Ryan said:
randy said:
I hear you Ryan, but to me and a few others that have been around the boards 10-15 years or so and in the industry in some cases 20-30 years, it is rather obvious when this happens.
Well Hemi turned out to be a guy that really bought an amtex not Ben.
Looks like intelligence triumphs experience this time.
randy said:
you are exactly the target of guys like this poster that some of us that have been around a while try to protect from deceptive sellers.
I'm exactly the target? I'm smart enough not to believe everything I read. To date I've made one purchase that I regretted and that was buying a revolution instead of the normal hydroforce sprayer. (but I did get a killer deal on it so it didn't sting too bad.)
You said you bought a Hurricane.....?
You as in guys that are new to the industry, Ryan. Nothing wrong with being a newbie, but I have seen tons of guys go under because of getting sucked into buying lousy equipment by deceptive selling tactics. Yep years ago I had a Hurracane not the worst I have seen, but not exactly
Prochem (despite having the same components).
If you are still in the industry in five years, you have accomplished something and will understand a bit more where I'm coming from. Every year
25% of carpet cleaners go out of business. The vast majority of carpet cleaning start ups don't make it past 5-6 years. Often their "economy" truckmount contributes to their down fall. The unit is shot before they even have their start up cost back.
That is what this is about. I could careless whether a cleaner chooses Judson, Amex, Buttler whatever.
However when someone with a Stealth profile comes on here posting testimonials for one of the worst pieces of crap in the industry, I'm going to challenge it. Now at least Amtex won't be getting any beneficial effect from this stunt. This poster has nothing in his profile or posts that confirms he is a real buyer of Amtex.
By the way I have never even met , spoken to, or emailed anyone at Judson. No I'm not "taking their side" or promoting them, other than saying everyone I know that has their units are thrilled and one guy I met is running a 28 year old unit. In my twenty years in this industry I haven't seen too many 28 year old units. That says it all, so companies like Judson doesn't need phony profiles to endorse themselves.