Kanna you speaka English?


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Burtz said:
other than Za ZA and Eva Gabor any other famous Hungarians


If you have the time....carefully go thru the list of names and you will be stunned how many you will recognize that you had no idea that in one way or another they were Hungarians!

This is not a complete list just something to look at. For such a small nation, I guess you could say that there is an amazing number of famous people.



Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
The Asian Sensation said:
[quote="Brian R":17xdvnkz]Hey Thang,
It might be a little different when someone has lived here 5 or more years. Times can still be tough in the land of good and plenty but I've been in really nice houses where the tennants obviosly make some scratch and STILL no speeky the english.

I understand the guy who hasn't been here long or is on the street begging for money.

But I don't get the "highly educated" money makers and their families who are not enrolled in the local class

What do you mean by "highly educated" money maker? Because they live in a nice house and have fancy things make them "highly educated"? I can bet you that most of these people work their asses off for thier lifestyle. Most are just good business people.

Let me tell you guys a story about my own family....

My family use to own a sugar refining company back in Vietnam, We were pretty well off before the war. Unfortunately,After the fall of South Vietnam, My dad felt that for our safety, due to my uncles participation in the war and fearing that the commies were gonna come knocking....we needed to escape and leave evrything behind.

With bars of gold strapped onto my older brothers and sister, My family officially became "boat people". Fortunately, AFter 5 days out at sea....We were picked up by a French Cargo ship. They dropped us off in a refugee camp in Hong Kong.We stayed there for 2 years until we got tranferred to another refugee camp in the Philipines. Lived there for 9months before we got sponsored by one of my uncle, who lives in Mass.

Uhhh...Finally Arrived in the U.S.A!! Smooth sailing now, right? Hell No!!

To support the family, My parents both had to work 2 jobs each to feed everybody. After a few years of that, They saved up enough money to open a Pho Restuarant. My mother went back to school full time to persue a law degree, while my father took care of the resturant to feed us kids and to pay for her education.

Fast forward a few years....My mother graduated and started praticing law and my dad (at the time) managed 4 resturants in Mass and Montreal. My father never had time to take a ESL class during the 25 years, He was too busy providing a good life (which I, unfortuanely kind of took for granted) for his family. Matter of fact, If it wasnt for my mom tutoring him at home at night throughout the years...I believe that he would most likely not be able to have a converstaion in english.

Btw, This is just the short version.[/quote:17xdvnkz]

Wow, Thang....and I used to consider moving across town a pain in the ass!


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
Funny how we are talking about this stuff. After 911 no one cared about this immigration stuff. Who is from where or what they speak. We were all united in the common good for our country. The past presidential elections just stirred up the whole immigration thing. Politicians trying to get everyone upset because of a slow economy and trying to blame it on anything or anyone besides themselves. We are a country of immigrants that have always exploited the latest inflow of less fortunate immigrants for cheap labor. Then we complain when they do not act, speak and worship as most of us do. Some how the whole "we are better than them" is always the attitude here. Does anyone realize that so long as we do not treat each other with compation, understanding and tolerance we will always be divided in some way, may it be literally or subconsciously. Why is it that after decades we have so many undocumented persons in this country? Why were the previous immigrants of decades ago able to become Americans so easily? This is not brain surgery. The lack of a solution has lead to a slew of problems like identity theft, people trafficking and many more other problems that have arose from this problem not being fixed. What is it about our exclusive club “America” that we have to make it so difficult for a person to become an American? Is that not what we want the immigrants to do? So why is it so difficult? Here is something to chew on. We have millions of undocumented persons here in the U.S. employed paying into workman’s comp. and social security. These people will never collect those benefits if they are not U.S. citizens. We are collecting billions in social security and workman’s comp. from people that will never collect “unless they become U.S. citizens”. So if they leave (or get deported) we will lose that income, if they become legal citizens we have to pay them what they deserve. Hmmm does the picture start to become clearer now? As I said we are a country of immigrants that exploits the latest inflow of less fortunate immigrants for cheap labor, and now they are subsidizing social security too. Hey I am not complaing about being an American I am proud to be one. But I am also a Christian and have love for my fellow brothers and sisters. I have a lot bigger power to answer to when it comes to being compassionate, understanding and tolerant to my fellow man. I want to know that I am being Christly and not going to look down on someone because they can’t speak any of the two languages that I have been blessed to. Lets keep this all in perspective and look into the mirror and see if we can imagine our great ancestors that settled this country and how they felt. Their first impressions of America, and how they were treated by the immigrants that got here before them. The English, the Irish, the Italians, the Germans, etc… etc…. how was your great great grandfather, or your great grandfather, or your grandfather treated when they first came to America? When we all realize that the immigration issue is not one of legal or illegal but one of right and wrong or moral and immoral we will not be able to solve it. One last thought lets ask us, what would Jesus do?


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
I have nothing but respect for someone who comes to the country legally and works their azz off. As a group most Asians mirror American ideals (tight family and strong work ethic). I don’t think I would even ever make fun them if I had not had to negotiate many business deals with them blowme . You wash carpet for $100.00? No $150.00. Too much, Too much. I pay you $100.00, You wash carpet. :lol:


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
I know the story I have been there and done the dealing with them not only with carpet cleaning. Not an east group to negotiate with. The are tight with the dough. I guess they have to sell a lot of buffets at $ 5 to make ends meat. and that’s a whole lot of food to keep in the buffet for us to eat lol. No harm in some freindly remarks about a certain group, i know us cubans are always talking loud and most people think were fighting when we talk to one another lol. I am just sad to see how divided our country has become and in a time that we need to be most united.

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