Joe Polish is pissing me off.


Apr 6, 2007
I responded to one of his adds in cleanfax magazine that told me I would receive free of charge three proven sales letters. I would receive this at no obligation, it was silly for me not to respond.

I got a package from his headquarters. It was a big long letter explaining why I wouldn't get what he promised me. The gist of it was that I was too stupid to understand why these letters would generate business and I wouldn't use them because I'm too dumb to figure it out. What I needed to do was jump through another hoop for him. I tried jumping through the hoop, but I'm busy and didn't have time to schedule in a "Free Seminar" call that seemed more like a hard sales pitch to me than anything else. Now I have been on his mailing list for emails, and I keep ignoring it all because I still haven't gotten the free marketing pieces he promised me, and quite frankly, I am starting to think he is a little sleezy, what with the bait and switch he pulled on me right from the beginning. I skimmed the latest email I got, which promised me another free tool. I clicked the link, and I got a page which required me to jump through another hoop to get my (I believe now) Non-Existent free thing.

No Joe, I am not going to enter my name email address and phone number, because I don't believe you will ever give me anything for free, and I am starting to believe that if I respond to any more of tricky adds you will be getting some of my money, and I won't be getting anything of any value in return for it.

I am not looking to slander anybodies character, I will edit this post as needed... But until somebody explains to my why I shouldn't feel like I have been bamboozled and I shouldn't think Joe is conning me, my post will remain.

(Or until somebodies hot-shot lawyer makes me wish I was never born.)

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Just hang lose and Todd will pull Joe"s back out of his mouth again and explain it to us all how it works.....


Apr 6, 2007
I know I am not going to get the whole system for free...

Steve Toburen gave me two scripts and a DVD. These things were very helpful and have earned the company I work for literally thousands of dollars we would not have had if Steve hadn't sent me those scripts.

Even after Steve sent me the freebies, I still have much to gain from attending his seminar and getting the full course manual, and I have decided to attend.

I sent away for Joe's stuff MONTHS before I decided to make arrangements to attend SFS. Maybe if Joe had made good, and actually given me the freebie I had been promised I wouldn't have signed up for SFS. (Prolly not, Steve is just such a straight shooter.)

I guess, my point is, I knew it wasn't gonna be a free lunch, but his add said I would get three letters absolutely free and they would make me thousands of dollars.

Steve didn't promise thousands of dollars, HE DELIVERED IT THOUGH.

Joe promised thousands of dollars.... No delivery.

I just don't get it yet. Maybe somebody who has jumped through all the hoops can tell me what I should expect from Joe.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
B&BGaryC said:
and quite frankly, I am starting to think he is a little sleezy, what with the bait and switch he pulled on me right from the beginning.

well.... DUH!!!

Joe's a carnival barker.



Apr 6, 2007
Seeing it makes me feel bad for typing it. I don't know Joe, and I never meant to call him sleazy. I think that was a bad choice of words. I just don't understand what's going on here and I am starting to lose trust that I will ever get what was promised to me in that first ad.

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
There is a distinct difference between Joe Polish and Steve Toburen. While I have never met Joe, you can just tell he is a sleaze. I just took SFS in Langhorne and got the chance to meet Steve and I will tell you that he is a down to earth, REAL person. And Like Gary said, he is willing to share some of his seminar with you, whether you have taken the course or not. He has been in the trenches and honestly wants to help those of us who still are in the trenches. I doubt anyone can say the same for Joe.


Apr 6, 2007
As much as I'm fed up with the little game I find myself in, this was supposed to be a rant to blow off steam, and I didn't expect it to progress like this. Unless he's a total fraud, his system is making some carpet cleaners money. He is helping people.

I meant to blow off steam, but I don't want this to turn into a Joe bashing party... Or a slander suit.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I bought his CD set a few years ago 6 Cds could have been widdled down to one. They do give you a kick to market and make you think about a few things. I have never used his methods but they will work just because you are persistantly selling yourself. butthat works with any system.

Why do you think diet pills are successful, they don't work but you pop that pill and you follow the plan. Some diet pills don't work because people pop the pill and don't follow the plan.

He called me to thanked me for my purchase
Jun 10, 2008
Athens, Ga
I bought 9 of Joe's video tapes (bootcamp) on ebay for $78. I viewed them all once and then sold them on ebay for $115 a month later.

Since then I have done over 100 deals on ebay.
thanks for the inspiration,Joe.
May 12, 2007
Bay City, MI
Stevie Bs said:
I bought 9 of Joe's video tapes (bootcamp) on ebay for $78. I viewed them all once and then sold them on ebay for $115 a month later.

Since then I have done over 100 deals on ebay.
thanks for the inspiration,Joe.
LMAO Stevie

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Thanks, Anthony and Gary, for your nice comments above ... I think. This is perilous ground for Jon-Don and myself. You see, we don't view SFS as being in competition with any of the marketing/support programs out there today. Why not? Because we are talking apples and oranges.

First of all, when you are talking "bang for the buck" SFS has a most definite unfair advantage. 13 years ago Nick and John Paolella broached the concept to me of a management seminar focused just on a carpet cleaning/restoration business that would be accessible to everyone no matter what size of business or degree of success they had achieved. I remember telling them, "Wow, this idea will cost Jon-Don a lot of money." They replied, "We don't care. We want to change our industry." And so they have. We've put on well over 50 SFS seminars and have over 2,000 SFS members and Jon-Don has LOST money on every single seminar!

