IICRC - how about this for a new name/logo?


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Doc Holliday said:
The big question is why has this name has been chosen and why are the Reformers are proceeding with the decision of the past executive. Most don't like the name - they owe us an explanation on why they changed it and what benefit it has to us.
Bob I disagree why do they owe us anything. They are a testing body with no members, they are not an association where as members we would have a say.

Lets say they take the time to explain it, what would be gained? Those opposing it will still oppose it. I doubt telling you why it was chosen will make anyone feel any better.

I'm actually suprised anyone really cares that much about the name.

The phase out is suppose to take place over 5-years, that's plenty of time for your shirts to wear out (if you're enough of a doofus to sew patches them on) and for the decals on your vehicles to fade and be ready for a set of Clean Trust ones. :p

It's not as if the I.I.C.R.C. had any marketing value, that name sucked too! We need to move on, grow up and quit being such babies!

One last time, I've got to get my 5-minutes worth out of this! :mrgreen:

I do love your logo Chavez.

The bigger point is not the logistics as much as the complete disregard for their "customers." This name change came because they could not shove another "I" into the name for installation... which is because a few of the long-timers want to be funded to write the new standard, and teach the courses to fill up their new training center.

It's a classic example of the bad decision making of the last decade based on personal interests instead of on what your customers want.

But I guess the message I'm hearing is "just bend over and take it yet again."

I guess I'm tired of that. But maybe some haven't had enough yet.




Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Clark Van Fleet said:
they owe us an explanation

who's "us", Bob?
are you a card carrying, dues paying Playah??

How 'bout you Lisa, any current affiliation with the outfit??

i know we all like to piss 'n moan around here for fun, but for those not currently involved ...
WTF does it matter??
some of ya'll got nothing else to do but bitch about something that has no effect on you???

i don't get it
am i missing sump'um??


My current affiliation personally is I cancelled my certification status in CCT, UFT, and RCT last year. Partially because it was the only way to "protest" their lack of balls with the CRI SOA fiasco - but also because, honestly, people looking for rug cleaners don't go to IICRC any way. They go to Google.

That said, 90% of Piranha coaching members are certified, and 70% of our customer base. That's because Piranha is built on an education-based marketing system that educates consumers on all of the reasons why to use a member - this of course including their certifications and training. Marketing campaigns, consumer guides, free recorded messages, website videos - all showcase level of education within a trade as a competitive advantage.

IICRC can't market their way outside of a paper bag... but Piranha Members have utilized IICRC (and ASCR/RIA) in marketing to build their companies.

Our members were a bit stunned by the news when I shared it with them. (Especially those master cleaners/restorers who have proudly shared all the letters after their name for years if not decades.)

But the fact of the matter is... IICRC was the only choice, and mediocre training was better than no training at all, and especially since only 10-15 % of this industry even bothers to go get educated.

So we are going to see if other entities step up to do training right, and how IICRC handles this fiasco of belittling the opinion and feedback of their own customers, and decide whether we rewrite our systems to endorse others besides IICRC. They are all templates, so it will be easy to change. And if they continue with the "who cares what the cleaners think" attitude, we will see if that changes when their revenue takes a hit. That usually makes even big dumb companies (like Netflix) finally pay attention.

We will see what happens...

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
based on the explanations that were being "unofficially" passed on by Craig Jasper on Procleaners last night, Clean Trust is here to stay. Apparently the govt is getting more interested in carpet cleaners now though not directly because of the CT. They were mentioning that some states require licensing to apply disinfectants. How long till we need a license to just clean as electricians and plumbers do?
Will home owners need to get an "inspector" after a cleaning?
Who will do the inspecting to ensure a cleaner is measuring up?
When ANSI accreditation becomes more required, who is going to police who has it and who doesn't?

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Ron Werner said:
based on the explanations that were being "unofficially" passed on by Craig Jasper on Procleaners last night, Clean Trust is here to stay. Apparently the govt is getting more interested in carpet cleaners now though not directly because of the CT. They were mentioning that some states require licensing to apply disinfectants. How long till we need a license to just clean as electricians and plumbers do?
Will home owners need to get an "inspector" after a cleaning?
Who will do the inspecting to ensure a cleaner is measuring up?
When ANSI accreditation becomes more required, who is going to police who has it and who doesn't?

I'll believe it when I see it....

there has been a lot of cleaners that pulled out of the IICRC long before this happened....and all of the sudden now it is a big deal...

the only reason some are getting on there soap box and have there feathers all ruffled over it is because they tied it into marketing.....

