Is Bill Calvert the spokesperson for Powerclean? If so...


Feb 20, 2007
On the ICS board someone asked for comments regarding Powerclean machines and I posted my personal experience with my Genesis. Let me first state that I have been and am happy with my machine with the exception of some problems I've had. The biggest problem I have is the shredding of my belts far too frequently.

Back when I was talking with a local distributor and was showing interest on the boards about either getting a Butler or a Genesis I got a call from Bill Calvert. He convinced me to get the Genesis and told me he could give me a better deal than my local distributor because he was Powercleans main man. He also delivered the machine to my house, which was very nice and made the deal.

When Bill posted his usual "tow the party line" post on ICS I posted to him asking what he would be willing to do personally to help me with my belt issue since he actually sold me the machine. His response was that I run my machine out of parameters and basically cause all my own problems. They guy has never seen my machine or talked with me about it. Nor did my local disributor who accepted me with no resentment and given me fabulous service talked with him about the machine.

I would think he would want to show some care but instead tosses smokescreens and tries to make someones negative comments out to be lies. Strange....

Seems like a strange guy to have as the spokesperson for your company.

I would copy paste the whole thread over here, but don't know if that would be too much.

What's the deal with this guy?

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Lee- I have the same issue as you. I watch the belts and replace them when they crack. I can swap out a set in about 45 minutes.


Oct 9, 2006
Is this the thread?
Posted By Tony Dees on 2/13/2008 at 7:53 PM
Got an email from James Nape today, President of Power Clean. Instead of play the email game, I called him.

Very nice gentleman, he was interested in the issues that my brother n law has with his machine. Said he takes great pride in his machines and the size of the company and takes machine malfunctions seriously.

I was really surprised to be able to talk to the president of the company just by making one phone call. Never met the man, but I can tell you just from the short conversation we had, seems like a real stand up guy.

I gave him my inlaws info and he said that he would take care of the problem personally.

I can say that in the future, If things go well with my brother in laws issues, I'll take a serious look at a Power Clean.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Dante Davis Jr. on 2/13/2008 at 9:33 PM
Jim is great, glad to see he still doing what he does best, take care of customers. As I mentioned in the previous Powerclean thread he has spent lots of time on the phone (he's in Chicago, I'm in San Diego) helping me and saving me repair costs. I didn't know he was the president because he acts like he just works in the shop. He was always available when I had a question. Powerclean gets my highest recommendation.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Doug Cox on 2/13/2008 at 9:53 PM
I got the email also. I just responded.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Dominick Cassano on 2/13/2008 at 10:05 PM
Wow, thats pretty good customer service if you ask me. These bulletin boards can really get things done.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Mike B. on 2/13/2008 at 10:48 PM
I don't get it.

Why doesn't your brother-in-law contact him instead of you?

Seems like that would be the shorter distance between two points.

For that matter, who IS your brother-in-law? Did he post some kind of problem here?


Re: PowerClean
Posted By Duane Oxley on 2/13/2008 at 11:53 PM
I've met Jim, Keith and Larry, of Power Clean. Super- nice guys, all of them.

When I met Jim, I was pleasantly surprised to find a guy who is seriously interested in making the best machines possible and open to new ideas on how to do so. He's done a good job of engineering powerful, reliable systems, from what I've personally seen and heard.

At Connections, Florida, several Genesis owners came by our booth to tell us how much they liked their systems. And the ones that came by were not new customers. One had had his for 5 years at the time. Only one had complaints and they were minor, as I recall.

