The Great Oz
Synflex R7, made by Eaton. You'll have to look for for a supplier in your area; might be someone that supplies hydraulic or pressure washing industries. Too much bitching from such a small market made most of the thermoplastic hose makers drop their specific carpet cleaning line of hose.
It's lighter, but harder to coil, and will not coil small enough to fit a on a typical high pressure reel. We rolled them with our vac hoses. It will also fail if repeatedly bent hard, like dropping the wand over and over on the hose fitting, but warns you with pinholes instead of blowouts.
It's lighter, but harder to coil, and will not coil small enough to fit a on a typical high pressure reel. We rolled them with our vac hoses. It will also fail if repeatedly bent hard, like dropping the wand over and over on the hose fitting, but warns you with pinholes instead of blowouts.