If it was not for that..this is no different then what you drive.......or what type of machine you have.....not like the client gives a rats ass about that or the IICRC...this only effects the people ( like myself) who know what the IICRC is..because the clients don't know and don't care...after all these years I have yet see anything come out of it..

so what is the real reason all the sudden this is a big deal......????

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
so what is the real reason all the sudden this is a big deal......????
Could be that all of a sudden they changed their name, so it's a chance to bash all the unpopular things they've done in the past?

One of the oddities of the IICRC is the sitting Board continues on through the election meeting. You can give the new guys a break for not addressing this right away, since they haven't had a single board meeting yet. The most pressing challenge for the new guard is trying to attract the best and brightest that the old guard chased away so that better decisions are made from now on.

A lot of the griping about the name seems to be mostly sour grapes about other things that lived in the never to be revisited past. Best bet if you want changes made is to use their on-line suggestion box to give them suggestions, or if you actually know your head from a hole in the ground, get involved and drive better decisions for the future.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
The Great Oz said:
so what is the real reason all the sudden this is a big deal......????
Could be that all of a sudden they changed their name, so it's a chance to bash all the unpopular things they've done in the past?

One of the oddities of the IICRC is the sitting Board continues on through the election meeting. You can give the new guys a break for not addressing this right away, since they haven't had a single board meeting yet. The most pressing challenge for the new guard is trying to attract the best and brightest that the old guard chased away so that better decisions are made from now on.

A lot of the griping about the name seems to be mostly sour grapes about other things that lived in the never to be revisited past. Best bet if you want changes made is to use their on-line suggestion box to give them suggestions, or if you actually know your head from a hole in the ground, get involved and drive better decisions for the future.

The only problem with the suggestion box is, you put in your 2 cents, and you wonder if anyone is reading it - or even cares.

I've been copied on more than a dozen replies from those who have sent their messages straight to the IICRC office, and it's a canned reply (exactly the same every time) from some person named Joshua that's all "kittens and rainbows" saying that surveys led to what they did, and that now all effort will be made to promote The Clean Trust name.

Not even a hint of "we know some are upset, and we will be looking into this." I truly don't understand the idiocy of this. At least "pretend" you give a crap in writing, so that the master cleaners and restorers who are writing you don't get angrier by the reply that says "your opinion does not matter."

I don't know if it's a management problem, or a board problem - but someone needs to go out and run a small business for a bit to understand the skill of saying "I hear your concerns" when you have upset customers. You don't have to admit guilt - but you can at least give a semblance that you care, and that you hear them.

They are simply making it worse. Being patronizing is not helping - so someone needs to see the message Joshua has been instructed to send out, and edit it to at the very least. It's only 6 paragraphs long.


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
You threw a pebble in a lake and it made a ripple, you're going to need a big rock to make a wave.

Here are individual emails, I wouldn't trust that one person is going to forward on the complaints. If all of these people listen receive a complaint from each person complaining then they have to notice you.

The problem as I see it is you just don't have enough support behind it to force them to do something about it.

If you had 100 people complaining that would carry much more weight.

The Clean Trust Committee Chairs
Certified Firms Pete Duncanson cf-chair@thecleantrust.org
Standards Jim Holland standards-chair@thecleantrust.org
Distance Learning Tony Wheelwright distancelearning-chair@thecleantrust.org
Registrant Standards Barry Lichtenstein rs-chair@thecleantrust.org
Examinations Janet Dobbins exams-chair@thecleantrust.org
Executive Committee Darrell Paulson exec-chair@thecleantrust.org
Supporter Program Kevin Jones supporter-chair@thecleantrust.org
Marketing & Public Relations Lee Zimmerman pr-chair@thecleantrust.org
Certification Council Tony Wheelwright certcouncil-chair@thecleantrust.org
Certification Council Division Sub Chairs
Inspections Robert Daniels inspcertcouncil-chair@thecleantrust.org
Restoration Scott Mims restcouncil-chair@thecleantrust.org
Cleaning Doug Bowles cleancertcouncil-chair@thecleantrust.org
Hard Surface Stan Hulin hsm-chair@thecleantrust.org
Basic Skills Bo Bodo apprenticecouncil-chair@thecleantrust.org
Technical Advisory Committee
Applied Structural Drying Chris Taylor asdtac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Applied Sewage Remediation Ben Garcia & Steve Glenn asrttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Applied Microbial Remediation John Banta amrttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Carpet Cleaning Rick Love ccttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Carpet Inspection Jeff Bishop inspecttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Ceramic Tile Inspector Robert Daniels ctitac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Commercial Carpet Maintenance Doug Bowles cmttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Fire & Smoke Restoration Sandy Bowles fsrttac-chair@thecleantrust.org

