It is officially over

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Screw that.... Just let it go.

From what Lisa has said to me in the past.... It wasn't and isn't about the money....It was and is about what's right and/or wrong.

Yes, maybe the bad guys should get the penalty of paying....But I'm sure they had just as much invested as Lisa...Probably more depending on pocket size.

One word.



Feb 2, 2007
Vinnie said:
Good for you, the big boys finally get it stuck up there Ring Ding.

Not really, their Patent was upheld JUST not to the extreme interpretation they were seeking.They inflicted serious damage on their targets, that will scare future infringers and possibly even folks that are doing nothing wrong that they seek to bully.

This whole issue highlights what is wrong with our legal system. The case should have never taken this long and cost as much as it did. Lots of damage has been done and now Harris can dust themselves off and move onto other targets. Everyone that sold the infringing glide is a target. My guess is Harris will go after a few more companies/ distributors. Unfortunately, We probably haven't heard the last of the Glide based litigation.

When I think about what these people have done it makes my blood boil. At one time they actually had an arrest warrant out for Greenie. Come on, a federal arrest warrant for a strip of teflon ? They had to know they were stretching their patent beyond it's true coverage. That's abusing the legal system just because your opponent is smaller and less financed.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Because the patents fared poorly in re-exam, which they are appealing now, and there is a plethora of prior art which any third party can submit to the USPTO for free as a "Citation of Prior Art" and will go on the record as soon as the appeal is over. It is doubtful they will be asserting these patents anytime soon against anyone.

They aren't going to go after distributors of old product, those people would have had to be named in the suit already and if they opened a new action against anyone - all of the prior art which was not able to be introduced in the original action can be brought in and cause their patents real damage or completely invalidate them.

They have spent a lot of time and money on both our case and Mytee's case and thus far have gotten little back in return and have not stopped glides from becoming a staple of the industry. They are now owned by a large multi-national acquisitions company and while I'm not sure how that effects them and their ability to litigate, it does mean that there are less individuals holding the checkbook with axes to grind pushing for continuation of the litigation.

My guess is they will be happy they still have patents...even if re-exam chops them to nearly meaningless pablum. And they will hope the HWE industry doesn't hold such a grudge against them that they start filing Citations of Prior Art against their entire patent portfolio.

Yes the arrest warrant for Jeff was ludicrous. No one I have ever spoke, law enforcement, patent experts has ever heard of an arrest warrant being issued (and actively enforced) against a Defendant a thousand miles away in a CIVIL case, a PATENT case, no less, especially when that Defendant had previously contacted the court and let them know he could not attend the hearing due to finances and was not involved in the company anymore anyway.

Take care,

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
I would imagine they are sick of spending money on this. the legal fees have to be close to a million bucks for them including the mytee trial. the funny thing is they NEVER stopped glides being available. when things looked bleak alot of guys just bought more in case it ever was an issue. I know HR has money to litigate but when you start talking about flushing a million bucks for nothing it starts to look suicidal. it would be interesting to know the reasons why they were so hell bent on this thing all these years.

my question is what modifications have to be made to make them legal??

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Hoody said:
To make them legal, they just have to have a flat spot and not be totally rounded.

so that happens with use anyways I don't see that as changing the way they work at all.


Feb 2, 2007
truckmount girl said:
They have spent a lot of time and money on both our case and Mytee's case

Hi Lisa,
Just curious was there ever any disclosure on what the plaintiff spent on the litigation to date ?
Was Jeff ever actually taken into custody or did he get to miss that part of this experience. In any case I wish you both the best with where you are now in your respective lives. Out of everything I have witnessed within our very lopsided "justice" system, this case bothers me the most (at least on the civil side). Seven years of "you" was essentially kidnapped. I find that incredibly disgusting and hope many blessings are coming your way.

Randy Royer

P.S. If you use Glides and buy anything but a Greenglide for the rest of your business life, you just don't get it.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
randy said:
truckmount girl said:
They have spent a lot of time and money on both our case and Mytee's case

Hi Lisa,
Just curious was there ever any disclosure on what the plaintiff spent on the litigation to date ?
Was Jeff ever actually taken into custody or did he get to miss that part of this experience. In any case I wish you both the best with where you are now in your respective lives. Out of everything I have witnessed within our very lopsided "justice" system, this case bothers me the most (at least on the civil side). Seven years of "you" was essentially kidnapped. I find that incredibly disgusting and hope many blessings are coming your way.

Randy Royer

P.S. If you use Glides and buy anything but a Greenglide for the rest of your business life, you just don't get it.

Yes he was arrested by US Marshal's at his work, put in handcuffs and hauled off to a Federal holding facility in San Francisco, where he was in processed, stayed the night and the next morning assigned an attorney. He saw the judge later that day. Everyone from judge, attorney, marshals, etc. could not understand why he was arrested and brought in like this. If his boss had not been so kind as to put up 35K in bail, he would have had to sit there for at least a week, maybe two until they could arrange for his transport to Utah. He had to agree to show up in court in Utah, even though he could show he didn't have the money to fly there, nor reliable transportation to drive. He also told them he no longer owned the business anyway.

All because he failed to show up at the 9/11/09 hearing. He had contacted the court by email and written filing previous to the hearing to explain that he did not have the means to travel and that he no longer had a business or financial interest in GreenGlides (which was corroborated by myself and copies of the divorce agreement and the sale of the business were provided), and thus no longer had an interest in the case.

What happened when he came to hearing scheduled after his arrest? He stood there and told him the same thing he had told them by email and in filings and they let him go and didn't bother him again....oh and fined him 20K for not appearing.

As I said the civil justice system in this country is neither civil nor just.

I believe our case took a huge leap for the better when the magistrate judge who had made these decisions, along with trying to indict me for perjury and other things was removed from the case and the District judge stepped in at the end. Plus the great attorneys who were assigned to us because they were trying to have both myself and my husband Mike incarcerated as well.

You guys have no idea how much corruption and cronyism is in the court systems, especially in Utah, which has a very bad reputation for "protecting the interests of their own".

Take care,

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
What a nightmare. For all you've been through its a wonder you still want anything to do with this business.

Most businesses never survive much less challenges than you've been through. Your challenge just happened to be a little different and harder than many AND YOU STILL MADE IT!

You have paid dearly for your goodwill that will bode you well in the years to come. Most of us will never forget the sacrifice you made for all of us.

Onward and upward.

And I sure hope Greenie will do well too.

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