Is Van signage THAT important?


Aug 11, 2012
I have one van with signage another with magnets. I would ju get a couple magnets for your van that way you can take it off at the end of the day. I like having the option of going un marked, I know it has probley saved me a time or 2 from a commercial vehicle inspection on the highway. For that reason I don't letter my trailor either, I would rather have highway patrol think Im some guy hauling a sofa than have a target painted on me for the authorities to extort money from me in the form of tickets

i got pulled over for not having my van lettered. better off following the laws IMO.

Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
I hope it's "THAT important" because I'm about to drop 3 G's on it. I'm tired of looking like a creeper in a plain, white van. It's probably a drop in the bucket when compared with the years of recognition it helps to bring.

The Clean Machine

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
Any Advertising Its Important if you want to grow your business, and that includes the "billboard" we drive around. If you take pride in your work wouldn't you want people to know your name? Most cleaners who don't letter there vans are either sub-contracting or have to change their business name several times a year due to bad business practices. And In San Francisco a pure white van is just asking for trouble with graffiti!

Never go with just a Magnetic sign!!-- here's why:
The IRS requires you to keep detailed records on EVERY TRIP you take. If your business vehicle can also be used for personal or commuting trips, then you must keep records on ALL personal and business vehicles and every single trip you take--- I learned this during a audit when the Agent came to my house for a THOROUGH- "Pull Down Your Pants and Bend Over" type audit- called- I think- a FIELD audit.

The Agent wasn't going to allow me to write off all my business vehicle expenses because I didn't have all my trips recorded. But I pleaded with her that because my vans had graphics that had been professionally installed, that I was basically ADVERTISING every time I drove the vans. And Because all my business vans are Diesels and my person car is gas and all my receipts showed only Diesel fuel was purchased-- she decided to allow the full deduction of expenses.

But learn from my pain-- avoid getting a full wrap on carpet cleaning vehicles. I recently had to pay $2600 to remove a BAKED ON wrap and they didn't even remove the whole wrap! As it turned out the heat from the TM and the sun had baked on the wrap which was 3.5 years old. My other van had a wrap that was under 2 years old was much easier to remove.

Hope this helps someone,

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