I don't .....I have the canisters and the baskets tossed out on the side of the house ..way to restrictive
I put 2 knee highs on each tank filter....after the first week I pull one off and at the end of the second week I pull the filters and rinse them and put 2 more knee highs on them...keeps your filters looking brand new...protect the blower from any little crap that may find its way threw and your not having to clean them all the time......make things much easier and non restrictive.....with the in line filter it is much easier to clean and maintain between jobs or at the end of the day......and a lot less loss of vacuum...I don't have to filter my water before I dump it....there is a lot of advantages to using the in line filter...
No tank filter here either. Same as Jim, but only one knee high on the blower filter. In all honesty, I barely get any fuzz in the tank any more. Of course, I don't have near the suck Jim does though.
I'd can my inline too if it didn't mess up my APO system.