Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Sign up today for this limited time contest.

The winner will receive the $495.00 Market to Thousands for Pennies a Day Marketing System for FREE!

Anyone selling products or services to the general public could benefit with this system.

You may encourage your non-competing friends to enter.

This is the easy step by step system that will give you a lifetime of customers for less than most companies pay for just one month of Yellow Page advertising. Plus it only takes 10 bucks or less and aprox. 1 hour per month to implement.

Once you get it started this long-term system keeps on working month after month forever! (After you retire your kids will be still getting customers from the seeds you plant with this system today)



2.Go to the swap meat section thread titled “Market to Thousands for Pennies a Dayâ€ÂÂ


Well, I would say that I am deserving of this program, because I generally get my work from referals. I live in a Metro area of about 150,000 +, and would like to kick up the business a notch or two. I have 2 son's that work with me, and adding another truck would be a challange.
I have plenty of time to implement this system, since I am retired from GM, and carpet and upholstery cleaning is job one for me.

Good ideas that aren't HOKEY....like giving out candy or flowers to customers....would be welcome. If it's about BNI, my area is already taken in the carpet cleaning category. But new ideas are always welcome.

As for Yellow page ads...I only have 1 line. I really don't want to compete with The Yellow Trucks Yellow page ads, as they have an unlimited nationwide audience.

So there's a chance I could win this program?? Maybe 1 in, say, 1100??

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
RW, do you pay yore sons way over scale, give em lots of vacation and sick days, pay into their retirement and medical and guarantee that you'll take care of em till the day they head off to heaven???

Or is yore company not modeled after GM??? LOL

PS i'm in the early stages of building my biz to add 1-2 trucks. i'm going to use the road map in my SFS manual. I live in a town of 250k (Tallahassee and surrounding areas) and would love to have a program to pick up 15-1800 new, well paying customers.

i have 2 young men who i'm seriously looking at bringing on. one is here now, and one is graduating from bible college in california this summer.

if i'm chosen, and the system works, i'll buy the program and give it away to the next recipient!!!


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
I left my full-time job back in October. Now that I have survived the winter (barely) I have every confidence that the carpet cleaning business is going to work out for me. None of the advertising that I have done has been profitable. This has actually worked to boost my confidence in the business though because despite my miserable failings in marketing my business is growing every month as a result of repeats and referrals. i know that in a couple of years at the rate I'm going I'll have a nice little referral based business but I really need it to pick up the pace as my wife is in nursing school and we live off my single income. I would like to be able to add a second truck for my little brother to run by summer '08. I would be happy with any method that brought in more money than it cost, even if it was only 2-3 customers a month it would be a tremendous boost to my business.

People QuickFacts Bay County Population, 2005 estimate 161,558

Tom Mock

Oct 8, 2006
Here's my go at it!!

I started cleaning in 2004 when a buddy of mine says, "let's go into the carpet cleaning biz." I didn't have a clue about it then. I went to the internet and found the Rotovac system and a portable.

Shortly after acquiring the equipment, I found the ICS BB. I was able learn about the cleaning biz and which products were worth the $$.

I took the CC tech class later that fall. Our little part-time company started to grow a good reputation. A couple of years later my wife and I moved to Des Moines. I looked for a CC biz to buy but didn't have any luck, so I tried my hand at tool sales. That's what I have done for the past year. I cashed in everything that I in retirement accounts. I ended up losing $1000 per week for that year.

A few months ago I felt compelled to again try my hand at cleaning. I missed the work. I knew that I needed to put a marketing plan into place first and foremost. Unless people know who you are and what you do, you are just spinning your wheels.

Along with the marketing I felt the need to purchase a good TM system to be competitive. I again went to the boards for advice. It was about that time that Mikey started this board. I have learned more from this board in the short time it has been around than I did from ICS.

In March my wife, bless her heart, gave up a trip to Hawaii to attend MF with me in Santa Cruz. I was finally able to see and talk to some of the great people that had been giving me advice. I came home from that trip determined to be a good, reputable cleaner here in Des Moines.

I turned in my resignation to the tool company, sold my tool truck, and intend to make my dream come true. I nearly threw in my cards by almost taking a job with Service Master. I know that I am better than $11 an hr. With the chems and equipment that I currently have, I know I can be competitive and make a profit. Besides, I need to get Melissa to Hawaii for our 20th anniv.

I feel that I have gotten the easy part done, my equipment and methods, now I need to perfect the hard part, acquiring and maintaining profitable customers.

I will still work to keep the bills paid until the cleaning biz is booked solid for 3 weeks. Hopefully with a good marketing system, that can happen by this time next year. I hope that I can give back to this industry some of what has been given to me by others.

Thanks for your Consideration.


I puchased this business from a o/o back in 91 and moved the family down here with hopes of being finacially free. 9/11 hit and my market dried up. Some bad mistakes with YP the following year put us in the negative and have yet to recover. I have had to drop my health insurance as I cant afford it anymore and as of the first of April my kids medicaid ran out. Instead of raising my prices I have had to lower them to compete with the new guys on block. I am presently cleaning carpets for less than what I was doing back in 01 and we all know where gas prices are now.

I feel I deserve that package in order so that I may recover whats left of my business.


Oct 9, 2006
I deserve the package because I take immediate action and will implement it to it's full potential. It won't sit on a shelf.

Plus I'm an all around nice guy and have worked really hard to build my business.



Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
those who jumped on the bash-Dave's-system train shouldn't qualify :)


After getting wiped out by Katrina and losing everything I had

....I've started over in a new area. Been here in NC for about 8 or 9 months now. Business is doing good, but could always be better. Advertising is killing me....referrals and repeat business is starting to kick in now though.

I could definitely use the Yoakum system.
Oct 7, 2006
Winning is not earned, its a lot of luck followed by being in the right place at the right time. I stay booked with at least 2 to 3 homes per day(residential) with NO marketing. I have Joe Polish's (never used it really) program and have taken many business building and carpet related courses over the years. I know what it takes to make loyal clients out of customers.
With that said, I would try the marketing program implementing the ideas and give an honest opinion of it's possibilities backed by reports ect. If the program consists of changing the normal function of my business or telemarketing, please don't consider me.
I need a little help finding that special someone to run a second truck in a very sensitive market. That is my next step to accomplish followed by new customers hoping he can convert to clients.

PS I'm not a supporting member of this board.

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Why Fred Homan of Superior Cleaning Solutions should win....First, I apologize for slamming you Dave. I'm sure many here have lost money at some time in their life to things that sounded too good to be true. Again, I apologize! My situation. I have been cleaning carpet off and on for about the last 17 years....1 1/2 as full time as I can make it since going on strike at Northwest Airlines where I was a Lead Cleaner for 17 years. Business has been pretty sporatic since then. Most of my business has been word of mouth. We got a bad deal from Northwest Airlines. At least I had some kind of backup. It has been a struggle. To say the least.
Having to use credit cards for this and that. Need to pay those off and have more consistant business and referrals and more repeat business.
Traditional advertising does not seem to do much. Money is an issue. BNI has helped, but mediocre at best. I get testimonials alot saying what a great job I do. I still need alot more business to survive. I own a Hydramaster (older), Cimex and a pilelifter. I'm sure many here could have a compelling story
why they should win. Perhaps you might consider more than one free system? It would sure help someone out of a difficult situation. As the BNI motto goes.... "GIVERS GAIN" Alot of truth to that...


Oct 9, 2006
I think everyone here knows my situation. I guess other than that, the only thing that makes me a good candidate is I will use the system & report back with results: favorable or otherwise. That said Al Spaet, Waldo, D. Smith & RW are all deserving/qualified candidates.

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
I stand on the corners at off ramps holding a bowl of plain mac, and a sign that reads "WILL WORK FOR CHEESE". I would put the program to good use, but I don't have the .50 a month to implement it, so.. nevermind. Give it to someone who can afford the pennies month to implement it..

Can anyone spare some cheese? :oops:

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
This post is the ICS board in reverse. Where are all the post from guys charging .50 to $1.00 per sq. ft. and making $150 per hour? :?:

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum

Thanks to all for submitting entries.

Good luck !

Dave Yoakum

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
It's not too late to enter.

Win this $494 Marketing system for FREE!

Remember-The winner will be selected by how well you fit the criteria for this system listed at the swap meat.


Oct 8, 2006
When I'm in the mood, I'll pay for it.

In the mean time, give it to somebody who will make good use of it but may not have the $500 to spare.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Contest ends Saturday at midnight !

If you are the best fit for this marketing you win.

It's that easy!

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum

This marketing has been a secret for almost 3 years now. I am now willing to share this system with a selected few.

Marketing that is different and unique, that brings in residential customers forever, for next to nothing. Has a tremendous value.

I am giving!

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I started in this business almost 1 year ago. I had a corporate job for 15 years and was tired of not seeing my family. We have survived our first year just making ends meet. We have the busy, slow, busy, slow routine that is wearing us out. I don't enjoy biting my fingernails and staying awake trying to figure out how I can get work next week. I am a horrible salesman when it comes to cold calling to businesses, but when Mrs. Jones gets a doorhanger and calls me I can do a good job of getting her to book. I need a marketing jump start and I could really benefit from this program. I work hard and take pride in being the best. I will put this program to work and let others know how great it is.


Dec 3, 2006
Hi Dave, thanks for the opportunity to win one of your marketing plans. I believe I am a perfect fit for several reasons. I fit all criteria for the seven points you listed. I am a very vocal cheerleader and would be happy to post every couple of weeks with my progress if you would like. I also would have no problem paying you an additional fee for the rights of exclusivity to my area if the plan works as well as I hope it does. Let me tell a bit about myself so that you too can see how well I fit your requirements...I have an established business (16 years). Up until last year, I advertised the traditional ways: newspaper, magazine, and radio ads. Unfortunately, I was lumped in with the rest of my competition who were doing the same things. In those venues, the ad with the lowest price is the one that generates the most calls. After struggling with this for several years, I decided to change my business plan. In the meantime, I have been marketing to my existing customer base, which is fine, but my flow of new customers has almost completely dried up. For the past six months, I have been searching for an answer to this that didn't include falling back into the old pattern of a new sale ad every 4-6 weeks. Your plan sounds like the answer I have been looking for. I am actively looking for ways to grow my business, unfortunately, since I changed my business plan, my income has leveled off. One of the ways with which I've been attempting to increase my income has been by attending IICRC classes. By summertime this year, my firm will be Certified. Additionally, I will be attending Strategies For Success this fall. On a personal note, my wife is just about to give birth to our third child, so I have another mouth to feed. I have the drive to implement your plan as well as the required time to make it successful. Thanks for the consideration and have a great day!

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