Is it normal for a TM disty to not accept warranty on machine bought elsewhere?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
You're not a used car salesman? Did you used to be? :winky:

Why do I always feel like Mr.Douglas when dealing with you? :p



Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
No one will ever know what really happened John. I am just replying to how I interpreted his comments and giving my own personal belief.

curt johnson

Mar 25, 2010
Anthem AZ
Curt Johnson
About 5 years ago I bought a new Bluewave. I had gotten quotes locally from 2 distributors. Then while at an industry event I talked to a distributor who had a new one on his display floor he needed to move. BL had (after my original quote) raised the price by $4k on this machine. I was able to get the machine at lower price by travelling to out of area distributor. Local guys couldn't match price because they were paying more for the machine.

I did, however, let my local guy know exactly what I did and why. He couldn't argue with $4k in savings. And all this with BL being built 60 miles from my front door. My local guy has always done warranty work and bent over backwards to help me.......and i've also spent literally thousands on chems and other supplies over the years.....I think that's the big picture. Communicate!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Sales on the big iron isn't always what it appears, smaller machines smaller margins, big machine larger margin. But it used to be the warranty part was covered but the labor for repair came out of your margin. In fact the part came out of your inventory and you only received credit after you sent in the bad one and after someone got around to checking out what happened then they issued credit. A machine sold to a porty guy meant that dude was going to wearout your 800 number.

Selling the juice is where it's at, no the mark up isn't that great after you pay frieght and allow for slow moving inventory but we all need juice and despite the small margin the volume of sales made up for the small margin.

It's still a tough job being a distributor, I'd rather be a cleaner any day!
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Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
You're missing the issue, there is enough margin for all this to happen when you buy from the distributor that you expect to warranty the sale.

How happy would you be to service a spot warranty program sold by another cleaner from another cleaner in a nearby town. You'd be paid by Dupont to cover the warranty but just enough to cover your time no profit. Dupont expects you to do it since you apply their products and it's only a couple of miles from you. The other cleaner made the big bucks for selling the program and he doesn't even have to back the warranty, you do.

How happy are you going to be to get that call? :eekk:

I'd call that an opportunity to create a new customer, that I broke even with on the first call. A thank you note to Dupont for the referral as well.


Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper
Holy crap, are some of you guys for real?

As I stated originally, we bought a truckmount, the Tm had a few issues that developed over time(example: oil leak from engine gasket, few other thing also). No big deal, took the machine to the PLACE WE BOUGHT IT FROM! I'll say it again, "took the machine to PLACE WE BOUGHT IT FROM!"...

The work was done, everything great. Month later engine gasket leaking again and other issues(after being fixed by place we bought it from) still happening. I actually knew I was going to have issues, seeing as how their solution to oil leak was to just tighten the bolts instead of fixing gasket. I drove an hour and a half to tighten a flipping bolt? They also fixed a leaking gauge, this also leaked days later. Had the waterbox worked on(by place we bought it from) it was dumping water. The waterbox continued to dump water.

Also, when unit was installed they didn't tighten the clamp for waste tank hose enough. Leaked waste water all over van. Two weeks after installed smelled gas in van, fuel tap(through the floor) was hand tight. Tightened it myself, good to go...

So, I ask you guys... Would you wan't to take your machine back to the PLACE YOU BOUGHT IT FROM? Would you, Mr Olsen? Sense you seem to be busting my balls the most? Would you take your machine to them, john? Would you trust them to do the work? Would you feel the people who sold it can fix it?

The place that did the work now(NOT THE PLACE I BOUGHT IT FROM) I know for a fact has an awesome service dept(can't be worse, can it?). That's why it's there! Not because I'm out to get/screw over the multi million dollar disty. Jeeeez!

So yes, I was a little surprised after being told(by tm maker) I could take it anywhere, only to find out from new place I will need to pay then get reimbursed. I think most people would be a little surprised, that's why I asked! After speaking to the TM maker, they called disty doing work now and all(hopefully) will be taken care of, couldn't be more thankful.

Also, just because I don't wan't to buy from specific salesperson(for my own reasons, even longer story) doesn't mean the guy in the back can't turn a wrench. Does it?

Anyway, thanks again to everyone for all the input, advice & help. I really do appreciate it. I'll try to keep my future posts just about pre sprays and other stupid crap! lol...


