I need help....

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
There are lots of ways to make money- no pice point is unprofitable, unless the costs and service provided are not aligned.

Decide who you want to target, make your service level appropriate to that target, market to them and stay busy: you will make money. There are plenty of cleaners at both ends of the pricing spectrum making lots of profit. Others are barely surviving because they are not aligned. Aligment is key.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
sure it does and i get it.....plus on some jobs i get it

but just because you happen to be a lucky 1 that can A.sell it, or B.the people to buy it...then good on ya...

but out here in utah, i classify my self middleish of the road, and yet still get turned away....


Because there are a LOT of low ballish hacks out here....


The old addage about getting your jobs back down the road.....wellllll They still do shitty work and while the local managment would take me back in a minute...the corp people are dumber then Dan...(just kidding :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) when it comes to those decisions...

If i chose to really push it, and work the 3-5 jobs a day most of you SAY you do, then i would be in that corvette......instead i work hard when it comes in waves, and put it on cruise control when it slows....

and sure there are sometimes I struggle, because that wave hasnt come in, but I tell you what...like right now, its nice to bust it, have the bills paid 2 weeks ahead and then havea little time off if i want to each month...

The point is you cant be tellling guys, if you dont charge this you are a piece of shit....some people cant do it....and if they tried they would end up outa biz anyway...

and yes i like owning a job....to many OCD issues in my head to let it go right now.....and to many dumb asses (imho) out there that cant do it like me shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
never said anyone was a piece of shit (other than lance) just trying to help someone break
a trend that i see people fall into too often..we have a ton of low ball hacks down here also
i mean the mint magazine had 23 last time i counted..thats nuts!!! but i dont care, i dont pay
attention to what they do or what they charge..i want to make my customers as happy as i can
and make as much money for my employees and myself as i possibly can. if the guy next door started
charging .75 a sq i wouldnt care or if he started charging .20 a sq..makes no difference to me..i separate
myself from the rest with great customer service great job and a great experience..we all have
the up's and downs..i am glad you are on a up. getting that coin makes the down a little less frequent
if you are getting turned away from jobs on a regular basis i would have to sit down and look at myself
and how i am dealing with the customers..stop trying to sell the job and sell the experience of what you
have to offer..

sam miller

davegill said:
floorguy...you can never afford to be a little cheaper unless you want to work till you are 70 years old!!
anyone who is not getting every single penny they can is nuts..knowing your exact expenses are
important but the problem is most people that take the time to figure it out base their prices on
that number and end up short changing themselves..example
you run your numbers and see that you can make a little money and work for .30 a sq
and smile all the way to the bank thinking you are hitting it hard..however you are worth and can get
.50 a sq but dont..you could be driving to the bank in a sweet zr1 vette on the way to the beach.
what i am trying to say is why make some money when you can make a lot of money??
use the numbers as a basic start but dont limit yourself because you think you car paying the bills.
i am raising my prices again because i have been turned away 2 times out of over 400 jobs and am
booked out almost 2 weeks..i dont want that to go away and you have to watch things very closely
but i am losing money in my mind because i am not making as much as i can..
make sense?

Fair enough, and I dont have a problem with getting all You can, but higher pricing isnt the tell all of better service if I get $800.00 in 8 hours work and say Mikey gets $1600.00 in 8 hours work besides all the different EQ and chemy's we both worked the same and I'm not saying I do near as good a job as Mike but the end results are carpets customers will tell others about and keep the phones ringing.

If I'm happy at the end of the day who's to say what i'm doing is wrong? I know lots of people who give great advice who have lost homes and business's, relationships and are misrable these same people could tell how to make millions! Keeping it on the other hand is a different story.

Here's my last shot on the subject. My wife gets a call from a customer He say's "he'll remember me I'm the guy with the Xbox or the guy with the HDTV". She say's he talks to everybody about tv's and xbox's but I'm sure he'll remember You anyway!

Or he fixed my PS3 when he was here and got the HD picture to work IE thats my pet peeve HDTV that are not hooked up right!

COMPUTERS XBOX NETWORKING HDTV there's my passion I just clean so I can buy another game or tv or build another computer.

Carpet cleaning isnt all the complicated.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
After talking to full circle today I decided to keep my pricing but implement a 3 room for $99 introductory offer (450 sf limit) . I'll give this a few weeks if things don't improve then I'll try something else.

I get what you guys are saying about raising your prices and if my schedule was somewhat full I wouldn't hesitate but I have a hard time justifying a price increase with so many empty time slots on my schedule. I certainly don't think that simply having higher prices would have helped fc to close more of those jobs.

The good news is at least my phone is ringing. There was a time not too long ago that my phone didn't ring hardly at all.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
i agree with ya sam..it is sad to see the guru's crumble in some aspects of their life as they preach greatness in others.
i am a family man myself. i would rather be on the beach with my wife than anywhere else and we hit the beach or
go out on the boat a few times a week..i wasnt trying to tell or push people to charge every penny they can just playing
the other side of the fence and opening some eyes about not under pricing because they think they have their nut covered..
it makes me cringe when i quote a price and before i can even finish saying the price i get a "thats all, i thought it would be more than that"
i always smile and inform them that i can raise the price..we laugh a little and i go out to the truck to get set up thinking about
how much money i just left on the table, but that is just how i think of business..i set huge goals and have high expectations
but feel that it keeps me motivated and wont allow me to get comfortable and turn on the cruise control..i am not into working till i am
50 years old..i have 10 years to get her running like a well oiled machine so i can travel and play..
coll hobby (the x boxes and t.v.'s) i bet you have some sweet set up's.. good for you


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Re: Re: I need help....

XTREME1 said:
Joey can you intercept the calls?

Intercept? Like listen in? I don't think so.

At one time I had the idea in my head they recorded all the calls but I'm not sure where I got that idea because they don't.

I did do another job today that fc scheduled and the customer said they were great, very friendly.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
XTREME1 said:
Joey can you intercept the calls?

That's something....If you can answer it before it goes to FC...or if you're too busy THEN it goes to FC.

Not a bad Idea to answer it yourself when you can. Especially if you have empty slots during the day.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
My bad. Yes, I can set up the phone to simultaneously ring fc and me at the same time.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
good luck and please keep us informed if your booking rate increases and let us know
what did it..always looking to learn something.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Mikey P said:
We pride ourselves on offering our customers the best possible service at the best possible price,

"best price" in Florida must translate to less than what Cole is charging.

Sounds like the people you are attracting think you charge too much.

lol- everyone claims that they offer the best possible service at the best possible price
what makes you different?


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
thanks..i am thinking about updating it..i really like it but dont want it to get stale or out dated..
what do ya think, am i ready or leave it for a while?

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