Just who is this Fritz guy?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
not sure just how many, if any, of you give a damn about the infighting that goes on amongst the "leaders" of this industry but I found this entertaining..

some emails sent out to SCRT members fell in my lap..

Members of SCRT,
Sorry about the barrage of emails today. In the past when this Fritz Thompson has sent out his uninformed and rambling emails I have let them go and let everyone form their own opinions about what he had to say, not today.

I’m sending you my response (see below) to Fritz, and believe me I will not banter back and forth with him. I have given him options and now the ball is in his court.

I have more important things to do for SCRT and ICRA than deal with a person who wants to do Harm mainly to ICRA which is something that our industry has needed for 40 years.

Hope to see all of you at Connections next week. Don’t forget the Membership meeting and Reception on Thursday evening in the Suite to be announced later this week.

Please be sure to vote for SCRT officers . . .and in Mr. Thompsons case as always write ins are welcomed


Gary Glenn
President of Scooters LLC
President of ServiceMaster by
A-Town Hi-Tech
Cleaning & Restoration
Restoration Rental Equipment LP
President of SCRT
Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians
President of Connections Events
4402 S Danville Dr.
Abilene TX 79605


Obviously Fritz it shows that you are a very bitter about your time at SCRT and very uninformed about the ICRA. You have blasphemed anyone and everyone who is involved with ICRA.

Concerning your time on the SCRT board you rolled into every meeting with off the wall ideas then never completed anything you started except the Biz Unite deal which obviously you were getting a kickback from, which made you very little money as the membership wanted nothing to do with the program.

On the note at the bottom about my wife being the administrator for SCRT and possible that she might change votes, I really take offense to that. I’m only going to tell you this ONE TIME. You are trying to discredit a woman who just completed 20 years as an Abilene Texas Police officer. You say one more thing about her and not only will I sue your butt but I personally whip your butt. She is and always has been above reproach.

My suggestion to you Fritz is either put up or shut up. If you can do a better job than put yourself in as a candidate for the Presidency of SCRT. I will gladly run against you, you windbag. If you win more power to you I will step aside and let you run SCRT in to the ground like you did your own business. It’s amazing you can send your letter out to the membership but you failed to send it to me. . .once again it just shows the kind of person you are.

I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, and a right to voice what they feel, and the right to push for change. BUT, you spout off stuff that is hearsay and have no idea what the facts are. To this point I have just let you send out all your letters about information that is incorrect, but now you are making accusations about my wife I’m ready to play hardball with you Fritz.

Get a job, get a life, get your information right!

I will not lower myself again to argue with you so there is no need to respond to this email. I will respond as I stated if you say anything else about Debbie in the manner I stated above. . .believe me Fritz .


Gary Glenn
President of Scooters LLC
President of ServiceMaster by
A-Town Hi-Tech
Cleaning & Restoration
Restoration Rental Equipment LP
President of SCRT
Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians
President of Connections Events
4402 S Danville Dr.
Abilene TX 79605


I have no idea who Fritz is but if he brought up my wife's integrity I would be equally angered as Gary

Gary did get in a several good return shots, my kind of guy :mrgreen:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I don't know Gary Glenn but that came from an association president? :shock:

I don't know about you, but he sounds like a real dickhead.

I too understand calling out someones wife but words are words. I wouldn't get into a fight over someone calling me or my wife a name.

I certainly wouldn't email a threatening public email to every member.
WOW what is going on over at SCRT? :shock:
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Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Reveal your source Mikey or you are just a pawn for others who THINK they are the leaders of our industry.

Let THEM show their face out here instead of USING you.
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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I could really care less about who goes apeshot thinking someone "disrespected" their spouse, and the threats to follow.

I care about the millions spent in "good 'ol boy" deals by an opaque organization that has milked money out of me and our industry "in our interests".
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truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Jimmy L said:
Reveal your source Mikey or you are just a pawn for others who THINK they are the leaders of our industry.

Let THEM show their face out here instead of USING you.

Ummmm....didn't the email go out to all of the SCRT membership? I'd say that it's public fodder.

But who knows, maybe the MeXicaNs put a plant in the SCRT and it is part of their plot to overtake the country and make all Nebraskans speak Spanish and take over through the janitorial industry!! What does your tinfoil hat tell you Diego?

