Just about the best post ever on the MB.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Hey Mike it really is no surprise that you would take cheap shots at me. That is all I have seen from your board and it is really hypocritical of you since you wrote the rules of how we are to treat each other with respect and not say anything bad about another person. I have been silent for to long with the amount of abuse I have had to endure from my fellow carpet cleaners on your board I have never been so disappointed in my carpet cleaning brothers in my whole life. I would give the shirt off my back to help anyone of you have success.

I appreciate any of you that have stuck up for me and treated me with respect, thank you. You have attacked my integrity and certifications any chance you could just for that little dig to make yourself look better. I don't hold a grudge I have a lot of grace over people. If you walked a day in my shoes you would understand my excitement to succeed.

I told you I grew up on welfare and I have a GED education. All my learning is from the streets so I don't care what you say about me I have thick skin. I even forgave all of you for the month of crap you said about me, I thought it was funny that I would be the center of attention even if it was negative. When I agreed to be a guest on your show I new I would have to turn this negativity into something positive.

I want to thank you for all your controversial advertising you have truly helped me more than you know. Keep it up. The only reason I am responding now is because you are stealing money from other carpet cleaners. I find it ironic that you would slam my videos but you couldn't stop at the first one. You obviously were infatuated by my beauty, skill and charisma to learn a ton of money making techniques that you had to finish all ten 1 hour DVDs that just launched my product without you even knowing. I would think any intelligent man with balls would say to himself hey if he watched all ten he must be holding out. I knew you were going to have a bigger ego than a pay check with your followers.

I gave you nothing but respect but now your going to get a wake up call. Why would any carpet cleaner in his right mind listen to your criticism when you only have a one truck operation I was always told to listen to the guy with the biggest stack (money) I have a four truck operation a ware house office and make over $400,000 a year been on TV 12 times radio 4 all for free because I have a lot to offer, my company runs itself I make money when I am on vacation or on my boat I even make money when I take a crap.

Why would anybody want my DVDs when I give trade secrets you never even new how to do. I guarantee your going to make double what you made last year because now you now more than you ever knew, don't lie Mike. I know for a fact you are going to watch one of my DVDs when you find a situation you don't know how to repair. Its so funny when 90% of what I show how to do is repairs that you knew nothing about you told me yourself. I told you if you could read my 3 min. disclaimer at the front of the DVDs that this is not exact science and you are going to have to take what I teach and use common sense..I show a 1000 more ways to make money than you ever thought or dreamed of.

I didn't know it was my responsibility to hold every ones hand and teach them to read the instructions on how to use each product only a moron would not be able to figure that out. I also said in my disclaimer I am not promoting any products or truck mount these just happen to be my product and truck mount choice. To find the product that is right for you. I have taken every IICRC course and passed with the highest in my class every time I have been asked to be an instructor. I did not pursue it because I make a lot more money. I am also a practicing IICRC senior carpet inspector. Are YOU? NOT! I guess my dingy is a Little bigger than yours. I just don't like to brag about it! But you have given me know choice.

According to the IICRC your bonnet agitation with your pre-spray and bonnet cleaning at the end is not with in the manufacture specifications if I had to do an inspection on one of your jobs I would have to void there warranty because you are risking blossoming the tips of the fibers taking the heat set memory out. Sorry that's on my next video. I am surprised you haven't had to replace any carpet. I told you the video was home quality but the information is priceless. If the best you can do is talk about my lighting that would defiantly not stop me from buying the series. I'm smart enough to look pass that and see how much money I could make. I show over 50 real paying jobs that almost everyone said they had 1 or 2 carpet cleaning companies and some certified installers look at and say they need new carpet. The customers are even on the video 's giving me a testimonial.

You dumb apple.
I did not get one call back on any of the jobs, every customer said I was the miracle man and I got at least three referrals for more work why would anyone want to learn that? So 50 jobs turned into 150 do the math at a minimum of $350.00 a pop $52,500.00 Not to mention the 50 jobs on the videos average $350.00 $17,500.00 Gee if I was in the carpet cleaning business I don't think I would listen to your advice when the videos are only $250.00 bones the price of product stock for one week. Oh I forgot you budget shop and make your own cleaners out of house hold products another voided warranty mike, oops!

I don't think I would want to invest a lousy $250.00 bucks for that definitely even with a free up sell video which I am the KING of. I give more sales training than anyone will ever get do you want that one free too I forgot you got the series. Free loader Mike.

Everyone who has paid for the videos unlike you has said they were the best videos that they had ever bought better than any IICRC or Jon don video. Go to my website Mt. View carpet has doubled his profit in the first week and is still making bank two months later. On my website in the product section another carpet cleaner who has been cleaning for 17 years said best he's ever seen. I guess when you get something for free you don't get anything out of it. But when you spend your hard earned money and invest in yourself you get a lot more.

Those DVDs took me over six years to make, they almost killed me. Go ahead big shot good luck. Make sure I get 5 free copies you owe me. Its a lot easier to be a critic than a doer how big is your stack MIKe. I just hope the guys on this board are intelligent enough not to listen to mike. My guarantee to all who are smart enough to purchase these DVDs, I'll even send you a DVD one a month if money is tight. That's probably the best reason to get the DVDs if money is low I will help you fill your wallet or you can listen to mike.

