Irony...My last newtopic in the Clean Room

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison

All of the cleaners who come to this board want more money
I don't think I can be wrong about this, right?

So, the only way to make more money is to get more or better customers.

Funny how the Clean Room is so popular and yet all the info for gaining new customers is actually in (or at least supposed to be in) the Marketing room.

It just goes to show that most focus on the product and not the market.

Yes we all want better ways of cleaning but that's not what it's all about.
Get a good clean and then start working on getting more or better people to clean.

Therefore...this will be my last Newtopic Post in the Clean Room.

I will post in here from time to time but my efforts will be focused in the Marketing room.

If I wasn't so busy, I would ask to mod it. If you haven't been in there, come over and try it all the posts... you can learn from the good and bad and Ugly...(although Bob doesn't get in there much. :wink: )

Love you too....Buh by. :mrgreen:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Either way I knew it wouldn't stick.

It could have been a hack job but I didn't think you sold the site or anthing.

It did suck though...I think I got 2 posts off....and you know that hurts bro.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
He's sure to keep insulting you and brow beating you until you say you knew it was a "joke" all the while, Brian.

Like he's doing with Harold and me.

So, just say it and let him move on to the next rational poster.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian Robison said:
It just goes to show that most focus on the product and not the market.


and datz a fac-Jack.

I suspect it's cause most of us are "working stiff grunts" at heart but poor businessmen and/or salesmen
I know I fit that mold anyway.

you coming from a Chem-Lie background gives you an edge over many of us.
cause you're used to getting work while delivering crappy cleaning results......... :mrgreen:

seriously, I figure the dudes that were once involved in franchise ownership have a leg up on the average BDCC owner/op due to genuine biz systems and marketing know how


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
meAt said:
Brian Robison said:
It just goes to show that most focus on the product and not the market.


and datz a fac-Jack.

I suspect it's cause most of us are "working stiff grunts" at heart but poor businessmen and/or salesmen
I know I fit that mold anyway.

you coming from a Chem-Lie background gives you an edge over many of us.
cause you're used to getting work while delivering crappy cleaning results......... :mrgreen:

seriously, I figure the dudes that were once involved in franchise ownership have a leg up on the average BDCC owner/op due to genuine biz systems and marketing know how


Ha! Your killin me. :D

I got some of that from Chem-Hack...they are the master of ading because they were owned by an Ad company.

Most of my know how has been from Trial and error and a lot of reading and listening.

I've learned a lot by surrounding my self with business pros that are in the position that I would like to be in.
When I joined Letip I learned alot about Image from the people in the mortgage and real estate business.

I just want to take over the world. Always willing to change when needed and admit when I am wrong and change that.

A humble business man can surpass the stuborn old coot any day.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
"A humble business man can surpass the stuborn old coot any day." took us a long time ta get like buzz off sonny.........

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
It's good there's a marketing room here, people doing the things I really should be doing, but my problem is being swamped like I am now and no room to put customers. I work alone and right now I'm working seven days a week. I'm afraid if I advertise, paint signs and a rainbow on my van, harvest my customer database, do all the stuff you 're supposed to do, I will just be turning people away. So I just maintain my equipment and my body, do my jobs, and just chill out talking to the fellow losers here. It's great to pick up little tips from the thousand odd folk doing the same things.


Oct 7, 2006
The "gadgets" and toys will always get the lions share of the read, it's the fun stuff that keeps teh everyday cleanign stiff entertained in his business, and gives new energy and excitement to this "job", marketing is really kinda boring, and always will be....even though it's what 99% of the guys really need.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Greenie said:
The "gadgets" and toys will always get the lions share of the read, it's the fun stuff that keeps teh everyday cleanign stiff entertained in his business, and gives new energy and excitement to this "job", marketing is really kinda boring, and always will be....even though it's what 99% of the guys really need.

I gotta tell ya Greenie...Marketing is the most exciting thing about running a company to me.
I guess that's just the way I am.
I have never said anything about me being a great carpet cleaner or ever pretended to know all about the chems and equipment.
Anyone who talks to me will know I am quite the dipshit when it comes to the actual cleaning process...I always had to work hard and not smart...or at least depend on my supplier to make my work smart...but that costs money.

Anyway, I understand what you mean but I still don't get it...did that even make sense?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Art Kelley said:
It's good there's a marketing room here, people doing the things I really should be doing, but my problem is being swamped like I am now and no room to put customers. I work alone and right now I'm working seven days a week. I'm afraid if I advertise, paint signs and a rainbow on my van, harvest my customer database, do all the stuff you 're supposed to do, I will just be turning people away. So I just maintain my equipment and my body, do my jobs, and just chill out talking to the fellow losers here. It's great to pick up little tips from the thousand odd folk doing the same things.

There are solutions in the marketing room for that as well.

Hey, I have a new avatar....
Given this thread could I have a Donald Trump or a Bill Gates one instead?

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I get it.. for Brian trying NEW marketing is like when I try some new tool from Greenie, just keeping biz. intresting! Which is more profitable?? Definatly trying new ads... But I much rather get a box from Greenie then 20 from my printer.

