Unfortunately, in the recent years, a great many of our customers have shifted to using "what they were told by phone" as means to get what they want at the price they want.
So much so that I added phone monitoring into my system. When the customer takes that approach, what we call the EAD - extorted additional discount, the tech immediately responds, we will honor whatever you were told by phone ma'am/sir.
The techs text the office, office pulls the call in about a minute and emails it to the customer. The tech tells the custy to check their email the booking call was just emailed to them.
We haven't had a single situation where the customer was misinformed, over 3 years.
One of 2 things happens, the customer changes their disposition, let's work as need be happen (happy ending) - or - customer gets po'd and continues trying to find reason to get discount, you were 30 seconds late, I'm a realtor, are you connecting to my water, etc etc (no service list ending).
We have gotten to the point of identifying the trouble makers prior to booking and referring them to Sani-Bright (lol) - just kidding Tom.
The only time I give a rough price on the phone is if they are a referral and i let them know that and I also make it a very strong point that I will have to see it first to give them an exact price. Seeing is that they are a referral I never have a problem with these types. Every one else that calls must set up an appointment for an onsite quote before I give them a price or before I will do the job. I never go into a job without knowing everything first. Sure I loose my fair share of people that do not want to do this BUT they are the price shoppers and the I want to get it done now people. The high quality caring client will take the time to set up an appointment for a proper evaluation and quote. These are my kind of people and what makes my job so rewarding.