In every town

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Let's face it.

A friendly guy with a fair price that does a good job.

That's the first part of a repeat customer/referral relationship

The second is the follow up.

"The fortune is in the follow up"

This is not that hard.......And yet

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Shane Deubell said:
Cleaners spend too much time screwing around with equipment and not nearly enough on marketing/sales.

you're right Shane.
I think it's because most of us are blue collar "grunts" at heart and not really good "business" people .
i know I certainly fit that mold


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Erskine Allin said:
[quote="Shane Deubell":s1oeue3p]Cleaners spend too much time screwing around with equipment and not nearly enough on marketing/sales.

you're right Shane.
I think it's because most of us are blue collar "grunts" at heart and not really good "business" people .
i know I certainly fit that mold


I think it's more that they love what they do and the things they do it with. Like building hot rods etc.

That's why years ago I had said that every "Carpet Cleaner" needs to "partner" (loose term) up with a Marketing guy of sorts who doesn't "love" to clean.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
Customer will only pay a higher price if they believe they are getting value with it. Standard terms like were better, do a good job, have a good machine, satisfaction guarantee..... These terms don't seperate you from the other guy.

One of the marketing books I read said you need a USP, That is a unique selling position. What are you doing different?

If you market yourself the same and offer the same services as the companies charging less then you will have a hard time getting more money for your services.

There is actually money to be made with every pricing model in carpet cleaning. Look at greg Cole, he does very low price cleaning but makes a fortune out of volume. First step is to decide the kind of company you want to be and focus on attracting those type of customers.

Proud moment for me happened this week. Did an in home estimate for a customer. First thing she said was that she was having another well known highly perceived as professional company doing another estimate for her afterwards. I let her know that was a great decision for her, and that getting multiple in home estimates was a very smart.

I did my estimate and spent the time to explain our cleaning process and the the reasons carpets get dirty fast after cleaning. Then went on to say how we address those issues so the carpets will stay clean longer.

Got a call back from customer.... Our price was 219.00 and theirs was 160.00. Keep in mind this is the largest cleaning company in town, with multiple new trucks and a 50yo history. Well she wanted us because she believed she was going to get more value from us.

If you want higher prices then you have to give more to the customer. Or at least a perception of more. And this applies to all pricing structures of cleaning. If your a $25 a room guy then give a perception of more for that $25.

Lucky for us, we are one of the companies that is doing great, our numbers were up 35% last year. Profit was up in similar numbers.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I try not to say this right off but if badgered about price I will eventually throw it in there. :twisted: That's one reason why they keep me off the phones.

"Why are the other companies so much cheaper?"
"I'm really not sure, I don't know how they run those companies run their business.

However I would guess if they felt their services were worth more, then they would charge it.

We know the value of the service we sell and so do our clients. We've been in business as long as we have by satisfiying the needs of those clients."

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
idreadnought said:
Customer will only pay a higher price if they believe they are getting value with it. Standard terms like were better, do a good job, have a good machine, satisfaction guarantee..... These terms don't seperate you from the other guy.

One of the marketing books I read said you need a USP, That is a unique selling position. What are you doing different?

If you market yourself the same and offer the same services as the companies charging less then you will have a hard time getting more money for your services.

There is actually money to be made with every pricing model in carpet cleaning. Look at greg Cole, he does very low price cleaning but makes a fortune out of volume. First step is to decide the kind of company you want to be and focus on attracting those type of customers.

Proud moment for me happened this week. Did an in home estimate for a customer. First thing she said was that she was having another well known highly perceived as professional company doing another estimate for her afterwards. I let her know that was a great decision for her, and that getting multiple in home estimates was a very smart.

I did my estimate and spent the time to explain our cleaning process and the the reasons carpets get dirty fast after cleaning. Then went on to say how we address those issues so the carpets will stay clean longer.

Got a call back from customer.... Our price was 219.00 and theirs was 160.00. Keep in mind this is the largest cleaning company in town, with multiple new trucks and a 50yo history. Well she wanted us because she believed she was going to get more value from us.