If you don't like the service you're getting via your distributor, call the manufacturer, regardless of what company is the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has a problem in a distributor representing them, they need to know it. It's pretty simple, really, in that regard.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Jimmy Nardella on 2/14/2008 at 12:02 AM
Duane the problems are the direct result of Power Clean. Like the 95 gal. waste tank filling with only 50 gals. Belts shreding ETC. Distributor is working hard to correct the problems and they didn't even sell the machine.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Tony Dees on 2/14/2008 at 6:42 AM
Mike, My brother n law isn't a bad guy, just had a couple of issues with his machine. Name is Marty Drake of Mobile, AL

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Bill Calvert on 2/14/2008 at 8:50 AM
The waste tank doesnt fill at 55 gallons. That was a mis statement. It shuts off at closer to around 80 gallons, ask Jeff Smith at Express Distributing if you doubt me on this.
Also, Jeff at Express Distributing IS a Powerclean Delaer and the purchase Lee Cory made was a joint effort between Jeff Smith and me.
Belts dont and wont shred under normal running conditions, unless paramaters and recommended limits are crossed on any machine or unless regular maintenance is not kept up with, like lubrication, checking and oiling vac relief, not redlining engine under full throttle with temp set up to max while letting machine set idle for over 5 minutes. These things need to be kept in check. Also, dont believe everything you read, especially on this board.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By D. Smith on 2/14/2008 at 9:32 AM
Was there mods done to his unit?

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Lee Cory on 2/14/2008 at 10:23 AM
Bill Calvert,

I defy you to put 80 gallons in that waste tank. It is an impossibility and you know it. And if that tank is supposed to hold 80 gallons, I got the wrong tank. Yes I would appreciate it if anyone would check with Jeff Smith to see if that tank holds 80 gallons before shut off.

I can only speak from my own experience. I have a 100 gallon water tank in my truck and my machine will either shut off or spew water out of the exhaust at about 3 inches below the center crease in the tank.

You are also incorrect about my machine regarding shredding belts. You dont know anything about my machine and what it does. It may be correct that they should not shred and dont in other machines. But I am telling you that they DO in mine. THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

I do not go beyond ANY normal paramaters and my maintenace is kept up perfectly.

The fact you make a statement that the things I say are not correct without finding out for yourself shows that you are not a person to be trusted or dealt with.

The fact that you represent Powerclean and your insinuating that my problems are caused by misuse of my machine without even having ever seen my machine is enough for me not to ever do business with Powerclean ever again.

I find your comments very insulting. At the very least you would think you would want to investigate my issues and try and solve them instead of throwing smokescreens and make it sound like user error and that all Powerclean machines are pefection.

I can assure you I do not do anything special with my machine. I only clean carpet. And I assure you my belts have been replaced many times due to a defect not caused by me.

I assure you that my gas line was pressing against the water pump hose on delivery and formed a leak and almost cause a catastrophy. Do you think that was caused by user error Bill?

I could go on and on, but I assume you would state that I was to blame.

And yes people should believe some things they read on the message boards. At the very least they should read comments and make their minds up for themselves.

I also think Powerclean should review who they trust their reputation with.

Lee Cory
Happy Powerclean user when he isnt having problems...

Modified By Lee Cory on 2/14/2008 at 10:32 AM

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Mike B. on 2/14/2008 at 11:39 AM

"Also, dont believe everything you read, especially on this board."

Words of wisdom indeed.

So don't believe everything you read, whether from PowerClean or Bill Calvert, or Mike Brummett.



Re: PowerClean
Posted By Fiber Sucker on 2/14/2008 at 11:41 AM
Is your machine a genesis or victory ??

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Lee Cory on 2/14/2008 at 11:46 AM
It is a Genesis.

And I am very dissapointed with Powercleans spokespersons approach to one of his customers.

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Keith Schuyler on 2/14/2008 at 12:31 PM

Mr. Calvert is a distributor for PowerClean, not a spokesperson. Our standard distributor agreement specifically states that the distributor is not a spokesperson and is not authorized to speak on our behalf in any capacity. Please do not continue to assume that Mr. Calvert is speaking on our behalf as it is not true. In a previous thread you asked that I contact you personally. Yesterday our company president called you and left a message and today I called you and left a message and we have yet to hear from you. I understand you are probably quite busy and have not had the opportunity to return our calls but as I mentioned previously, please refrain from assuming you know our stance on something until you have afforded us the opportunity to speak with you.