Take care,


Oct 7, 2006
Yes, the original letter and response posted above has gone all over the place and is by now as Lisa said "public".

Gary Glern is the President of SCRT and of Connections along with being a VP of the newly formed ICRA Association.

Here is Fritz' letter to the SCRT membership right before their AGM and election.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but our SCRT is being put at risk

This is an Extremely Important matter that you need to know about & it will take some time for you to learn about all of the issues involved.

My name is Fritz (Fred) Thompson I am a member of SCRT in good standing & have been for around 25 years. Way back as far as the days of our founder Ed York (see attached Exhibit 1). I knew Joel and, Kathy Reets and their son Jeremy and daughter who were always working at the conventions. I knew and still know Sonny Bass who ran the association for a time.

I was on the SCRT Board of Directors for two years but was forced to resign recently.

(For the reasons, see Exhibit 2).

Now for the heart of the matter. I will tell you what I would like ask of you and then I will give you sound reasons why you should take those actions:

I am asking you to reply to this email and change the subject line to:

Yes, I would like a Referendum.

I am asking that you refrain from voting for Gary Glenn for Board of Directors of SCRT on the upcoming SCRT Board of Directors Election and if you have already voted I am asking that you submit a Revised Ballot.

First, why do I want a referendum and about what?

Recently Gary Glen and the SCRT Board of Directors voted to join a new group of associations that will be forming to start an organization that will represent the 6 Trade associations that have banded together to form the ICRA (which is an acronym for the Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Association). There are different opinions as to whether this newly formed group is good or bad for SCRT or the industry at large. You can read the comments of several industry leaders both for and against on the IICRC Registrants Group which is a Linkedin Discussion Group with 3,759 members:

http://www.linkedin.com/groupItem?view= ... mp_1906822

There are also discussions on the ICSmag.com board as well as the CleanFax Board.

See the attached comments as Exhibit 3 for ICS and Exhibit 4 for CleanFax.

The IICRC has been working on building an International Trade Association and the new Interim President of the ICRA, Mr. Craig Kersimier, was the chairperson of the committee that worked on this.

Recently several individuals were voted off the IICRC Board of Directors. Several of these very ones who were voted off the IICRC board are the ones who are starting this new organization.

It is the opinion of some that this new organization will further fractionalize our industry rather than bring it together for the benefit of all. You have a right to be fully informed and make your own mind up on this important issue.

When IICRC changed its name to The CleanTrust, there were many at SCRT who were upset. The most common comment being that, ‘The leadership of IICRC did not consult with anyone’.

So why is the SCRT Board of Directors doing the same thing?

Have you been sent a list of benefits that this new relationship will bring to SCRT members?

What is the hurry to do this and to send money to an organization that until a few days ago did not even exist legally?

As members we have the right to know what this new Association is all about, especially since there seems to be a lot of concerns about how it was set up and who will benefit financially from the arrangement.

All I am asking is for you return this email with the Subject line changed to:

“Yes, I would like a Referendum”.

You would be agreeing to a have a private forum set up that any SCRT member can go to and ask questions and comment. Then after a reasonable period of time, a referendum can be circulated that asks the simple questions…

Yes, I want SCRT to endorse ICRA as the organization to represent us in a National Trade Association


Yes, I want SCRT to endorse ITA (International Trade Association) or IICRC to represent us in a National Trade Association.

It is very simple.

The only unwise thing to do is nothing, and thus give up your voice and right to make a decision on this most important matter. By replying to this email you are not voting either way, you are just saying that you would like to learn more so as to make an informed decision.

The next very serious issue ties into the first.

Why wouldn’t anyone want to vote for Gary Glenn and allow him to continue as both President of SCRT as well as President of Connections, a post that he now holds?

The President of SCRT has a very serious responsibility, his job is to represent every member of the organization and oversee the use of the organization’s assets to benefit the members, to uphold the reputation and values of our Association.

Mr. Glenn has let us down on both fronts.

He has engaged in activities that have dishonored our organization at best and on the most serious side has jeopardized the assets of SCRT – see below.

In early December 2011 Mr. Glenn acting on his own accord, without the approval or knowledge of the Connections Board entered into an illegal agreement with Larry Cooper of Meetings and Events. This was also done by the prior president Mr. Craig Kersemeier, again without the approval of the Connections Board, the majority of Directors were so incensed that they changed the By-Laws to require a 2/3 majority to approve a new contract. When the contract came up for renewal, Gary Glenn ignored the laws of the organization and signed the agreement with Larry Cooper’s Company - Meetings and Events.