Carpet Repair Steve Andrews rrttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Color Repair Noel Frank crttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Floor Care Rick Alston fcttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Health & Safety Ron Valega hsttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
House Cleaning Bruce Vance hcttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Leather Cleaning Steve Poulos lcttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Odor Control Tony Macaluso octtac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Resilient Inspector Christopher Capobianco rfitac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Stone , Mansonry & Ceramic Tile Dane Gregory smttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Joey Pickett ufttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Wood Floor Maintenance Mark Warner wfmttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Marble & Stone Inspector Lindell Lummer msitac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Resilient Floor Maintenance John Lacy rfmttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Rug Cleaning Tony Wheelwright rcttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Intro To Substrate/Subfloor Inspector Christopher Capobianco ssitac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Water Damage Restoration Scott Mims wrttac-chair@thecleantrust.org
Wood & Laminate Flooring Inspector Claudia Lezell wlfitac-chair@thecleantrust.org

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
I think a chunk of that list is out of date, so you might want to pick and choose where you blast your suggestions.

Also, just a hint; make your suggestions suggestions, or questions, or at least word them professionally. Nothing gets the delete button punched faster than a foam-spitting tirade.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why in the hell is everyone trying to pile on and kick the shit out of the IICRC, you people suck frankly. here is the deal they are a small organization with a limited budget trying to set some standards in our industry. WTF have you done to set any standards in our industry except complain out the IICRC. nearly all that money you forked out to pay for the class and get certified went to the supplier and the instructor. that IMO was a huge part of the problem a greater share of that should have went to the IICRC.

standards are good for all of us in this industry. it helps clean up our industry and ultimately make us all more credible and potentially in the event of a lawsuit against something we may have done, defend ourselves better. isn't it better to testify that our company complied with any and all accepted standards?? or would it be better to say, well we make our own standards as a company and that is what we comply to. no matter how right or wrong yours are, is the court going to believe your standards or one that a 3rd party has put together albeit without the "proper" public input?? I can't see how the IICRC going away and imploding is a good thing.

lisa wagner, you have been a repected individual in our industry for a long long time, frankly the way you are handling this is despicable, its wrong, its spiteful, its short sided, and lastly its stupid. you have made it your vendetta to personally tear down the ONLY standards body any of our industry has. how in the **** is that a good thing?!?!?!?!?!? if we wanted as an industry a more involved a more well known respected sanctioning body, don't you think that would require more than your measly $30 bucks a year??? what was the organization supposed to do with those kind of parameters?? I am sure all of us can find fault with the IICRC but to try and tear it down and sit there laughing when they see it happen is, shameful.

are standards bodies supposed to be known by the public?? I dunno who certifies electricians?? plumbers?? HVAC people. are those organizations known by the public, they aren't known to me. are they to you?? that was the biggest complaint is the IICRC didn't have any recognition with the public, but if you think about it what other trades standards body IS known to the public?? I can't think of any.

this is a sad day for our industry and frankly a sad day for you lisa wagner.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Limited budget? Money is coming in faster than they can figure how to spend it. In fact isn't the whole name change a result of managing testing for the installation industry?

It makes sense, why reinvent the wheel when have a testing body in place. That has to be a cash cow on its own. Lets just hope some out going board member didn't work out a retirement plan off the back of it.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
What a fantastic focus on one subject.

This is like looking at a target through telescopic sights.

The last sentence really sums it all up, in my opinion.


" - but also because, honestly, people looking for rug cleaners don't go to IICRC any way.

They go to Google. "


Face it folks, Lisa's not just a pretty face. shiteatinggrin

If, like me, you ask your customers one simple question, "How did you find me"?

How many tell you "through the IICRC" ??

I have never had one person tell me that.

Most are repeat or referred customers.

Next are "found you on the web".

Yellow Pages rarely gets a mention anymore.

So I guess in reality, what does the name change now mean to me ???


One more thing, back on the 13th this month, I received an email from IICRC (Aust) saying they would be in touch with IICRC (USA) to "see if they can work out how much it will be for reinstatement".