If Mike isn't paying your bills and feeding your family why would you listen to him he already has his DVDs. just call me 503-515-7152 if you don't double your profit and have a higher skill level and more confidence to handle jobs, like mike can handle now. I will give you your money back at anytime. Don't be so influenced by others find out for yourself use your own brain don't let someone else think for you.

I know for a fact these will be the best investment you ever made only a fool wouldn't see the opportunity these DVDs' would make in their business. And your not a fool order now before I raise the price again. I am going on tour with Howard I know he is going to tell me double the price. Go to www.carpetcleaning************.com and look in the secrets section and see all that is on the DVDs if mike could handle half the situations I would be impressed.

Wake up! I am giving you the goose that lays an unlimited supply of gold eggs. I told Mike I would take any criticism and make changes he didn't even give me the opportunity. I asked him just don't talk smack about me he said I would never do that I have integrity. I forgive you mike for you know not what you do. But now forget it, I even gave him a chance to profit from this unstoppable revolutionary product 100% all real jobs you can only learn on the job.

I guess its time to pirate the DVDs mike, the one that slipped through your fingers, dumb apple. No class room theoretical examples. This is the real world men you can't correct situations without being creative. Yes stain magic is for natural stains and red relief for synthetic that's what they say but if one doesn't work are you going to say the instructor in class said this and the bottle says that, sorry Mr. Jones but mike is so smart I can't get the stain out. Just give them my number I will put it on my next video.

Even any good instructor will tell you it's not exact science, sound familiar mike ow! I forgot you can't read a 3 minute disclaimer, should i make it five minutes. do you know what the pause button is. Hey mike you should write a book that's what people do when they can't succeed. If they can't do it they write about it. Or start a website forum. You see guys think for yourself.

I love Star Wars the first three with Luke and han solo. That was one in a million kid. Remember that? That's you when you buy my DVDs . Mike is Jaba the hut. I can't believe it when someone says they hate that movie or it was the worst they ever seen, that's un-American. Do you get my point. Make up your own mind. There is a pile of American money waiting for you in those videos. Take it!!! It's yours! What do you have to lose I told you I would give 100% of your money back.

Thanks a lot Mike I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by not having to give you any referral bonus. Does any one else want his opportunity You know when someone else drops the ball put them on the bench and put someone in the game who wants to score. You can keep those DVDs as a free gift Mike I know you would burn copies any ways because your going to make a lot of money with them. Isn't nice mike I made them so you can go right to pad replacement and re-stretch in hall.

dumb apple!
My new ad was inspired by Mike when you see it I hope you will be laughing all the way to the bank. giving Mike crap for being so stupid. The ad is: "What Mikey's horde.com and the other carpet cleaners (dumb apples) don't want you to see. Mike likes being the big dog. But I am a little bigger than Mike. Who wants to be on my team I'm starting my own forum coming soon on carpetcleaningtradsecrets.com

The only reason I put up with you Mike is because I already knew you know everything. I can't teach someone like you but at least you got the DVDs. Come on you watched 10 hours of me that is creepy. was it in the dark never mind I don't want to know.

At least you have a moving truck if the carpet thing doesn't work out. Who drives a monstrosity like that. Really! I am really disappointed in you Mike you told me you wouldn't slam me. I think this world would be a better place if there were alot more people like myself.

Why would you want to wear a nice uniform it only makes you more money. Why would you want to be inspired by me it only makes you more money. Why would you want to buy my DVDs it only makes you more money. Why would you want to buy Howard's program like me it only makes you more money. Think about it. It's not about money anyways its about family and people. Hey Mike look up Integrity its doing the right thing even when know one is watching. Learn it live it. Just like your rules say. You may want to re-read them or change them. if I was you guys I would go to carpetcleanersnetwork.com There is to much drama for me here.

Hey mike I would love to Barrie you in your own forum, anytime buddy you better watch my videos and take a lot of notes to keep up. If that isn't enough information you can always come to one of my seminars. Bou Ya!

I almost for got Devil dog that makes alot of since. I don't even know why I'm waisting my video game time on you. If I ever meet you I am going to give you the worst wedgie ever in your life. I am going to pull your under ware so far over your head I am going to strap it under your chin. So you better wear clean under ware I know it will be a stretch.

Your a trip dude, I don't even know who you are. Do you actually clean carpets.

PS please don't talk bad about Howard anymore he is a great guy! and a personal friend of mine. My life would be crap if it wasn't for him. He is my mentor. None of this is directed at anybody who has been kind to me.

Can you take it Mike or just dish it out. Beeaach! I am not even going to fix my type o's figure it out! GED baby! laughing all the way to the bank. O ya I forgot how big is your stack MIKE! Seriously change the channel! I'll leave you with this, some do, some don't and some listen to Mike. God Bless and much success in the future! Mr. Checkmate.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
I would comment about how Joe-like this is, but he called you dumb more often that Joe does.