Oct 30, 2006
Dale Collins
Hi Guys:

I'm here visting my son in Costa Rica, and figured I'd do some reading and found this. Let's think about this like this: Lets say that the "end user" was a dissastisfied homeowner instead of James. And let's say that the homeowner first called a competitor to clean their carpet, and he messed it up. So he then calls us. Sure we know that it will take more work to correct someone elses mistake, but would'nt we jump at the chance to win a new customer?


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Hi Guys:

I'm here visting my son in Costa Rica, and figured I'd do some reading and found this. Let's think about this like this: Lets say that the "end user" was a dissastisfied homeowner instead of James. And let's say that the homeowner first called a competitor to clean their carpet, and he messed it up. So he then calls us. Sure we know that it will take more work to correct someone elses mistake, but would'nt we jump at the chance to win a new customer?


Except you missed the whole first part. They called you first thought you acted like a used car salesman and wanted to much money. Called your competitor who was cheaper and went with them. Turns out the competitor has screwed up everything and now they want you to fix it but on your dime. Oh and they have gone on he Internet and said they don't trust you but they still expect you to fix the problem that is 100% of their own doing.

James that is my big issue. Read everything you have said and done and ask yourself would you be helping you? I don't know who the dusty is or the machine you bought but relationships are way more important then a few dollars and to me it sounds like you sold out your relationship for a couple of bucks. Maybe they don't or can't discount the machine the way the others folks might because they have and pay for great service techs.

Ill stop busting your balls over this after this. Get up tomorrow and get to a crispy cream when the donuts are hot and bring them straight to your distributor. Tell them you are sorry for not trusting them and you understand their is more to selling a machine then just selling it and you won't be driving 2 hours away to by another one ever. You want a solid partner and hope they give you another chance to build a solid partnership with them.

Ok I'm done and truly James I am sorry for your bad luck and I wouldn't have let it get this far of you were my customer but I would speak just as plainly with you because we care. Good Luck James.


Its your machine that you bought elsewhere and you are asking the local guy to mop up the mess

IMO you need to work with the local guy and see his position as well

Call the manufacturer, the one that supposedly should be covering the cost of the repairs so that you, the distributor and manufacturer are all on the same page

Good Luck

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Hi Guys:

I'm here visting my son in Costa Rica, and figured I'd do some reading and found this. Let's think about this like this: Lets say that the "end user" was a dissastisfied homeowner instead of James. And let's say that the homeowner first called a competitor to clean their carpet, and he messed it up. So he then calls us. Sure we know that it will take more work to correct someone elses mistake, but would'nt we jump at the chance to win a new customer?

Seriously? No we will generally refer it back to the guy that caused the problem, telling the caller that if it were us, we would want the opportunity to correct our mistake. If the pushed harder we are going to charge them more than had they called initially. Generally they are not our customer, they called the other cleaner to save money and will do it again once we correct their problem.

Cooper nothing personal was intended. I'm glad you posted you may save some guys from having to go through what you're experiencing. I sincerely hope it gets worked out for you.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
You're missing the issue, there is enough margin for all this to happen when you buy from the distributor that you expect to warranty the sale.

How happy would you be to service a spot warranty program sold by another cleaner from another cleaner in a nearby town. You'd be paid by Dupont to cover the warranty but just enough to cover your time no profit. Dupont expects you to do it since you apply their products and it's only a couple of miles from you. The other cleaner made the big bucks for selling the program and he doesn't even have to back the warranty, you do.

How happy are you going to be to get that call? :eekk:

I might not be thrilled, but it would depend on the details of my contract with Dupont wouldn't it??. If it is in the CONTRACT, that for the privilege to apply their product, I have to perform service calls to other any customer, regardless if it is my customer or not, then I would have to honor the contract and do it. If I did not think this was fair, then I wouldn't agree to the contract.
Now I don't know shit about being an authorized distributor of anything, but I do know that in being an authorized dealer, you are now a representative for that company, and I would imagine there are binding contracts involved.
As far as I'm concerned, it all comes down to the details of the contract, and what was agreed upon.