I think the carrier pigeon must have died over the Pacific as I still have heard nothing from them.

I can see how important I am to them, and now, vice versa.


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
so now we want our standards body to be our marketing method, seriously are you kidding me. a standards body sets standards, it should not be and can't be your means of getting customers, I can't believe anyone would suggest something like that. maybe that is why lisa got so cross ways with the IICRC she was too involved with marketing and got it confused with industry standards. BTW is it just me or does it seem like every since lisa got mixed up with long haired joe that she hasn't been the same???

like I said what other trade has a standards body that is known to the average consumer AND gets them work?? I am waiting for someone to tell me one?? maybe the IICRC's problem is noone put it in the terms I have. it can be all things to all people, it can't help shorty get people to call for carpet cleaning, it can't advertise itself to the public, but it can set standards for our industry, didn't they do that??

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I dunno who certifies electricians?? plumbers?? HVAC people. are those organizations known by the public,

ummm, Stevo......those trade associations/certifying bodes you're asking about would be called the "Trade Unions"
you may of heard of them??

The "industry standards" for the above union and non union contractors are written by GOVERNMENT building/housing code authorities

as far as writing "industry standards" ...i know "the org formally known as IICRC"would like to be the "end all, do all, for all" on the standards of this biz...but lemmie ask...Would I be any less knowledgeable if i went to Chuck DeWalt's drying school and by-passed "the org formally known as IICRC" all together?

any independent group/org can set themselves up as a "certifying body" in our biz , no??


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Clark Van Fleet said:
I dunno who certifies electricians?? plumbers?? HVAC people. are those organizations known by the public,

ummm, Stevo......those trade associations/certifying bodes you're asking about would be called the "Trade Unions"
you may of heard of them??

The "industry standards" for the above union and non union contractors are written by GOVERNMENT building/housing code authorities

as far as writing "industry standards" ...i know "the org formally known as IICRC"would like to be the "end all, do all, for all" on the standards of this biz...but lemmie ask...Would I be any less knowledgeable if i went to Chuck DeWalt's drying school and by-passed "the org formally known as IICRC" all together?

any independent group/org can set themselves up as a "certifying body" in our biz , no??


yes they can and I welcome an organization getting together and doing do. the IICRC had a framework and was known among our group of professionals. again your company and my company can form our own standards, but isn't the most widely accepted standard by default the most creditable??

again what happens when an adjuster says, steve, why in the hell did you set an air scrubber, I am mad thats costing me an extra $300 bucks. isn't the better response is the IICRC s500 guidelines state that on a cat 3 loss it should be set, I can send you a copy of it, if you like. adjuster response, never mind. vs our company policy says we set an air scrubber on every job.

or why didn't you dry the pad in place, now we have delaminating carpet and have to replace it. my response is sir, s 500 states on cat 2 losses its manditory to remove carpet cushion.

or what about the adjuster that says to me "I am not paying to replace the pad with the new carpet" and telling me I must use the old pad to put the new carpet over. I refer to a CRI standard that shoots that idea all to hell. and I send him pages showing look dude you are an idiot doing this is against industry standards.

my point is industry standards help all of us. it justifies the actions we may or may not take. in a sense I think it protects us. it allows us as professionals to say we did the work to the best of our abilities given the current guidelines. to see people agging on the demise of the IICRC like a pack of howling wolves, is the lowest and sorriest behavior frankly I have ever seen by professional and so called respected people in our industry.

oh yeah and on edit, since trade unions certify plumbers and HVAC people, do the trade unions also find work and customers for said tradesman??? hell no and those organizations expect way more money than the IICRC did. I hope some read this and actually think for themselves about whats the right thing rather than reading something and joining the pack of wolves.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
my point is industry standards help all of us..

yes, I'm sure you're in favor of grEEn seAl cold water cleaning w/pee water chems.
and how's that SoA gOld sTandARd of spACe dUrt rEMovAl "industry standard" working out for you??

to see people agging on the demise of the IICRC like a pack of howling wolves, is the lowest and sorriest behavior frankly I have ever seen by professional and so called respected people in our industry.

you know, I'm with you there, 4-square, Stevarino ...
I find the level of angst, anger and venom displayed by those with NO CURRENT INVOLVEMENT in org silly at best, and down right sleazy at worst.
I just don't get it... :roll:
and the reasons they "say" for their incessant squawking seem down right hollow to me.

oh yeah and on edit, since trade unions certify plumbers and HVAC people, do the trade unions also find work and customers for said tradesman???

