I'm going green...


Apr 6, 2007
I have to. Too many stupid hippies asking if I do green cleaning. And explaining how ludicrous it is doesn't help win business.

What products out there WORK? Not what products are most friendly to baby seals. Which products WORK? I want a line... A simple set of chems I can use for green cleaning when people ask for it.

Thanks. I don't really care if they are actually environmentally friendly. As long as they passed the Al Gore test or whatever crap has to happen for them to be called green. I would also like it if they were safer. I tend to stay away from the nasty chems as much as possible. It's funny how this industry uses the word "smell" when they mean "Toxic vapor choking the life out of you".

Oh crap. I'm trying to be nice about this. I just can't stand the pro communist enviro-nazi movement. It's such a freakin' snow job.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

Just buy a gal. Planet guard from Jon Don or Green Balance from BP.......

Both supply free marketing brochures for your custy....

The Green balance...I think cleans the best...we have done restuarants with it....

You will be suprised how many custy's will ask about your chems now.........

JUDSON JUICE is probally GREENER simply because of the dilution rates.....
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
B&BGaryC said:
I have to. Too many stupid hippies asking if I do green cleaning. And explaining how ludicrous it is doesn't help win business.

What products out there WORK? Not what products are most friendly to baby seals. Which products WORK? I want a line... A simple set of chems I can use for green cleaning when people ask for it.

Thanks. I don't really care if they are actually environmentally friendly. As long as they passed the Al Gore test or whatever crap has to happen for them to be called green. I would also like it if they were safer. I tend to stay away from the nasty chems as much as possible. It's funny how this industry uses the word "smell" when they mean "Toxic vapor choking the life out of you".

Oh crap. I'm trying to be nice about this. I just can't stand the pro communist enviro-nazi movement. It's such a freakin' snow job.

Yeah those damn tree huggin granola eating hippies. Dont do it Gary. You dont need to go green.

I really dont understand your stance gary. You say how dumb green cleaning is yet you ask for safer cleaning products that are safer for you cause you dont want to use the nasty chems. Why dont you want to use the nasty chems? Safer and green are pretty much the same thing.

I use green because I dont want to use the nasty chems out there. I am not looking to save the whales or ozone. I have used harsh chems for many years and they can be nasty, like you said. Like it or not a great majority of the cleaning products are going to be green eh wait safer for the clients and the tech in the near future. Chances are that some of your products are already green/safer.

I agree this whole green cleaning still needs alot of kinks worked out. Gary there is nothing wrong with wanting to use safer cleaning products. Planet guard from jon don works very well. Along with judson. Support the smaller compaines and go with judson.


I would recommend that you use what is easy to get and for a good price. Check with your local supply place and see what they carry, and try it. I use Procyon Plus powder and I think it works great, but I've heard it only works great for people that can clean with high heat. I pay 2.99lb for a re-fill of my 5lb container, and it comes out to be 16oz per job with a Hydroforce. I have a water softner, and I suppose I could use less, but it's not that expensive so I use what they recommend. Good luck.


Apr 6, 2007
I like safer chems, but I still want them to work...

And I hate the "green philosophy" of replacing all the lightbulbs with china made bulbs full of toxic waste that will poison our country while reducing energy draw during NON-PEAK energy times so as to NOT shut down a single power plant but instead open FIVE DIRTY COAL FIRED PLANTS in China to power the factories that make the bubs.

That's what I don't like. I also don't like it when the gas station attendant looks at me like I just asked to dump plutonium down the RV waste dump, and then they state that I can not use the RV dump to drain my "CHEMICALS". There is an "Organic" cleaner in town who has been leading the field in deceptive marketing for the past ten years...

Yeah. I like safer chems, I just don't like the "Green Philosphy" of enslavement and unemployment. It's economical sabotage.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
B&BGaryC said:
I like safer chems, but I still want them to work...

And I hate the "green philosophy" of replacing all the lightbulbs with china made bulbs full of toxic waste that will poison our country while reducing energy draw during NON-PEAK energy times so as to NOT shut down a single power plant but instead open FIVE DIRTY COAL FIRED PLANTS in China to power the factories that make the bubs.

That's what I don't like. I also don't like it when the gas station attendant looks at me like I just asked to dump plutonium down the RV waste dump, and then they state that I can not use the RV dump to drain my "CHEMICALS". There is an "Organic" cleaner in town who has been leading the field in deceptive marketing for the past ten years...

Yeah. I like safer chems, I just don't like the "Green Philosphy" of enslavement and unemployment. It's economical sabotage.

Gottcha. Safer good, green marketing bad. :wink:

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