Wait till you see the new flyer... Only in the marketing room (tues. night) :wink: I really am excited about this flyer, it's hands down the best one I've had!
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Brian can you tell us how you operate your business from when the customer comes into your system to when you have completed the job. Do you give handouts, freebies, referral program, reminders and all the jazz that goes with running your biz. What is your most successful marketing you have done to date? And did you ever drink that green cleaning product infront of the meeting?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Able 1 said:
I get it.. for Brian trying NEW marketing is like when I try some new tool from Greenie, just keeping biz. intresting! Which is more profitable?? Definatly trying new ads... But I much rather get a box from Greenie then 20 from my printer.

Wait till you see the new flyer... Only in the marketing room (tues. night) :wink: I really am excited about this flyer, it's hands down the best one I've had!

Yes, that's it. You nailed it.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Brent said:
Brian can you tell us how you operate your business from when the customer comes into your system to when you have completed the job. Do you give handouts, freebies, referral program, reminders and all the jazz that goes with running your biz. What is your most successful marketing you have done to date? And did you ever drink that green cleaning product infront of the meeting?

Phone call
win the job
get all info inputed into service monster
confirm job day before
call when on the way...sometimes not the first job
Estimate with price in writing before we start the job
Do a great job and educate the custy on everything that will make me money
leave a list of what else I do
leave some kind of thank you gift...Mary Kay hand lotion with my card and my girlfriends card attached
push the referral...politely
try to get email address

everyone (except move outs...unless I can get new address) gets a beautiful thank you card within a week later..just click from service monster
Hopefully I will get a referall and they will get a thank you call
They will be automaticly reminded every 3, 6 ,9 ,12, 18 and 24 months each message will be different because of the time line IE: 3 months just letting you know we can touch up or do other services for you, 24 months...where the hell have you get the idea

I will get on the phone sometimes for reminders but it does take a lot of time. So only the higher dollar jobs will get that.
any job over 5 or 6 hundred will get a tin of Toffee from my Toffee Lady who will deliver them for me.

Big commercial jobs..the manager will get half off or free cleaning of his or her home depending on the profit margin of the job. They will get Toffee...the label will say "Thank you for doing business with us" and my logo.

Did I miss anything?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Brent said:
Brian can you tell us how you operate your business from when the customer comes into your system to when you have completed the job. Do you give handouts, freebies, referral program, reminders and all the jazz that goes with running your biz. What is your most successful marketing you have done to date? And did you ever drink that green cleaning product infront of the meeting?

First off...No I didn't drink it...but I am still young and you never know.

The most successful Marketing I have done by far is person to person
IE:Letip (Networking groups in general...all of them...visit all of them) don't get what you don't ask for..some don't know to refer you
Warm chatter...if I'm in line at safeway or home depot there is always someone to talk to.
If I see someone in a suit..I'm talking to ifs, ands or buts
My family works for me..not every body has that
My techs try to get referrals as well

My Girlfriend is my biggest chearleader and I am hers for her other company

Even in my ads that I run, I am talking "TO" the customer not "AT" the customer.
It's all about relationships which comes from Emotions.

There is more to this but some posts are just too damn long. :wink:

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Art Kelley said:
It's good there's a marketing room here, people doing the things I really should be doing, but my problem is being swamped like I am now and no room to put customers. I work alone and right now I'm working seven days a week. I'm afraid if I advertise, paint signs and a rainbow on my van, harvest my customer database, do all the stuff you 're supposed to do, I will just be turning people away. So I just maintain my equipment and my body, do my jobs, and just chill out talking to the fellow losers here. It's great to pick up little tips from the thousand odd folk doing the same things.

What a great "problem" to have, Art. You now have two choices:

1. Keep running your business personally as an "owner-operator" and "control it" by raising your prices. Try 20% at first and my guess is you'll lose the bottom 10% (less profitable) jobs, you will be able to cut back to 5 days a week AND you will increase your net profit by 40-50%. (For this to work you may actually have to start using some of Brian's well-thought-out marketing strategies!)

2. OR go for it and build a business infrastructure that will allow you to slowly add employees and equipment which will let you leverage your personal efforts/time and also build an "appreciating asset" that you can sell down the road.

Your choice. Either way works.

Steve "Island Boy" Toburen

PS I would respectfully submit, Art, that the one way that usually "doesn't work" well on a family/personal basis is the "working seven days a week". No matter how well you take care of your body and how much you try to divide up your quality time with loved ones, time has a way of catching up with you. Something to reflect on during a lazy Sunday afternoon. Unless of course you are out on the scrub wand ... :)

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Survey sez...........................


Ding ding ding ding ding!!!!

Yea, I used to be a super hero carpet cleaner too. Now my neck pops and cracks, I can hardly walk a flight of stairs for more than one reason and my kid resents me....ok, she loves me but I really think I spent too much time away from her working.

At least raise your prices bro and cut out 2 days a weeks.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
What the hell does a Mod do besides piss people off?? :lol:
Give me a list of job requirements and a pay schedule and I'll think about it. 8)

Who am I kidding, I a busy as hell.

Really, how much of my time would it take Mikey?

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
bob vawter said:
We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....We want Jen.....!


Made her day....again

She's say to tell you that I'm workin for her.

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