It's pretty difficult to buy anything from someone that says you're dumb for not buying his products.


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
It's pretty difficult to buy anything from someone that says you're dumb for not buying his products.
reminds me of another guy that posts here periodically. He has a blue dildo in his avatar.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I didn't give a sheet enough to read all that post the FIRST time.

I sure as heck don't GAS enough the SECOND time....


Numero Uno

Oct 16, 2006
now I have to scroll through all the members just to find the dildo guy,sheesh?

you had to go an get my curiosity going huh...lol


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
Steve I would hope that tail isn't a dildo, that would probably hurt a little. Caesar just so you know it's the amazing garage floor guy.


Oct 16, 2006
Billings, MT
Micah Richardson
You obviously were infatuated by my beauty, skill and charisma

That's the funniest part of his whole post!

Maybe he needs to seek out the professional help of Stuart Smally

"I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And DOGGONNIT! People like me!

I think he needs a lithium dispenser in his office.

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Anyone who tries to say that you dont bother them....in 15 paragraphs or less, might be full of shit!

That dude needs to chill out. Someone is gonna steal trish from him , then he'll really be pissed!! :D

Numero Uno

Oct 16, 2006
tku-chris,I gottot page to on the member list.Then went to sleep.But if you know me I had to mark where I left off...lol

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
holy crap, that is one hell of a rant, for me I have always had some respect for george, if for nothing else but pure entrainment value. I think many around here were put off by georges personality and the way he deals with customers. there are also those that look at a guy that is actually out doing something and want to find fault with it. a long time ago when I was a tech for rainbow international, I noticed that I have very very few customers call back in and request me again when they needed to be cleaned again. The funny thing was is the guys that did the shittiest work got the most calls for the same tech to come back and got the fewest complaints. It baffled me, I had worked with these guys I knew the quality of their work, and knew mine was so much better. It took me a few years to understand what was really happening, I am the type of guy that naturally tends to hold his head down and get the work done, I don't wanna make small talk with people who aren't my friends. Finally I figured out that the customers perception of the cleaning is way different than actuality, I found that perception in most cases is achieved by 70% bullshitting ability and 30% actual cleaning ability. when I opened my biz I focused on talking to the customers more, keying in on something that interests them. this has paid off huge for me. The bottom line is I think we should not of poked holes in georges cleaning/repair methods or tools, what kind of wand the guy uses etc. That is the biggest mistake we are all making is being fixated on the equipment, what we should be fixated on is the customers experience with our people skills, our quality grooming and lack of a pony tail, quit wearing jeans and a tshirt and look like professionals, the customer does not go outside and look at the machine and go good gaud that is a whoretex vacter 6000, pimping 2.5, that will clean the shit out of my carpets.

however george did loose credibility with that rant, that kind of stuff was really what put off a lot of people around here. the way it kept going made him look drunk and psycho


I agree with steveg.

In fact, I took a shower before going out this morning! AND I shaved my goatee off!


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
I couldn't agree more. People do business with people they like. That doesn't mean you can do a crappy job but a little sincere charm goes a long way.

steve g said:
holy crap, that is one hell of a rant, for me I have always had some respect for george, if for nothing else but pure entrainment value. I think many around here were put off by georges personality and the way he deals with customers. there are also those that look at a guy that is actually out doing something and want to find fault with it. a long time ago when I was a tech for rainbow international, I noticed that I have very very few customers call back in and request me again when they needed to be cleaned again. The funny thing was is the guys that did the shittiest work got the most calls for the same tech to come back and got the fewest complaints. It baffled me, I had worked with these guys I knew the quality of their work, and knew mine was so much better. It took me a few years to understand what was really happening, I am the type of guy that naturally tends to hold his head down and get the work done, I don't wanna make small talk with people who aren't my friends. Finally I figured out that the customers perception of the cleaning is way different than actuality, I found that perception in most cases is achieved by 70% bullshitting ability and 30% actual cleaning ability. when I opened my biz I focused on talking to the customers more, keying in on something that interests them. this has paid off huge for me. The bottom line is I think we should not of poked holes in georges cleaning/repair methods or tools, what kind of wand the guy uses etc. That is the biggest mistake we are all making is being fixated on the equipment, what we should be fixated on is the customers experience with our people skills, our quality grooming and lack of a pony tail, quit wearing jeans and a tshirt and look like professionals, the customer does not go outside and look at the machine and go good gaud that is a whoretex vacter 6000, pimping 2.5, that will clean the shit out of my carpets.

however george did loose credibility with that rant, that kind of stuff was really what put off a lot of people around here. the way it kept going made him look drunk and psycho


Feb 20, 2007
Just imagine the poor customers that have to listen to this guy. If he was standing in front of me for hours going on and on, I would buy whatever he was trying to sell just to get him to shut up.

I don't doubt his add ons are through the roof


Well; at least he got it off his chest by god; Some of what he said is true; most is just angry venting.

I have always been a fan of learning and teaching; I never disreguard or blow off people that have an honest need to share knowledge and trade talk; you can learn a lot from it.



Just what IS a "dumb apple"?? If your going to insult someone, use some NASTY language.

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