So my question is, is an authorized distributor OBLIGATED to make a concerted effort to perform warranty work on any company product, regardless if it was originally purchased there???
Or does the agreement state that it is entirely up to the distributor to decide who they will perform warranty work on, and who they will not, based on their perception of that particular customer.
If a distributor is in no way obligated, then so be it, but I would not think any manufacturer would want it's distributors or service centers to be picking and choosing which customers are worthy and which are not.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I dont know how it works now but way way back when, they pressured you to do it but if you had a qualified reason they would back off and find another distributor. We did plenty of warranty work for cleaners we never saw again, franchise units that never bought a thing from us. Generally we were just doing it to support the brand, I don't think we even earned any brownie points for it.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
I am in no way saying that the distributor should be thrilled, but you gotta take the good with the bad. I do see it as an opportunity to gain another customer, especially being that another dealer fooked things up. I would think that this situation would be a perfect opportunity for the distributor to win a customer. They are being presented with a customer who chooses not to work on their machine themselves (possible future work and maintenance), and has had a negative experience with a different distributor.
So he bought it somewhere else to save a one here has ever done that I'm sure.
At the same time, I do not think it's too big of a deal for them to be asking to be compensated up front.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Ok folks this isn't directed to James but your talking about warranty work. So ill explain a bit more

1st just because the customer thinks it is warranty work doesn't make it so.
2nd just because we think it is warranty work doesn't make it so
3rd the manufacturer can deny any claim as to what is and what isn't warranty work
4th if the customer didn't buy the machine from me he is paying the bill and IF the manufacturer accepts the claim they will be refunded
5th this can take up to 6 months or more depending on how long it takes them to check the parts that got sent back
6th if someone else has already messed with the machine before brining it to us oops you voided it as there is no way for me to honestly say it was the manufacturer's fault and not the person that messed with it. When I tell Prochem something is a warranty issue they trust my word and no way am I going to put my name on something that has been outside my care, custody and control other words DON'T mess with your machine or allow others while it is under warranty!
7th we do not get "paid" for warranty work. We get a credit with the manufacturer this is true with ALL manufacturers. It is NOT the same as getting a CHECK. Yes it lowers our costs and I am in no means complaining but my shop guys do not get paid nor do they earn their quarterly bonus's off warranty work.

I know this is way more then any of you needed to know and lot of you think the big rich supplier is just whining. Well I am neither big (fat maybe) nor rich. I am grateful for the life this industry has provided but holy hell dealing with guys that hate to get beat up over price by their customers then turn around and think the supplier should be giving away their profits blows me away.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Its your machine that you bought elsewhere and you are asking the local guy to mop up the mess

IMO you need to work with the local guy and see his position as well

Call the manufacturer, the one that supposedly should be covering the cost of the repairs so that you, the distributor and manufacturer are all on the same page

Good Luck

Communication would have solved 99% of this problem. Conference or three-way call with all parties involved would have saved a lot of headache for everyone.

On a funnier note - if anyone has ever seen John type on a keyboard... imagining him typing out his last response, it probably sounded like a machine gun going off in his office. :lol:

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
I know one thing, this whole deal has devalued truckmount warranties for me, not that I ever put much stock in a warranty. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Why? I have never had a claim denied that we submitted. Machines are just that machines. Thy are not perfect and no matter how hard they try there is no way to control everything. Prochem and gradner Denver lost 10's of thousand or more because of a bad run of blowers because of bad tooling. We had a 3 month run of swapping blowers. I think we replaced 10. No questions asked if thy leaked 1 drop it was replaced. Had a machine with a wiring gremlin pulled it and swapped it for a new machine and sent it back to Prochem to figure out (Prochem is the only manufactur I have ever dealt with tht wil take a machine back)Now I will agree a warranty is only as good as the company backing it so that should be the concern and a big part of the decision in what and who you buy from..
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo

Good insight.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
That is that dude from the other board that fought here like crazy, then became disenchanted those dudes and started is own board....who no one goes to.


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen

Hydramaster has taken a brand new machine back as well, both very good to deal with


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
It was actually our sales rep Rick E that gave the nod to pull the unit out of the van. He personally came over to see the issues at hand and ok'ed to have a new one sent but yes it was somewhat recently.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
It was actually our sales rep Rick E that gave the nod to pull the unit out of the van. He personally came over to see the issues at hand and ok'ed to have a new one sent but yes it was somewhat recently.
Rick is a good man :)


Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper
Not a problem, no need to apologize, John.

I'm not surprised you missed my name. By some of your responses I kinda figured you weren't reading my replies! :hopeless: Lol! Just a joke, really!

Actually, if you are interested, I'll message you exactly why we didn't go with the local disty. Who knows, in some round about way it might actually help w/your sales people or sales in general. P.s. I'm NOT implying anything is wrong w/your salespeople or sales or that you need help with anything.

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