It's a New Year.... Make a Change Towards Success!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
It's a New Year....
Make a Change Towards Success!

Start your new year off right by evaluating and re-establishing your business goals and strategies! Full Circle is ready and waiting to help you reach your new business goals. Whether it is meeting your 100k mark or getting the chance to finally take a vacation with your loved ones, our staff is here to help you make it happen. Take advantage of our easy yet high-impact strategies for 2012!


Driving 20+ miles for a job only to arrive and find out the client already had the work done by someone else a week ago is never a good thing! Not only did you lose money from the time slot the fruitless job was holding but you lost money on gas as well. Your Full Circle Representatives are here to help.

Ask Full Circle to do confirmation calls a day or two before the appointment date to ensure you and your customers are ready to be there as expected and verify the details behind the appointment. This is a call both you and your customers will appreciate! Your CSR can also review your schedule for the day and if needed, offer additional services to lengthen the appointment and fill in any time gaps that you may have. Don't waste your resources by being stood up ever again.

Setting up confirmation calls with Full Circle is a small but mighty way
to prevent losing money and make more with a solid schedule.


Maybe you have been hesitant about expanding your list of services offered to your clients. Well don't let Full Circle hold you back. Full Circle handles a variety of job types within the cleaning industry.

Full Circle is the elite in carpet cleaning customer service and scheduling but did you know we have experience with handling calls for other services? Full Circle can help you with calls regarding window cleaning, gutters cleaning, chimney sweeping, stone restoration, water extraction, shower cleaning and repairs, draperies, blinds, wood care, and much more! Full Circle is the perfect solution to all of your customer service needs.

Your team at Full Circle is prepared to assist your customers with extra services you offer,
resulting in the expansion of your business and income for 2012.


Are you following up with customers after the job? Think about the impact your company can make in the minds of your clients when you have made an additional effort to confirm their satisfaction. Following up with your customers will show you care about them and the quality of your work. In addition, the more contact your company has with your clients, the easier it is for them to remember your company name the next time!

A quality check call is also a great time to make a referral request to customers who recently experienced your great cleaning services. Full Circle can make a quality call to your customers 24 hours after the appointment is completed. If a referral is given, Full Circle will call and introduce your company and services to the potential client and offer them an incentive to schedule a job. If a job is not scheduled, they will be added to your database for future follow-up.

Quality Check Calls made by Full Circle - Another easy way to remind your clients that you are the one to call for their next cleaning AND who to tell their friends about!

Remember, Full Circle is not just another answering service. We are your dedicated team focused on the success of your business. Our goal is to provide excellent administrative services to make your life easier. We are looking forward to a great new year with you!

Yours Truly,

The Full Circle Team

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
Seems like their doing a lot to enhance their service. If my Steffie ever decided she didn't want to do it anymore, Full Circle would be the next logical choice...

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