Umm, Brother Steve, i take it you've never been in any unions ???
I've been in several and 5 different locals
if a contractor needs a union worker, he calls the union hall .
i won't go into the benefits trade unions provide for their membership , cause they're not all the same, nor created equal ..but the short answer s , hell yes they DO provide work for their members

I hope some read this and actually think for themselves about whats the right thing rather than reading something and joining the pack of wolves.

again, I'm with you there..preach on
as i see it, the ONLY ones that have any reason or justification to THROW ROCKS and BITCH , are those with a CURRENT involvement in the org .

The rest that are making a STINK over this have no good reason .
They're like yapping dogs trying to see who can hike their leg the highest to pee on the hydrant to assert their dominance :lol:



Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Steve, at least my posts aren't manic like yours - not sure why you are so gung ho on the change, are you on the committee maybe?

IICRC generated more than $2 million a year in dues/fees when I was on the board - not sure where they are at now. I assume over three million. I know the management contract is around a million a year.

So... they are non-profit (even though some consultants/advisors make profit from them), and they are handling a large amount of revenue paid collectively by the registrants, so there does need to be accountability and transparency. In fact, to keep their non-profit status, they must adhere to these standards.

I have yet to speak with a Master Cleaner or Restorer who is happy about this. The funny thing is, the management is saying that the calls into the office at 2-to-1 in favor of the name change. :shock: Do you really think people are calling to say "hey I like it?" Even if they did like it, there is no motivation to say so (except perhaps you Steve).

You would think being paid a million a year, they could at least lie better.

It's also being said that the only one who is really unhappy about this is me. I guess everyone else who has posted their dislike don't count.

I've said it hear, and everywhere else. My bone to pick is not that they changed the name. Even though it's dumb, what you expect from an "image advertising" PR firm whose claim to fame is getting disgraced Governor Elliot Spitzer a bad tv show on CNN.... the underlying complaint is that it's done in a dictatorial style. No dialogue. Shoot - they didn't even tell their certified cleaners about this before it was announced publicly. They did not care if their "customers" would like it or not, because they know what's "best" for you all.

This is one of the messages to the IICRC HQ that was copied to me - I've left his name off, but it's similar to others going to their office:

"As an owner of a certified firm with more than 20 certified technicians I am writing to voice my displeasure of the name change from IICRC to cleantrust.

Just like the government you went behind our back and did something because you know better than us….trust me.

Had you brought it to a vote and the thousands of members voted in a majority to rename the IICRC to cleantrust I would still not been happy (I would have voted against it) but at least it would have a majority vote from those it will impact the most…trust me

You will have a hard time selling the thousands of members on the fact you or your marketing firm think this a good move and the name alone will instill confidence in the consumer public…trust me…..


The replies back from IICRC to every comment are a canned reply that basically says thanks for the feedback, but we're going to ignore you so please be excited by the name change.

My paraphrase. =)

I would assume that this will be a topic for the new Board's first meeting. As Chavez mentions, multiple messages will help in the effort to at least not have them ignore the complaints.

The bigger issue is this. If this goes by with no push back, it sets a precedent for future policies in the sense that the opinion of the cleaners and restorers who pay for the operation of IICRC do not matter. The culture of IICRC for a decade has been backwards. The front lines should be defining what excellence in our craft is, not bureaucrats. This needs to be a dialogue. And it needs to be simplified.

They did not respect their instructors or their registrants in this process, and pissed most of them off.

They need to course correct or it will back fire. And honestly, with the level of character that has come on to the new Board, I bet something good will come from this not that saner minds are in control.

We will see...


P.S. If any of you want to send feedback and copy me, you are welcome to at rugchick@gmail.com. I am collecting feedback from currently certified cleaners and will be sending them en masse to several board members to make sure they do in fact get addressed.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
It’s just disgusting to read the post from the old men who have a hardon for Lisa W ( Rug Hag )

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
LisaWagnerCRS said:
The bigger issue is this. If this goes by with no push back, it sets a precedent for future policies in the sense that the opinion of the cleaners and restorers who pay for the operation of IICRC do not matter. The culture of IICRC for a decade has been backwards. The front lines should be defining what excellence in our craft is, not bureaucrats. This needs to be a dialogue. And it needs to be simplified.

They did not respect their instructors or their registrants in this process, and pissed most of them off.