If you want higher prices then you have to give more to the customer. Or at least a perception of more. And this applies to all pricing structures of cleaning. If your a $25 a room guy then give a perception of more for that $25.

Lucky for us, we are one of the companies that is doing great, our numbers were up 35% last year. Profit was up in similar numbers.


Your client WILL pay MORE and REPEAT more if you quite being a commodity and just one of 50-100 other cleaners in your town.

Why do you think Chem Dry uses those bubbles? It's not because they necessarily clean better. It's because their Bubbles set them apart. It's their USP (unique selling position)

Clients will overlook all the other companies to seek CD out to have those bubbles.

Wouldn't you like prospects to overlook all the other companies in your town and seek out your company?

Then get busy and be smart. Develop your own USP.

Think about it. It can be something new or something you are already doing.

Examples: Trust, Client reviews, Guarantee, Equipment, years of service, You don't rush the job, Whatever..................

The main thing is, if you don't do this your service is just a commodity.

In a prospects eyes your company is no longer different from all the rest , Leaving PRICE as the only determining factor for a client to choose your company.

Educate your prospects and clients as to your USP and reap the rewards.

Take price off the table!!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Customers will also pay more if they don't know any better...Or if pressured, taken by surprise, indifferent, or how about they just like you, or heard good things about you.

Maybe they just feel safe, maybe they are uneducated....or educated. Maybe they got a bonus and don't know the "value" of money?

Maybe it's an emergency, event or just sick and tired?

Maybe they don't want to deal with another person at the moment...maybe they feel stupid about trying to bring the price down...Or are just not very outgoing.

Maybe they just want to help a company out...Or help out their community.

Maybe they just don't care.....Or care too much?

Maybe instead of trying to find the reason "why" ...We just need to do what's best for our business and sort out the people who need our service?


Supportive Member
Apr 30, 2007
Ogden, Utah
Tim Magaw
floorguy said:
I keep it simple....$25 a room...been thinking about going to 30. but....
Doug, I have increased mine as of Jan 1 and I have not had any problems with people paying it except for the ones looking for the $9.95 guy.
Sep 7, 2008
You have to trick the customer.

Oh were only 35 per room mam, BUT WE CAN'T MAKE MONEY doing one room for 35 dollars so the first is 75.

Oh no problem I understand and that sounds good. Ok your three and a hallway will be 180.

No way in hell I would clean three rooms of carpet for 75 dollars.

I would rather stay home.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Lets see Danial says higher prices depend on "tricking" the client

danielc said:
You have to trick the customer.

And Brian says it just depends on serendipity and luck

Brian R said:
Customers will also pay more if they don't know any better...Or if pressured, taken by surprise, indifferent, or how about they just like you, or heard good things about you.

Maybe they just feel safe, maybe they are uneducated.....................................................................................................


Must of been happy hour early.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
danielc said:
You have to trick the customer.

Oh were only 35 per room mam, BUT WE CAN'T MAKE MONEY doing one room for 35 dollars so the first is 75.

Oh no problem I understand and that sounds good. Ok your three and a hallway will be 180.

No way in hell I would clean three rooms of carpet for 75 dollars.

I would rather stay home.

Your loss. My gain! Of course perhaps I am cut from a different cloth than you. I'm that guy that saves his pennies and nickels. I'm that guy that believes that a dollar saved is a dollar earned.
I know to the penny what my personal nut is every day. I also know what it is for my companies. I always make sure that I am saving more than I am consuming.

Perhaps you are making so much money and your bank account is so full that you don't want or need any more money? $75? I have kids that drive 20+ miles to work ($8 in fuel round trip) for 8 hours to NET less than that. (to answer our phones) Apparently you believe that having the title "owner" or "President" makes you better than them?

Do you mean to tell me that if your next door neighbor offered to pay you $75 for 45 minutes worth of work you wouldn't do it? You are a fool if you'd turn it down.

