Re: truckmountforums/frauds/Nick Nellos junk truckmounts lies!
James Cooper said:
I am asking the questions, fair questions that lots of cleaners and GG supporters are now asking.
James Cooper said:
approx 2.3 mil over 3 years from
glide sales - but just how much was spent on the fight from $$$ from glide sales ??
I would think several hundred thousand plus showing up to court, not counting the support from mytee and Jim B would leave them in better shape than what they are in now ??
Where is the fair question here?
It's none of your damned business and so "unfair".
Just cooper making groundless and inflamatory statements.
James Cooper said:
Shit , cut it in half then 2.3 is in the court records , lets say its 1.1 mil - I would think you could find a couple hundred thousand and still afford to hire representation.
Where is the fair question here?
Just cooper making groundless and inflamatory statements.
James Cooper said:
That scenario is probably the closest to the truth , HOWEVER , if they had continued to manage the case from the start , they would still be able to legally sell the glides just as Mytee is and still be in the position of defending their case . By not managing the case , they lost the ability to legally sell the glides and not showing up to court has got created the mess they are in , regardless of who is now the current owner .
Where is the fair question here?
Just cooper making groundless and inflamatory statements.
James Cooper said:
As a mod on ® , and a buyer of glides , and a businessperson that has followed this case from the start , I was astonished at reading the court documents.
The cash that was made on glides and the cost of fighting this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the potential that this product has on an open and free market, regardless of the players involved in selling them . An outfit like GG with their available selection of fitted glides would hit the ground running and be the king of glides from the get go .
Again , in reading the court documents , this wasnt a 1 or 2 time fubar , this was total neglect of any and all court proceedings. I and lots of other folks dont understand that . Maybe we could understand being bankrupted from fighting the case and spending your profits on lawyers , but this certainly wasnt the case .
Really? And just how do you know this "certainly wasnt the case "
Where is the fair question here?
Just cooper making groundless and inflamatory statements.
James Cooper said:
I think its important that questions be asked . When people bury their heads in the sand , it allows folks to continue to take liberties inches at a time , until the difference between fact and pure bs are blurred .
I have always said GG made quality, albeit pricey goods. Their service has been good , which is key for them to be able to charge their high rates.
But according to the court documents , it paints an entirely different picture of the goings on in relation to the court proceeding and their committment to fighting it to win.
In other words , as Steve G has already said , they basically took the money and ran and left the fight and the financial committment of the fight to others .
Yeah , maybe you can ball a letter from HRI up and throw it away , but doesnt it piss you off that your private info as a customer of GG is given away freely when the pressure of possible legal consequences finally catch up to them ???
WHat about the chem who shirts and the fight for the little guy ?? It appears like the little guy that was financing GG , You and me and everyone that bought a glide got the short end of the glide .
Where is the fair question here?
Just cooper making groundless and inflamatory statements and repeating another persons opinion.
"It appears like the little guy that was financing GG".
Not an question, just another untrue opinion later changed by james to "Lisa got the short end of the stick".
James Cooper said:
I dont know all the complexities of the case , but thats why people are asking questions .
You guys told the courts that almost all your income was acheived from the sales of glides . You guys also tols us time and time again you priced all your products at premium prices to ensure you could afford to stay in business and not be like the brokedick carpet cleaners of the industry . Then , out of all the sales that were made , you guys couldnt afford to put back 75 g's or so a year to finance a defense to fight HRI ?? out of 2.3 gross thats a drop in the bucket considering you guys were the primary employees of GG , a self stated mom and pop operation.
I really truly dont understand .
"I dont know all the complexities of the case but thats why people are asking questions."
That is a totally illogical statement plus it implies that you speak for "people" which of course you don't and never will.
Where is the fair question here? You haven't a clue about what fighting an out of State case costs but choose to make up figures anyway. Is that fair?
Just cooper making groundless and inflamatory statements.
Have you ever run a 5-700k business, let alone developed and researched products for a manufacturing and distributing business ?
On what basis can you state ( as if it is a fact ) that $75k is a drop in the bucket?
Then Lisa and Ken Snow explained to you what a dumbass you are.
Ken Snow said:
Here, here Lisa! Our retail showrooms will gross around 4.2 million down from over 9 million in the late 90's. People might think that is a lot of money, but our breakeven is almost 8 million wih our brick and mortoer oand overhead structure (actually we have mitigated a lot of that but our BE now is still over 6 mill).
James Cooper said:
[quote="truckmount girl":3sl0bm65]
Answer me directly and honestly here James. Do you really think I'm that kind of person? Do you really think I don't care?
Take care, Lisa
Do I think you are that kind of person , no , certainly not , BUT I do think you have been left holding the shit end of the stick and I'm sure in hindsite you may have chosen to handle things differently , if I catch your tone , than Jeff decided to.
I can say this , it seems like you inherited the more stressful part of the division of assets than Jeff did .[/quote:3sl0bm65]
Again, no fair questions, just a pompous ass spouting off except that this time it is not the
"It appears like the little guy that was financing GG ,
You and me and everyone that bought a glide got the short end of the glide"
But now it's:
Lisa who got the short end of the stick.
James Cooper said:
Greenie said:
Coop, you dumbass, BrokeDick is a mental state, not a financial reference, you will always be a brokdick, wasn't it you who bought a harbor freight lathe so you could make your own glides = brokedick.
As for the Legalities, there is more to that story, and fortunately everyone who isn't sticking a knife in Lisa's back knows and understands that.
You owned the company buddy , your responsibility doesnt stop at the point of the sale . So no , your not off the hook .
Seems to me it would have been a lot easier to invest in a proper defense instead of playing internet guru and engaging in shell and coin games with folks that were legitamately trying to grow their businesses .
State of mind my ass . You and your ilk humiliated folks for not charging enough and for trying to find the best prices on their suppplies and services for their business , then you poor mouth about not being able to afford to pay for lawyers while grossing 2.3 million over 3 years .
My advice is to get your financial statements together and meet your next court date , because if you dont your next fight may be with big bubba over whos gonna be the bitch .
More fair questions from cooper? I don't think so.
Give it a rest Coops, with the 'fair questions"- that's bs and we all know it.