Inferno TM gets hot video


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
Take a close look at the wand in that video. It has an extra ball valve to bypass water at the wand much like a Chem-tex. That’s a huge RED FLAG; it means the machine will melt down without water flow in a matter of minutes.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
For an alert owner operator that's a fair tradeoff to have excellent heat and a very simple hx system.

...not good for chimps.
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Oct 8, 2007
If you loose water somehow, and we all know it happens, let's say you're on the 4th floor of a building....what are you going to do?
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
That can and does happen with ANY setup.

You run like a little girl and fix it quick. That's why they pay us the big bux.

I was on the third floor of Hart Hall at MSU when the flow switch on a kero fired unit stuck the heat ON and it was running 305 F when I got to it.


Jun 29, 2009
This problem is addressed in the amtex manual: In case of water failure while cleaning on the 4th floor quickly throw your vacuum hose out the window and use it to slide down to the ground. Then either shut down the truck mount or supply it with water.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Ryan said:
This problem is addressed in the amtex manual: In case of water failure while cleaning on the 4th floor quickly throw your vacuum hose out the window and use it to slide down to the ground. Then either shut down the truck mount or supply it with water.

:lol: :shock: :lol:


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
My avenger 210 had that setup and i never had a problem with it. i guess i'm not a chimp. i did once have the hose pull off the wand after setup and when i came in found a nice puddle cuz the bypass was open.



Oct 7, 2009
I've had my Inferno for a couple weeks now. Probably done about 15,000 feet with it and no probs to report. According to Ben (the owner of Amtex and a helluva nice guy) you only need to crack that bypass when you are laying the wand down for more than a few minutes. I like to go ahead and do it anytime I set it down just in case I forget but the plus of doing it is that the water at the wand stays hot. Of course, the HXers will dump on their own if the temp exceeds the thermostat so I'm not sure that it would 'meltdown' as somebody said.

The bottom line for me is: $9500 for a great performing and IMHO a great looking TM... I'm happy. :)

PM me if you have any other questions.

Feb 8, 2007
Then why are you bypassing water for it all the time? Real question there, not just stabbin at your unit.

Are you running apo all the time?

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Manual bypass works fine if you know what your doing. The only bad thing about that video is hes running 2-11015 jets to get those temps at the machine. I bet it still gets 200 with bigger jets(2-11003's or 04s) which cause it to bypass less. :mrgreen:


Feb 2, 2007
CanYouHemiNow said:
I've had my Inferno for a couple weeks now. Probably done about 15,000 feet with it and no probs to report. According to Ben (the owner of Amtex and a helluva nice guy) you only need to crack that bypass when you are laying the wand down for more than a few minutes. I like to go ahead and do it anytime I set it down just in case I forget but the plus of doing it is that the water at the wand stays hot. Of course, the HXers will dump on their own if the temp exceeds the thermostat so I'm not sure that it would 'meltdown' as somebody said.

The bottom line for me is: $9500 for a great performing and IMHO a great looking TM... I'm happy. :)

PM me if you have any other questions.


I'm beginning to think that the helluva a nice guy BEN & this new Inferno owner are the same individual OR a couple of guys that work together everyday at Amtex. Too many posts that read like a poorly worded info-commercial.


Jun 29, 2009
Well he was considering getting a Judson first but decided on Amtex cause he lives in Texas so I doubt it....


Oct 7, 2009
Out Of Character said:
Then why are you bypassing water for it all the time? Real question there, not just stabbin at your unit.

Are you running apo all the time?

No offense taken. The honest truth is... I don't really know. I was told to do it as a precaution so I do. I have forgotten a couple of times and did not suffer a 'meltdown' but I like to be extra sure about things when I can remember to do so. :lol:

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
CanYouHemiNow said:
Out Of Character said:
Then why are you bypassing water for it all the time? Real question there, not just stabbin at your unit.

Are you running apo all the time?

No offense taken. The honest truth is... I don't really know. I was told to do it as a precaution so I do. I have forgotten a couple of times and did not suffer a 'meltdown' but I like to be extra sure about things when I can remember to do so. :lol:

Keep us posted how the unit performs as you get some hours on it.


Oct 7, 2009
randy said:
I'm beginning to think that the helluva a nice guy BEN & this new Inferno owner are the same individual OR a couple of guys that work together everyday at Amtex. Too many posts that read like a poorly worded info-commercial.

You should be careful, alot of people naively confuse cynicism with intelligence... :p


CanYouHemiNow said:
I've had my Inferno for a couple weeks now. Probably done about 15,000 feet with it and no probs to report. According to Ben (the owner of Amtex and a helluva nice guy) you only need to crack that bypass when you are laying the wand down for more than a few minutes. I like to go ahead and do it anytime I set it down just in case I forget but the plus of doing it is that the water at the wand stays hot. Of course, the HXers will dump on their own if the temp exceeds the thermostat so I'm not sure that it would 'meltdown' as somebody said.

The bottom line for me is: $9500 for a great performing and IMHO a great looking TM... I'm happy. :)

PM me if you have any other questions.


That's all that matters, Hemi..... :wink:

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I think it's a sweet looking mount, it doesn't LOOK like a typical $10,000 truck mount.


