means NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING! Especially to women.
I roar with laughter when I see guys spending a bunch of time and money on logos, fancy websites, and shit like that while the guys really in the know are using SIMPLE, straightforward, emotional advertising to kick ass and take names later.
Bash Polish all you want.... but his stuff works.
Most of the people we deal with are WOMEN. As men we really don't have a clue, unless we have really studied it, about what makes women work. Shit, most women don't even understand themselves...but they know what pushes their buttons.
Example: Have you ever been with a woman and she sees some guy on TV or in a movie that drives her wild...and yet you think this dude is a loser from hell? Of course you have.
You are looking at that guy from YOUR perspective...not what she is seeing or thinking.
The exact same thing goes for everything. Most people buy a product or purchase a service based on an emotional trigger.
So emotional advertising is FAR better than all the dumbass pics of Whoretex's and vans you see on a website. Emotional advertising is far better than some dumbass pics of airmovers, wands, and all that crap you see in carpet cleaners marketing pieces.
You might not like Joe Polish or some of the things he has done...but he has helped a lot of people and many of you could be helped by him if you pulled your heads out of your redneck asses and just listened.
I am intensely studying internet marketing...it is a passion of mine...and some of the best and most successful guys in this field use almost exactly the same methods that Joe Polish uses. Let's get real..Joe Polish did not invent this stuff. He has just transferred it to our industry and other industries....because over time is has PROVEN to be the best way to market.
We did a little study with about four hundred people about six years ago. We sent out a really nice advertising piece that was typical of what an idiot like Greg Crawley would send out (or whatever that baffoons name is) and we sent out a five page flyer with all TEXT. Not one pic. Nothing fancy. Black and white.
It was not even close. The five page flyer got about eight times the response rate. I had marketing teachers in Portland telling me it was one of the best pieces they had ever seen. I had a VP of a marketing of a very well known electronics company tell his wife that it was the BEST single piece of marketing he had ever seen.
It was based off of material by Joe Polish and Ron Meyer.
So stop the bullshit. Branding is a joke. Hey, do you buy Coke because of the logo or do you buy Coke because you like the taste?
Do you buy a Whoretex because of the logo or do you buy a Whoretex because you think it is the baddest ass truckmount out there and it can help you get and do more work? Hell, you would buy that machine if they replaced the logo with a naked picture of Bobby Vawter pleasuring himself. Branding is just some really stupid thing that marketing people and dolts like Crowley try to ram up your asses.
By the way, you buy a Whoretex because the marketing pieces have tapped into your emotions.
Wake up!!!