This despite his management of the event having produced only a 9 to 10% profit.

This under performs the industry benchmark of 25 to 35% profit for Trade Shows.

A 25% profit margin = $200,000 vs the current $90,000.

If that were not enough, Gary Glenn, again, without any approval from the Connections Board of Directors sent letters to three different associations summarily removing them from the Connections Association. Gary had no authority from the Connections Board and acted on his own with this unethical and illegal action.

It was not until a letter that spoke of the possibility of a class action suit that Gary Glenn backed off of the matter. By his actions he put SCRT at risk of legal action.

See Exhibit 5, 6, and 7 for proof and details. (I have letters from all three Associations they are identical)

In short, if this offends you as much as it did me, then please do the two things that I ask.

Number 1. Return this email to me with the subject line changed to:

Yes, I would like a Referendum.

I will take the results and present them at our Annual Membership meeting at Connections on May 3rd at 7:00 pm.

Number 2. Vote against Gary Glenn on the attached Ballot.

If you’ve already voted, please use the attached Revised Ballot to change your vote.

Important Note: The Ballot says to email your vote to administrator@scrt.org or mail to SCRT Headquarters 4402 S. Danville Dr Abilene, Texas 79605.

Because the Administrator is Gary Glenn’s wife and the address as well as the fax number is his business, you might want to copy Patti Savelle who is the Treasurer of SCRT and a woman of the highest integrity. Her email is psavelle@bellsouth.net you may also copy me if you would like to, my email is fritz@sfgwebsite.com. This way there can be no accusations of impropriety.

Or if you plan to attend the Annual Membership meeting you can vote at that time.

Our Code of Ethics are as follows:

Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians Code of Ethics:

Maintain the highest professional standards of workmanship and service;
Conduct business affairs with honesty and integrity, never resorting to unfair trade practices that might adversely affect the image of the association or industry;
Avoid misrepresentation of products and services, false promises, misleading advertising, or any other promotion that might lead to customer misconception;
Share knowledge and experience with the objective of upgrading the industry;
Promote a professional image, offering honest, dependable, competent service.

If you feel, like I do, that Gary Glenn has not exhibited fidelity to these high ideals, then please vote against his being a Director of the Board of SCRT.

Sincerely, Fritz Thompson


Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
How con-veeen-inent!

Sounds like there is a need for an anti-nepotism rule to avoid at least the "appearance" of collusion. CEO/President in the same house as the Administrator....yow??

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Yep someone on ICS was kind enough to send it to me and I shared it with a few. I didn't want to break any rules so I let the big dog post it to keep myself out of trouble.

And just Jimmy it's all a part of a grand plot to get you a tan and speaking Splanglish.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Dear Gary,

I do not want to ‘banter’ back and forth either but I will answer every charge that you have leveled against me.

First I would like to say that it is a common practice for someone who has his or her conduct or actions (that are of an embarrassing, if not condemning nature) brought to light, to try to take the attention off the behavior and to focus it on the person who did the exposing. This is usually done by criticizing the person delivering the message in order to ‘discredit’ them. This is called “Spinning” in the Public Relation world. This is the tactic that you are using below, Gary. Notice that you never address the issue of your engaging in unprofessional and improper behavior with your handling of the Connections matter. This is because I documented it and it is fact and it is not contestable.

My answers are in red.


Obviously Fritz it shows that you are a very bitter about your time at SCRT

No Gary, I am not bitter, it is not in my nature. I enjoyed my time on the board and at every SCRT event that I have attended, even setting up and manning the SCRT booth.
and very uninformed about the ICRA.

No, Gary, I am not uninformed, however, the members of SCRT are, and I have every intention of letting them know about the dangers that SCRT faces because of its current support of ICRA. That is why I have asked the members of SCRT to call for a referendum after a public review of both ICRA and IICRCs initiative for a National or International Association.

You have blasphemed anyone and everyone who is involved with ICRA.