Feb 2, 2007
CanYouHemiNow said:
randy said:
I'm beginning to think that the helluva a nice guy BEN & this new Inferno owner are the same individual OR a couple of guys that work together everyday at Amtex. Too many posts that read like a poorly worded info-commercial.

You should be careful, alot of people naively confuse cynicism with intelligence... :p

Ben Or whoever you are at Amtex, I can understand trying to sell your units but creating a bogus profile to endorse YOURSELF is a bit sleazy, don't you think ?

This profile you have here (canYouhemiNOW) is a bit over the top for a few reasons.
1) The person posting is obviously not a newbie (anyone can read all of your threads by doing a search).
2) There is no company name listed, or even a last name in the profile for this "newbie" Canyouheminow that has been posting these Commercials for Amtex for weeks now.
3) I have never in my 20 years in this industry met one person with such glowing endorsements of Amtex equipment. Amtex ranks right up there with Namco, Chemtex and a few other JUNK truckmount manufacturers.

So if you want to post please join the real world and post under your true identity like a big boy. You could probably get by with this on ICS, but several people have seen through this INFO-COMMERCIAL of yours here at MB.

P.S. Using the same pictures for what is supposedly canYouHEminow's new unit on ytube vidios and your website isn't too smart. The videos have been on ytube for a long time before canYouheminow suddenly appeared here at Mikey's board discussing the purchase of a new truckmount.


Oct 7, 2009
randy said:
This profile you have here (canYouhemiNOW) is a bit over the top for a few reasons.
1) The person posting is obviously not a newbie (anyone can read all of your threads by doing a search).
2) There is no company name listed, or even a last name in the profile for this "newbie" Canyouheminow that has been posting these Commercials for Amtex for weeks now.
3) I have never in my 20 years in this industry met one person with such glowing endorsements of Amtex equipment. Amtex ranks right up there with Namco, Chemtex and a few other JUNK truckmount manufacturers.

#1... thank you for the compliment.
#2... revealing my identity on this or any other board could be unwise, there are alot of whackos that read this stuff you know.
#3... since this is my first TM I ask you to indulge my extended honeymoon period.

Now, wouldn't your time be better used staking out Area 51 or hanging out in supermarket produce sections watching for Elvis? :roll:


Feb 2, 2007
Cute response BEN or WHOEVER YOU ARE AT AMTEX , especially the area 51 part. I drove through there once. Nothing strange going on except development of Stealth Aircraft for the Air Force. Even the folks on the History channel know that.

Maybe that's how you got the idea for a Stealth profile on Mikey's board to recommend your poorly designed , constantly overheating, JUNK truck mounts. Speaking of the History Channel, maybe Amtex will be profiled on there soon if you don't fix that nasty overheating issue. You would be better served working on that then thinking up new ways to con newbies into buying your current line up of poorly designed crap.

By the way Ben or whoever you are at Amtex, Newbies are NEVER AFRAID TO POST THEIR REAL LAST NAME OR THEIR NEW COMPANY NAME ON THE BOARDS. It takes awhile for them to see the downside of that, but most here still have somewhat of a profile here (unlike your undercover profile). This is not the first time I have seen a supplier to our industry pull this stunt. Some write their own testimonials, post glowing feedback on Ytube and even fake references. Some of them even think they get by with it.

You must be a lot better at conning newbies in person then playing the role of "undercover newbie" here on Mikey's board.


Jun 29, 2009
randy said:
Cute response BEN or WHOEVER YOU ARE AT AMTEX , especially the area 51 part. I drove through there once. Nothing strange going on except development of Stealth Aircraft for the Air Force. Even the folks on the History channel know that.

Maybe that's how you got the idea for a Stealth profile on Mikey's board to recommend your poorly designed , constantly overheating, JUNK truck mounts. Speaking of the History Channel, maybe Amtex will be profiled on there soon if you don't fix that nasty overheating issue. You would be better served working on that then thinking up new ways to con newbies into buying your current line up of poorly designed crap.

By the way Ben or whoever you are at Amtex, Newbies are NEVER AFRAID TO POST THEIR REAL LAST NAME OR THEIR NEW COMPANY NAME ON THE BOARDS. It takes awhile for them to see the downside of that, but most here still have somewhat of a profile here (unlike your undercover profile). This is not the first time I have seen a supplier to our industry pull this stunt. Some write their own testimonials, post glowing feedback on Ytube and even fake references. Some of them even think they get by with it.

You must be a lot better at conning newbies in person then playing the role of "undercover newbie" here on Mikey's board.

Randy, I'm not trying to start a fight here but go back and read through Hemi's post, he hasn't alwasy been pro Amtex he is just proud of his new TM. From reading his post it looks to me he has done a lot of searching and reading before posting. This is the carpet cleaning industry doing the "techincal" part of our job isn't exactly rocket sceince. If someone can read and comprehend/remember what they read they can catch on to the "book learning" part of this trade really fast.

After watching those videos I really doubt Ben has enough command of the english language to post as coherently as Hemi on the forum. :shock: :lol: :lol:

Also some people are smart enough to realize they shouldn't put their business name and real name(not me :shock:) in a public forum. In other forums this is against the rules.