Keith Schuyler
Vice President
PowerClean Industries

Apology to Lee Cory
Posted By Bill Calvert on 2/14/2008 at 12:39 PM
I would like to make a public apology to Lee Cory for my reactions to his issues. As a distributor, I take seriously all issues of concern that my customers have regarding any purchases they make from me, whether large or small and try hard to take steps to help them. This thread has gotten out of hand and I want you all to know that Jeff Smith and myself want to help Lee solve his issues as best as we can. I did not want to insinuate that Lee had ran his machine beyond the parameters of its expected operation. I also want everyone including Lee to know that I will work to help resolve his issues and am sorry for sounding like I didnt care, because I do. Please accept my apology and I hope we can all get along and help one another make the industry a better place.
Bill Calvert

Re: PowerClean
Posted By Lee Cory on 2/14/2008 at 1:05 PM

I received the message that you called yesterday, and I was not aware you tried to call today and have not yet heard the message.

I guess I will "refrain" from assuming anything.

My cell phone number is 440-242-8188.

Sorry I missed your call this morning, and sorry I have not returned the call. I have been a bit upset with my responses on the board.


Feb 20, 2007
Thanks Jeremy for posting One of the threads.... That actually was the "nice" thread... The one about 10 threads below it was much better... :)

But yes, I just was told not to assume anything from Keith so I have to keep quiet.

Jeremy, would you mind pasting the earlier thread?


Feb 20, 2007
Thank you Marty, next time I will make a very educated decision and get a machine with a 36 blower and 10 horsepower engine. I bet that combination could never shred a belt......DORK LOLOLOLOL


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
who needs belts???? mines a direct coupled 18/36 :wink: :wink:


Sorry to hear of your problems, Lee. My genesis 59 (2003 model) Ford engine is not a belt eater. I changed my first belts out at about 2000-2200 hrs. I also never adjusted belt tension....I didn't need to. I have had a few problems with the diverter system, but they are more troublesome in changing the parts (the diverter flap), because the machine is so huge. I have to lean over the waste tank to get at the diverter. It is basically a simple job......just hard to get at.

I am generally happy with the machine.


Several years ago when I was researching new TM's to buy Bill Calvert ripped Blueline, Hydramaster and any other machine than Powerclean. He even sent me an email telling me how dumb I was for buying a Bluewave instead of a Powerclean.

I've never met him or talked to him but after being so negative about his competition it left a pretty bad impression on me. I'm glad to hear that Powerclean spoke up and said he's not their voice! It's only about 2 or 3 years too late.


Feb 20, 2007
I did speak with Keith from Powerclean and he is going to have me bring the machine back to them to try and figure it out. The first time they were not able to get it, but I think they will be able to resolve it this time. He was very nice to talk with and I know he wants to get this stuff taken care of.

If anyone had noticed the part of the thread where Bill said I mistated the size of the tank and that it will hold 80 gallons, I did a test this afternoon. My tank was empty, and I measured 5 gallon buckets and went till the machine stopped. It shut down at 57 gallons. I guess Bill was mistaken himself.

I have full faith in Powerclean and their ability to take care of this.

I have no comment regarding Bill Calvert.


Isn't Bill a JWit?

Anyway, Lee I thought you was a performance1 owner?


Feb 20, 2007
Hi Josh, Yes I am also a Performance 1 owner. I am however going to post it on Ebay one day if I ever get the chance. But I've been saying that for a year now.

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Kelly said:
I dont quite know what to say lol

Nice of you to finally speak up Kelly :roll: You still haven't answered my other question from our other discussions. Can go back and answer the question I asked of you when you have the time.

Lee, While I am not doubting what Curt and yourself have said regarding Bill, I have met with Bill and he seemed like a real nice guy. I had dinner with him while in Vegas and had a great time in his company.