Blasphemed? That is a very powerful word. If you mean that I have revealed certain actions of individuals that were not in the best interests of the IICRC and the industry at large, then I guess that I am guilty. And Gary, I have not and never will ‘blaspheme’ ‘anyone and everyone’ who is involved with the ICRA.” There are a whole lot of good people involved with ICRA some of whom are my very dear friends. If you are referring to particular individuals who happened to be some of the founders of ICRA and who stand to benefit financially and in other ways from this organization, then you are correct. And I have no problem letting others know of what they have done in the past and what it may foretell for the future of ICRA and it’s members.

Concerning your time on the SCRT board you rolled into every meeting with off the wall ideas then never completed anything you started except the Biz Unite deal which obviously you were getting a kickback from, which made you very little money as the membership wanted nothing to do with the program.

As for never completing anything, I accomplished as much as any of my peers. As far as your charge that I got a kick back. You should do some kind of research before you make such a serious accusation. I have never received a penny from Biz Unite or any other company for that matter, for recommending their services to SCRT. Nor would I ever do that. This type of behavior is exactly what has pushed me to be a vocal as I am. (Please see the attached email from the President of Biz Unite)

On the note at the bottom about my wife being the administrator for SCRT and possible that she might change votes, I really take offense to that. I’m only going to tell you this ONE TIME. You are trying to discredit a woman who just completed 20 years as an Abilene Texas Police officer. You say one more thing about her and not only will I sue your butt but I personally whip your butt. She is and always has been above reproach.

I regret that you took my request to copy the treasure on the ballots a personal insult to your wife. If you will re-read the email you will see the reason I gave was, “This way there can be no accusations of impropriety.” This was meant to be a protection to you and your wife not a slam. But because I can see that you and others may have taken it this way, I sincerely apologize for any consternation and grief that it has caused you and your wife. There is no need to threaten me with law suits or violence. I will not mention this again.

My suggestion to you Fritz is either put up or shut up.

Gary, I intend to ‘put up’ especially if there is a referendum on the ICRA issue. I have a lot of material to share with the members and would like to do it in a forum that will allow civil debate on a very serious subject.

If you can do a better job than put yourself in as a candidate for the Presidency of SCRT. I will gladly run against you, you windbag.

Gary, I will not run against you. I have already said on several forums that I will not run for nor will I accept any position on any board in this industry. I made this decision when I decided to take on the responsibility of opposing ICRA. I never want it said that I did this so that I could get a ‘position’ somewhere. I will serve as a volunteer on a committee after this is over should I be asked to. There are several individuals on the Current SCRT Board of Directors that would be much more capable than me as President and I would have no problem supporting him or her as long as they represented our association in a professional and dignified manner.

If you win more power to you I will step aside and let you run SCRT in to the ground like you did your own business.

Gary, I don’t think that you have any idea about my business. I sold my business three years ago in order to spend more time with my grandchildren and spend more time in a volunteer work (not associated with our industry). In any case, what does my business have to do with your unprofessional and unethical behavior? I don’t understand?

It’s amazing you can send your letter out to the membership but you failed to send it to me. . .once again it just shows the kind of person you are.

I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, and a right to voice what they feel, and the right to push for change. BUT, you spout off stuff that is hearsay and have no idea what the facts are.

Gary, to the contrary, I have researched this thoroughly and made many calls to many people so that I would be sure to accurately portray what occurred. It is not ‘hearsay’ and I stand by the information as accurate and truthful. This is why I attached the supporting documents to the original email.

To this point I have just let you send out all your letters about information that is incorrect, but now you are making accusations about my wife I’m ready to play hardball with you Fritz. Get a job, get a life, get your information right!

Gary, first of all you are not ‘letting me’ send out this information. I have the legal and moral right to do this and you cannot control or stop me. If the information is ‘incorrect’ then please correct it and produce proof that it is incorrect. I don’t know what you mean by ‘hardball’ but I have already apologized for any inferences to your wife’s integrity.

I will not lower myself again to argue with you so there is no need to respond to this email. I will respond as I stated if you say anything else about Debbie in the manner I stated above. . .believe me Fritz.

Gary, it is your choice as to how you wish to respond to the information that I have presented to the SCRT members. I for my part do not intend to keep quiet. Not when there is so much at stake.

Again, Gary, there is no need for threats as this is not necessary nor is it a mark of a true professional.