If there is one thing that I have learned from being in this business for 20 + years in one of the most cut throat businesses there is: it is this: 1. Earn and save ALL you can today because you don't know what tommorrow will bring. 2. Be humble ( God knows I am accused of not following this one shiteatinggrin ) and 3. pray that at the end of the day you have done more good than harm......

Good Luck supporting your family from your sofa!



Jan 16, 2007
Toms river, New Jersey
Vincent Annunziato
In Fl. that chubbie middle age guy was the Drone, he likes to boast or post on ***.
PS: Thinks he's Gods gift to women. But just another UGLY S.O.B.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
AdamHale said:
Funny note. In almost every area there is always some chubby middle age guy telling stories of how many women throw themselves at them all day long.
His name wouldn't happen to be Ken would it? :mrgreen:

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Funny note. In almost every area there is always some chubby middle age guy telling stories of how many women throw themselves at them all day long.
Maybe they do and the only exaggeration is that those women are 20 years OLDER, not younger.


Feb 21, 2012
With the price of products and services, usually to make the customer's nonsense, do not live up to their expectations and disappointment.


Supportive Member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliso Viejo
There is something to be said about perceived value as somebody earlier said they ended up getting the job with the higher quote then a big 50yr old company. Either the price suggested a higher quality job and/ or the smaller family owned business would provide better customer service and would be more inclined to do a better job to keep there new clients happy and spread the word.

A lot of clients I know prefer the smaller family owned and operated companies over the big corporations. It's funny, some of the high end guys do not tend to be the best cleaners here at all. They just charge more and do less work. We are mid range and are busy. We do all the jobs for a particular company that has a min job call of $225

So anything under that we get. They miss out on a lot of work. Not to mention the additional work, repeats, referrals, etc....


Nov 14, 2006
I am still amazed after being on cc boards for well over 10 years the pricing debate is the same. What's sad is so many are stuck at the $25-$30 rm pricing saying thats all their area will pay. That's what they said 10 years ago! ($25-$30 per rm) our costs to do business has skyrocket in 10 years so how can you still work for the same wage? When I started 18 years ago I was at $25 per room and couldn't make a living at it then.

What other industry is still charging the same rates today they were charging 10 years ago?

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Many are charging the same or less than 10 or especially 15 years ago Dave. Also other than gas & electricity and health care ibfind that overall living expenses are down for many inclusing me. Mortgage rates are at lows, home prices are in many cases 50% lower and combined with low rates my morgage payment for my primary res is more than 30% lower and my rentals 60% lower whole rental rates are actually up due to demand. Many grocery item are cheaper and all of my professional service providers have lowered their billing rates. Advertising is 30-60% lower than late 90's allowing me to lower my budget AND get more spots.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Nov 14, 2006
True Ken but over all I believe it still costs more to get by today. Factor in the price of vans and machines and other equipment. The costs of sending your kids to college, saving for retirement and so on. I also wanted to say I wasn't judging the price of $25- or $30 per Rm. I just don't understand why it's still at that rate and how an O/O can live on it. I know companies like yours and Greg are a different business model and that pricing structure will work and be profitable . It's the O/O guys out there cleaning at that price I don't understand. It just seems like a hard way to make a living.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Good lord Ken..

That's because 60% of your city left town and Zombie financial has taken over.

Go shopping this weekend in California with tour calculator and get back to me

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I know the prices are absurd in Kali mike but are they more or less absurd than 10-12 years ago?

Dave- good point on college. On vehicles prices are higher yes but resale is at all time high as well again due to supply and demand. Even my Butlers we sell after 6-7 years I am getting 55+% of origianal purchase price. 10 years ago I got that after 5 years.

I really don't care or think much about what anyone charges but if my guys can do 250-360k a year at our price points then money can be made whether oo or large company. It is about getting the work.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
also we have gotten faster with equipment/chems...

take stripping a floor

a few jobs that would take 2 days, and 4 guys, now take 1 day and 2 guy, yet the price is still roughly the same...but i make more money hourly...and it frees up another day....

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