I have seen that Bill has written an apology to you Lee on ICS, I would rather not comment any further on the matter apart from to reiterate like Keith, the VP of PowerClean did, that we distributors are not the mouthpiece of PowerClean.

Having said that, I can attest to what you stated in your measurement on your waste tank. I went out and tested the same model Genesis machine as you are running and came up with a similar result. I tested it twice, and got a similar amount to what you quoted. So I think we are all talking the same language. However, over the years, I have sold and tested the same thing on HydraMaster and Prochem machines and every manufacturer I personally have dealt with have had the same thing. The manufacturers always quote cubic volume of tanks. It all comes down to how close the air filters are to the safety shut off.

I am glad that Keith from the PowerClean head office has made contact with you also. While I have a great deal of respect for manufacturers we have dealt with and represented over the years, in my honest opinion, the team at PowerClean head office are an absolute pleasure to deal with over the years and their attention to customer service is what attracted us to them in the first place. It is true as you know, every machine and every brand has mechanical failure at some stage, however I have seen the extent to what they have done for their clients in the past, and I am pretty sure you will be in good hands Lee.

PowerClean Australia

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
well, "I" asked what you don't like about PC

I also asked what's so great about White Magic
Word on the street is, their custy service and support SUCK
and that's not just from the that dude that bought a POS abortion TM

BTW, i don't have a dog in this fight.

Just if you're going to toss out disparaging barbs,
back them up with WHY you think that.
Other wise, it's just an empty cup
not worth two dead flies



Nov 26, 2007
One large company that actually does tons of cleaning work in the western united states here, runs lots of white magic machines many of which I was the mechanic. The people running the machines dont speak much english, and there fore telephone support is limited, so if there was a problem, they had to bring it in which meant a great loss of time, and time is always money. I didnt see the white magic machines in for repairs any more than I saw their prochem units. I still say that the quality of your buying and owning experience is based on the dealer and not the manufacturer. Just for future reference .. You dont seriously want me to publicly post the defects I know exist in the pc machines after selling them with jeff john and greg for all those years do you? seriously? after being a dealer? ttfn lol


Nov 26, 2007
ok you win...first problems I experienced with the genesis machines were the wiring harnesses the wires were actually falling out of the connectors as the machine ran. Many a little side trip out of my way say on the average of 90 miles or so to replace a mis crimped wire to save face in front of a new genesis owner. The fuse box routinely rattled its fuses loose especially the one controlling the electrical solinoid for the diverter valve, causing it to stop heating its water. Once just after installing a new genesis machine... in front of the the initial start up..the adjusting tensioner pulley blew off right after the engine started.( We had to hustle to keep that guy sold ill tell ya) installation incompleted at the factory. At the time they were using an electrical solinoid to control the diverter.. it poduced such a load on the alternator when it kicked in that it actually bogged the engine down when it worked. The auto pump out has no filter and is prone to clogging and some came from the factory which were mis installed and wouldnt shut off at the proper time burning up the impeller in the pump itself. a couple of those machines actually were labeled C.F.I. Adjusting the blower on the genesis requires a flexible body and some special tools and also the knowledge of belt tension and the ability of checking for proper alignment. The belts are actually to short for the application because horse power rateing is also based on belt length for longevitiy and it aint there. the 59 blower in my opinion is not suited for use in carpet cleaning machines unless there is proper balancing or load torque compensation which by some miracle white magick seemes to have worked out, and power clean still needs an education on. Many times the leaks which occured at the fittings where important things like thermostat bulbs went in were because the holes were mis threaded. The freedoms came with exhaust diverter valves whose default postion was heat mode, That meant in the event of a diverter failure the machine would over heat. Grounding wires screwed to the face of a painted surface often causing components and switches not to work. The genius of adding a timed priming water valve to control the pump out and then placing the timer circuit board right under the water box.And the fact that all these machines were factory tested before they arrived actually proved to be more or less a fictional tale when several machines we received failed to even start and had to be repaired before we could deliver the van. Filters which were too fine of mesh which frequently clogged resulting in fried water pumps. cases on the backs of the blowers with casting flaws leaking oil. So it wasnt really much more than any pos machine out there...what steered me away from the pc was the factories refusal to do anything about solving the problems or even acknowledging that a problem could even exist. The attitude that it didnt even matter if the machine ran when it arrived at the dealer. Theres still more stuff but i think youre getting the idea