Respectfully Submitted,

Fritz Thompson
If you have not already done so, you can express your desire to have a referendum on the issue of whether or not SCRT should support ICRA or IICRC in a National Association by returning this email with the Subject changed to:

Yes, I want a Referendum.

By doing this you are not voting on anything, just expressing your desire to learn more about this important decision.

And if you wish to cast your vote on who should be on the SCRT Board of Directors, please feel free to send in your ballot to administrator@scrt.org
(end of my responses)

Gary Glenn
President of Scooters LLC
President of ServiceMaster by
A-Town Hi-Tech
Cleaning & Restoration
Restoration Rental Equipment LP
President of SCRT
Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians
President of Connections Events
4402 S Danville Dr.
Abilene TX 79605
“Service is Our Only Business”
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Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
My point being that Mikey really doesn't give a sheet about industry politics as MOST of us don't either.

So somebody had to poke Mikey to go ahead and "Reveal" this because the real person didn't want to have his name on it because he (or She) is a chickenshit.

Some of you people are nothing more than industry "Groupies" who want to be part of the so called "Industry elite" .

Call me names all you want but thats the way I and many others see it.


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Actually no.
This is all part of the big plan for Little Jimmy Pemberton to take over what should rightfully be his.

First he and Perky got Higgins installed in the IICRC to bring it down and next Chavez will be running SCRT and the next thing you know we'll all have to fly the McKeesport to get our hey Marty, blow me hand woven patches.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Btw, anybody have any idea if it will violate ICRA cleaning standards if I post on industry bulletin boards while I poop in a customers house?

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
I like Fritz. he's got balls, backbone and he's stubborn. Stay the hell out of his way if he knows he's right.

Take care,


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
I don't know either Fritz or Gary personally but I'm becoming to like Fritz more and more the way he bsically grabbed Gary by the sideburn and pulled him up and slapped him down!
Like my music teacher in elementary school did to one of my classmates (and yes I grew up in a world where it wasn't that big of a deal...actually we regularly had to extend our fingers closed together so a teacher could slap the tip of the fingernails with a wooden ruler if we didn't behave.)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Lee Stockwell said:
x2 Zee, and it didn't hurt us a bit

well, it hurt ME and Dave .

In junior high, a friend and i were goofing off in class.
Mrs Buxtun told us to knock it off ...me and Dave started snickering


that meant you were getting a whack...
Dave and I were in the hall laughing , cause Mrs Buxtun was like 113 years old and didn't weight 95 pounds ....how hard could she swing a board :lol:

She went down the hall and got Mr Buemi ...and he LIT US UP :shock:

back to the subject...

i don't know Fritz or Glen
But I'm enjoying the drama .
and have it scored;
Fritz 2
Glen 0


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Big time 2-0 in favor of Fritz! I would actually give him an extra for his excellent and classy comeback to lame and unprofessional responses by the Glen guy.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Unfortunately, I've never met Fritz.

Thanks to his stance, these exploits of Gary & co; are now well documented within the carpet cleaning industry worldwide.

I know that many of you do not understand well what I say at times, but I think there is something that we all believe in no matter where in the world we come from.

The matter of right & wrong.

It is clear in my mind that some in the previous committee of the IICRC were doing the wrong thing.

Now that they have started up their own little groupie thing with ICRA, I do not believe that their financial interests will change for the benefit of any members.

Also, when there are family members on a committee with responsibilities such as Gary (President of SCRT), and his wife, (Administrator of SCRT), I see this as a possible conflict of interest, & an area of concern, no matter what the persons background or integrity.

If what Fritz has posted is true, (& I have no reason to doubt this), and if I were a member, or prospective member, of either association, then I would be thinking long and hard if I really wanted to be involved with either association in the future under the current regime.

Transparency of all dealings where members money and interests are at stake, should always be available for perusal by the members for any wrongdoing, collusion, etc;

I applaud Fritz for exposing these discrepancies.


PS:: The ruler for "six of the best" was well entrenched when I attended cave school in the fifties. :oops:

I remember moving my hand forward and copping the stick across my wrist which left a welt for several days, and the old %^&&%$@# nearly had a heart attack. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Me brothers wanted to go down and punch his lights out.

Maybe some of these board members need "six of the best" to bring them back in line. shiteatinggrin
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Fritz is a cool cat... My pops is friends with the man...

And I'm still getting paddled (in the bedroom)

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