Feb 2, 2007
I hear you Ryan, but to me and a few others that have been around the boards 10-15 years or so and in the industry in some cases 20-30 years, it is rather obvious when this happens. By the way here at MB everyone is supposed to post under their actual name. When someone has a profile with absolutely no confirm-able data, no one has met them in person etc, and they are a 24/7 endorsement for a certain manufacturer that happens to have a horrible reputation going back many years, it's rather apparent. I have read all of his posts and like I have said, I believe it is Ben or someone else at Amtex.

He could very easily disprove my assertion without any risk if he really wasn't Ben or someone else at Amtex. Post a picture in front of the machine with your drivers licence in your hand (showing only your name) whatever.

No offense but you are exactly the target of guys like this poster that some of us that have been around a while try to protect from deceptive sellers. Those new to the industry don't have a clue about some of the tactics used to vacuum your wallets within this industry. They (manufacturers of crap Chemtex, Namco, Amtex etc.) can only sell to new targets. Guys that have been around awhile won't go near them.

Examples of this type of crap in our industry

We had a whole list of cleaners serving as paid references ($500 per sale ) a few years ago for a scam company in Texas selling $28,000 telemarketing computers that cost $4,000 elsewhere. Eventually the seller was sued by several attorney Generals and convicted of fraud in the criminal court system. The $2,000,000 company he built with autodialers didn't really exist. Lot's of cleaners got stuck paying $28,000 leases on equipment that was illegal to use in many states (everywhere now). A few of the paid references on that list still occasionally post on ICS.

A traveling info-commercial masquerading as low cost "training" for carpet cleaners is really just lining up salesmen for poor quality household spotters, ineffective protectors, and knock-off clones of high-end name brand vacuums like Miele & Sebo.

That's before you even get to the failed carpet cleaner turned Guru, the countless instructors / consultants that were NEVER very successful in the business and promote themselves with enormous lies and the manufacturers that use made up testimonials from fictional cleaners.


Oct 7, 2009
Hey Ryan, thanks... you would make a good defense lawyer. :D

Randy... Thanks for the compliment on the Area 51 line, I got a chuckle from it myself. So anyways, I read through YOUR posts and I can't help myself but I am starting to warm up to you. We share alot of the same political and philisophical views although we express them differently.

But, the thing that suprised me the most is that you actually seem to know a thing or two about the industry and equipment. (Maybe you should update YOUR profile. :wink: )

I still stand by my praise for Amtex as long as it holds up but I have been around long enough to know that usually 'you get what you pay for', so I knew this purchase was a calculated risk. In my defense, I needed to keep out-of-pocket expenses down with the idea that if I get my biz off the ground successfully I can later afford to upgrade my equipment, if necessary. Hopefully after it has paid for itself. Hey, life is a gamble, right?

So, I hope you can drop this conspiracy theory stuff and share some of your knowledge if and when I run into problems and have to ask the Board for help. And if you feel the urge to say "I told you so!"... go ahead, I can take it. :lol:


Feb 2, 2007
Ben or whoever you are at Amtex: Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, I can prove it ! :wink:

Tell a cleaner, " I told you so" , Never not me. I owned a Hurricane truck mount that was as bad as the crap you make. That's why I can't stand to sit back and watch this type of deceptive board marketing occur.

With respect to my profile it has my last name and actual identity unlike yours, and I have met tons of guys from this board in person including Mikey (Connections a few years ago). I have been to Pembertons for their famous upholstery course, attended Connections in Vegas 4 times and been to a bunch of other industry trade shows (Florida, Georgia, Atlantic City). Enough folks on here have met me to know I'm a real cleaner, when not searching for the Loch Ness Monster.

So Ben or whoever you are at Amtex, being in Texas (allegedly) have you ever walked Dealey Plaza ?


Oct 7, 2009
randy said:
Ben or whoever you are at Amtex: Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, I can prove it ! :wink:

Tell a cleaner, " I told you so" , Never not me. I owned a Hurricane truck mount that was as bad as the crap you make. That's why I can't stand to sit back and watch this type of deceptive board marketing occur.

With respect to my profile it has my last name and actual identity unlike yours, and I have met tons of guys from this board in person including Mikey (Connections a few years ago). I have been to Pembertons for their famous upholstery course, attended Connections in Vegas 4 times and been to a bunch of other industry trade shows (Florida, Georgia, Atlantic City). Enough folks on here have met me to know I'm a real cleaner, when not searching for the Loch Ness Monster.

So Ben or whoever you are at Amtex, being in Texas (allegedly) have you ever walked Dealey Plaza ?

"What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men." :p
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
The history here of participants who HAD to stay anonymous bears randy out.

I've had my full name and details in my profile for over a decade with no problem that I couldn't fix.

I too smell a shill or two...

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
I talked with tom a few times on the phone and it is a local Dallas phone number. I have yet to meet him in person but he is suppose to buy me lunch soon. :mrgreen: He is just excited to have a new machine so I don't see the big problem. If he had bought the TNT instead would there still be a problem with him? :roll:

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