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
well that's much better

now tell us what TM you think is the best from a reliability and engineering stand point.

and Josh, What left field did the J-witt question come from?
("I'm" not one of "them" BTW)
just curious wtf that has to do with the price of Mexican jumping beans :roll:



Nov 26, 2007
As I said before.. your buying and ownership experience is based on your dealer, just like when you buy a car. I dont feel it necessary to endorse any machines actually, because it isnt the machine....its the dealer.

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Hi Kelly,

Thank you very much for posting your opinions on the PowerClean machines. I honestly do like hearing other people’s experiences with equipment, be it what I am supplying or otherwise. If I may however, there are some inconsistencies with some of the statements that you have made. If I may, I would like to bring these to your attention in case you weren’t aware of them.

Kelly said:
The first problem I experienced with the genesis machines were the wiring harnesses the wires were actually falling out of the connectors as the machine ran.

In the past, the wiring was done in house at PowerClean in Chicago. PowerClean are now getting all of the wiring done by a professional wiring contractor, and they are thoroughly tested prior to leaving. If something is not as it should be during testing, the wiring contractor fixes it prior to shipping. As an added measure, all electrical ends/fittings are covered with liquid electrical tape to further prevent any challenges.

Kelly said:
The fuse box routinely rattled its fuses loose especially the one controlling the electrical solenoid for the diverter valve, causing it to stop heating its water.

I can hit this one on the head very easily, as I have done it myself. On the older model Genesis, where the fuse box was located, when you reached in to remove the waste tank lid it was quite easy to knock out on of the fuses. I am sure you probably have done the same thing. To get around this simple problem, PowerClean now run with a marine grade fuse box that is fully covered. You have to unscrew the faceplate off the box to get into the fuse area now. It means they can also label them clearly now so as to improve troubleshooting as well which is nice. We have supplied a lot of Genesis machines over here into Australia and New Zealand and I can honestly say I have never had this as an issue due to vibration. Most of the time, an accidental bump would take out the solenoid or the pump clutch or something like that. Simple push the fuse back in, and away you go. But that isn’t an issue anymore. However, this is not a vibration issue, in my experience.

Kelly said:
Once just after installing a new genesis machine... in front of the the initial start up..the adjusting tensioner pulley blew off right after the engine started.(We had to hustle to keep that guy sold ill tell ya)

I can sympathise with you there. I have also been put in situations like this as well with various machines over the years. But this is why we, as an independent distributor, put ourselves between the manufacturer and the cleaners. Manufacturing problems happen – with anything. But we make sure everything is running smooth no matter what equipment we supply. We put quite a few hours on the clock ourselves with all the machinery we supply to make sure our clients don’t get caught themselves. Manufacturing faults normally exhibit themselves right at the start so putting a few hours on them can normally highlight any mistakes.

I had a client a few months purchase a brand new Ford Transit van that we installed a TM into, and with less than 100 miles on the clock while he was driving home from our factory, the gearbox went in his brand new van and because Ford Australia didn’t have the parts here, he was off the road for 5 weeks awaiting to get it repaired under warranty! Car manufacturers obviously spend millions of dollars on their R & D, and guess what - I still haven't found a trouble free car or truck.

Kelly said:
At the time they were using an electrical solinoid to control the diverter.. it poduced such a load on the alternator when it kicked in that it actually bogged the engine down when it worked.