They need to course correct or it will back fire. And honestly, with the level of character that has come on to the new Board, I bet something good will come from this not that saner minds are in control.

We will see...


Exactly. How many days has it been now? The frustration is building and so is the possible damage too.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
lisa, you do alot better when you keep things factual like in your last post. how many members does the IICRC have??
I also agree the name change is a freaking joke, my point is at the end of the day, none of this is funny or good for our industry and some around here have left the perception of that.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
It think it's all funny, but then we don't use them as a reference like you do Steve although that's a great use!

We've never promoted the IICRC much. We attend lots of training some through the IICRC, some the RIA and IAQA and other non certified classes. We mention it on the website, their numbers are on their business cards but it's not on the trucks and we don't wear patches.

It's ironic they try to surprise the industry with a "New Improved Name & Logo" and it's received as well as flaming dog sh*t on your porch! :lol:

I HATE the name and logo, I think I will get used to the name but that logo looks like one picked off of IStock. Who's kid got paid a couple of million to come up with this stuff?

Many years ago I held the IICRC in high esteem but in the last decade those that I once thought honorable were proven to be much less than that. In recent years it gotten worse with back door deals covered by feelings of entitlement. Fortunately shift of power that I never thought I'd live to see has taken place. Most of those that built the crooked ship have been given the boot and a new day is on the horizon.

I find myself in a very strange position of defending the Clean Trust/IICRC who just a year ago I was attacking for not taking a stronger stance against the SOA.

I don't really care what their name is.

We're still going to send the guys to class, we're still going to have them take the test (to keep them awake and learning) and we're still not going to wear the patches.

I truly hope that in future years I'm once again able to hold them in high esteem.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
An astute group of people could seize the opportunity during this state of distrust and confusion to offer a viable alternative for what we want in a professional organization.

Wait just a second.... isn't that what was supposed to have happened?

Well then, if people are forced to change then if even another alternative were available that would make it interesting considering that only a small percentage of cleaners and restorers were members of the IICRC to begin with.

What would you want to do as an organization? Get some of the members you lost back or get a whole bunch of new members that see a new fresh more beneficial organization.

Board of Restoration Inspection and Cleaning


The Board would set standards with 3rd party testing (to an ANSI or ISO standard) but the courses could come from independent instructors, training organizations and include manufacturer based training programs.

:?: :?:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave

Oh shit! Can't we just give them a chance. It would be a complete nightmare to reinvent the wheel. Plus how many would actually leave? As big a stink as this has been on the boards surprisingly the numbers are just not that great. Where would the money come from to start up. Half of those complaining are not even certified now, do you really think you can change those rebel's minds. :mrgreen:

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Doc Holliday said:

Oh shit! Can't we just give them a chance. It would be a complete nightmare to reinvent the wheel. Plus how many would actually leave? As big a stink as this has been on the boards surprisingly the numbers are just not that great. Where would the money come from to start up. Half of those complaining are not even certified now, do you really thing you can change those rebel's minds. :mrgreen:

Probably more than 1/2 are not or have let theis lapse like we did.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
WRT the "marketing of IICRC", it was the organization itself that got that rolling. When a plumber or electrician earns their ticket, there really isn't much for him to market except that he's "certified" and then he has to market himself and what makes him different.
With carpet cleaners, the IICRC sends a "news release" out with the certs, or it was just with the Master cert, but they encourage marketing the certification as a selling tool. Unlike the "trades" where its assumed they ALL are certified and they ALL have to do their work to meet a specific code which is then inspected, someone can go buy a Prof POS Rug Dr and call themselves a "professional". As long as he "markets" himself the right way people will ASSUME he knows what he's doing. And their is there is no code, no inspector, nothing to compare it to but the next cleaner or the one before. Even the Standard is not followed most of the time.

They should either make it JUST a cert body then build into it some teeth to go after the hacks
or make it so valuable a marketing tool that they don't have to ASK anyone to join, they will want to.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
the IICRC's value to me is related to water damage, perhaps those who just look at from a cleaning prism would see little if any value in it. I can understand that. with water damage there are alot more legal issues to wade through. with a name like clean trust, it seems like they are targeting cleaners instead of restorers. thats troubling to me.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Institute of Cleaning, Restoration & Installation Certification (ICRIC or Eyecrick for verbalizing)

Forget the International- that is an old fashioned/uneeded term anyway with the internet.

Same letter just used a little differently :-)

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