Remember that other seminar providers and marketing packages only have their product to sell. So they have to (duh!) make a profit on their product. If Jon-Don viewed SFS as a profit center it would cost 4,000.00 to 5,000.00 to attend SFS instead of 695.00. (Or free if you have spent 5,000.00 with Jon-Don in the preceding 12 months.) Frankly, even at $5,000.00 I still think SFS would be well worth it!

But the Paolella's took the track of making SFS a "loss-leader"- affordable to everyone and losing money on the initial seminar and our follow-up TIPS support program. (Which is free to all SFS graduates.) Jon-Don's theory is as our members grow their business using the strategies they learn at SFS they will "take us along for the ride" by buying more equipment/chemicals from us. (BUT there is absolutely no obligation/pressure to do so.)

Somehow SFS keeps getting thrown into competition with other training programs. In our opinion nothing could be further from the truth! We like to think of SFS as complementing other training programs and packages. Yes, it is true. SFS gives people an entirely new vision of the industry AND over 1,000 pages of supporting materials on how to implement it in their business. BUT many of our members go on to become members or buy from other training providers, including Joe, and we applaud this. Other SFS attendees are referred to us by programs they are already a part of. (For example, I'd like to personally thank Steve Cameron and other Piranha Platinum members!) I often say, "Why does it have to be 'either-or'?"

IF any package/program works for you and is making money- go for it. Try them all on for size. Many of our members need more support and/or accountability than SFS alone can provide and sign up with others and yet still keep benefiting from our TIPS program of ongoing support. Others are (or become) members of different industry franchises and tell me they are pleased with their choice. Wonderful! Jon-Don really is trying to change and improve our industry and we welcome any and all "partners" that share this goal.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Toburen
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS Say what you will about Mr. Polish- he has helped a lot of people and has helped change/improve our industry. Some of our most successful SFS members are also part of his Platinum program. (And one of our smartest two-time SFS alumni, Lisa Wagner, is guiding his carpet cleaning sector now.) Once again, SFS does not "compete" with other industry programs and packages. Instead, we happily co-exist and "complement" with other opportunities. (Even though we not-so-modestly think we are a really good orientation and base to start building on!)

matt sheppard

May 2, 2008

i got those "proven sales letters" all it was was three letters talking about a "free room of carpet cleaning and free carpet audit". i think that and their "the most thorough carpet cleaning or its free" line are their biggest marketing strategies. i think i still have the letters around somewhere, so if you want them lmk. i don't know if joe's a scam or what. but why is lisa wagner teamed up with him? anybody know?


Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Joe uses sleazy NLP techniques similar to "How to Pick Up Girls" author Ross Jeffries.


May 15, 2008
If you need Joe to provide you inspiration you need to find a new career. He has some great ideas but most people are just to lazy to put them to work.


Feb 20, 2007
I got a really cool miniature garbage can in the mail from Joe. It's pretty cool, and I keep pens and pencils in it.


Nov 14, 2006
Kennesaw Ga.
Thomas Cermak
While your SFS program may not be in direct competition with Joe, apples to oranges I agree, The SFS is without a doubt the best bang for your buck seminar ever offered!!!

SFS class Atlanta 3-08

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Gary, while I don't have a thoughtful opinion on Joe Polish other than I would not do business with him, I should say you and everyone else need to use ad when you mean ad and add when you mean add.

B&BGaryC said:
I responded to one of his adds in cleanfax magazine that told me I would receive free of charge three proven sales letters. I would receive this at no obligation, it was silly for me not to respond.

I got a package from his headquarters. It was a big long letter explaining why I wouldn't get what he promised me. The gist of it was that I was too stupid to understand why these letters would generate business and I wouldn't use them because I'm too dumb to figure it out. What I needed to do was jump through another hoop for him. I tried jumping through the hoop, but I'm busy and didn't have time to schedule in a "Free Seminar" call that seemed more like a hard sales pitch to me than anything else. Now I have been on his mailing list for emails, and I keep ignoring it all because I still haven't gotten the free marketing pieces he promised me, and quite frankly, I am starting to think he is a little sleezy, what with the bait and switch he pulled on me right from the beginning. I skimmed the latest email I got, which promised me another free tool. I clicked the link, and I got a page which required me to jump through another hoop to get my (I believe now) Non-Existent free thing.

No Joe, I am not going to enter my name email address and phone number, because I don't believe you will ever give me anything for free, and I am starting to believe that if I respond to any more of tricky adds you will be getting some of my money, and I won't be getting anything of any value in return for it.

I am not looking to slander anybodies character, I will edit this post as needed... But until somebody explains to my why I shouldn't feel like I have been bamboozled and I shouldn't think Joe is conning me, my post will remain.

(Or until somebodies hot-shot lawyer makes me wish I was never born.)


Oct 7, 2006
Nothing pisses me off more than to see credible people defending not credible people. Some names just make your skin crawl.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith

Some things to always remember in life:

1. First impressions are usually accurate.
2. Trust your instincts.
3. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a's probably a duck.
4. If one person tells you you're an ass, ignore them, it's probably their problem....but if three people tell you your an ass, you may need an attitude adjustment.
5. If someone has to tell you about the good things they do, their motivation is in the wrong place.

Apply these to your experience with Joe and the Nasty, Bitey, Fishy Club.

Take care,

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