This is true Kelly, BUT Zenith did approve the system. It did bog the system down for a literally a millisecond allowing for the initial pull of the solenoid. PowerClean then changed to the vacuum operated system because of it being able to increase the overall life expectancy of the diverter and related parts. The new system also allowed for compensation for carbon build-up over the years of daily use as well.

Kelly said:
The auto pump out has no filter and is prone to clogging and some came from the factory which were mis installed and wouldnt shut off at the proper time burning up the impeller in the pump itself.

A filter is not needed for that particular APO. It is designed to pump waste water and is commonly used in large seaworthy vessels. If the waste tank top inlet filters are kept clean, the debris/dirt that passes through it is pumped out. Which is easier, climbing into a dirty waste tank or removing the impeller cover on the machine? Personally, I would prefer the latter of the two.

However, I agree. The impellors can be a weak point. Sort of a catch 22 situation. However, on the new Diesel D-XT Genesis, PowerClean have changed the APO to one that doesn’t use a rubber impellor to get around this point. This is a very industrial unit. Have you seen it?

Kelly said:
Adjusting the blower on the genesis requires a flexible body and some special tools and also the knowledge of belt tension and the ability of checking for proper alignment.

This is true. Adjusting the belt tension is a challenge. It is probably the ONLY serviceable item on the unit that is hard to get at. However, with your experience working on other major machines I think you will agree that that changing a coupler on most units is fun to say the least. What makes the PowerClean machines any different in your opinion??

Kelly said:
the 59 blower in my opinion is not suited for use in carpet cleaning machines unless there is proper balancing or load torque compensation which by some miracle white magick seemes to have worked out, and power clean still needs an education on.

I have never met you Kelly, but I wouldn’t mind to one day. However, that is a massive call you have made right there. Correct me if I am wrong, but are you saying a company the size of Dresser Roots is incorrect and you are correct? You know yourself, that every major manufacturer, PowerClean included, involves the independent component manufacturers in the production process. They are the ones at the end of the day that maintain the warranty, so they want to make sure their individual component is working well in it’s designed application, otherwise it comes out of their back pocket to keep replacing or repairing the said defective component. Dresser Roots have approved and give a warranty to all the blower configurations that PowerClean use.

One thing though, is what is a load torque compensator? Personally I have never heard of that. But I am all ears.

Kelly said:
The genius of adding a timed priming water valve to control the pump out and then placing the timer circuit board right under the water box.

I have never seen the timed relay installed under the water box on any unit. On Freedoms they are installed on the blower bracket and Genesis units are installed on the rear of the pump bracket. Both areas are away from the water box. Are you sure you were working on a PowerClean unit Kelly?

Kelly said:
So it wasnt really much more than any pos machine out there...what steered me away from the pc was the factories refusal to do anything about solving the problems or even acknowledging that a problem could even exist.

I think that you have just opened your mouth to swap feet at the moment Kelly. Most of what you have said above isn't actually current on any of the PowerClean machines. Hence why I have taken the time to write this post, because your experiences are out of date by a long shot!

Kelly said:
I guess I Missed the questions sorry
You may wish to look back on this thread Kelly in case you did actually miss it - under the thread entitled PowerClean Diesel D-XT. It was where you were commenting on the new Diesel D-XT and I was asking you for your opinion because by the way you talk, you have seen and worked on a few of them so far. Again, I am all ears.

Over the years, I have sold Prochem machines that have chewed through 2 new motors within 50 hours. I have a client that has a Bluline that caught fire within 4 months of purchasing the unit. I have sold HydraMasters that have a faulty blower on from the factory. In fact here is a guy with a relatively new 427 and look what happened to that.


I am not saying however that the PowerClean machines are trouble free. As you know, no machine is trouble free. They are just a machine, and as we all know, machines can and will break down. But our experience has been that they have been quick and easy to fix, and the assistance we have received from the PowerClean team has been superb to say the least. I honestly mean that! They are a top class company all the way.

However you are making comments that are not entirely correct or current, and this is why I have taken the time to reply.


p.s. Kelly, I am not a PowerClean spokesperson, I am just a passionate supplier and report our experiences that we have had on these machines.


Jim '03 Genesis 59 has a type of load torque compensator which is made by Haynes (not sure of the spelling).

Kelly....which year did all these problems exist? Man, if I had all those type problems, My unit would have been sitting in the Chicago factory...
whether the doors were open or not! My 03 Genny doesn't exhibit any of those problems listed. My only recurring problem, which is once a year, is the diverter flap breaking. APO works OK, but it is leaking from the main seal. I just haven't had time to replace the is sitting right here on the counter.

I'm sure with the machine approaching 5 years, some wear related problems will start showing up. I try to stay on top of them.

Lee Cory......sorry to hear you had trouble with Bill. He sold me my machine, before Steamway Express took them on. He's always been straight up with me, and got a great deal on the Genesis. I just had to pick it up at the factory.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Robert- I just had my rear main seal replaced and it cost me less than 200 bucks. Although I did remove the belts and the pulley for the mechanic. Note: Powerclean told me that the oilpan gasket needed to be replaced at the same time and that is not true, but mine is an '05.
Dec 6, 2008
i'm not exactly happy with my genesis. it is now 1 year and 2 months old. approaching 500 hours, have had 6 impellers, new set of belts(at 400 hours???wtf?), alternator problems, and other burps on the way... i clean the waste tank every day, reffill it with 30 gallons, and then dump it clean(waht a friggin waste of water!), and still impellers go kaput! i'm going to upgrade to another pump out, gonna cost me probably 1800 after install. so... impellers, weak belts, wasted time(especially money, lost some customers too, because of down time!!!), arguing with powerclean for months, never fukkin again! fuk powerclean, i get 2 year warrenty that means jack shitt!! there is no warrenty! i come from a landscaping background. i always bought the best, never had any of these problems at all-kubota, wright, wacker, honda, cat, stihl, all virtually no problems!!! and some were bought years used! never down time! i don't know why the carpet cleaners don't work without bugs, but faulty machines hurt business.

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
Personally I found the people at PC to be courteous and wanting to help. I really wanted to give the company the benefit of the doubt but they really dropped the ball with the Victory unit. Three years ago I spent $20,000 on my unit, install and other related assesories. From day one I had problems. Some of them they fixed, others like belt failure, O2 sensor malfunction, exhaust system failures they have yet to give me answers to. After a year they replaced my unit with a new one(I do appreciate this attempt) which had some improvements but three major problems still continue to exist. I have called a few times looking for answers only to told they don't have any. Now it seems like the Victory was never made and I am left on my own.
I really think PC makes some great stuff but they haven't always been up front and honest about current or potential problems with some of the units.

PS:It is not my intention to hurt or slam this company, I hope they are learning from some of the feed back offered. I really wish them well and that they continue to grow and prosper.


Feb 20, 2007
Since this thread has been pulled back up I will give an update on the situations that I first wrote about.

Powerclean had me bring my machine in to Chicago and spent 3 days working on it. They resolved several of my issues and my machine lasted 8 months until the belts broke again... not bad. My waste tank now holds more water then it did and no longer spits the water out the exhaust. They made some extra holes in my waste tank baffles. So now the machine will shut down when it fills without spitting water, and this makes me very happy. They also installed an auto pumpout which works pretty well, but since it has fallen off the second time I have not taken the effort to put it back on. What happens is that the metal tube the solenoid sits on breaks off from the vibration. Not too hard to replace but I have not taken the time to fix it in the past three months. Powerclean made a very good effort to take care of me and I appreciate what they did. I am overall happy with my machine.

I like the power and how well it dual wands. I will have to give serious thought as to what my next machine will be. It may be another Genesis, but I may also look towards a Butler which always seems to have great reviews. I wish there was a dealer in the Cleveland area but there isn't. I am not good with a wrench so I need something dummy proof.

I guess if I did not get a Butler, I would likely get another Genesis.

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