My conclusion and opinion of the Tri-force stretcher

Bruno Fissori

Aug 27, 2013
Bruno Fissori

What's regular about a dude named Bruno?

I guarantee you he's a mafia member who is just using us as a fake front for his illegal business.

I also guarantee you that the word illegal made Taco stop and read this post.

Right you are, we have two businesses! Our other enterprise is the manufacture of concrete "walking shoes".
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steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett

let me wager and say barry is not going to like it. let me know if I end up being right. ok here is the deal as I see. your only getting most of the stretch out of a 3-4 foot span between the feet and the head of the unit. yeah I hear the it pulls from the center and all that jazz IMO that would help. but even using a regular power stretcher the head is still stretching carpet on either side of the head up to 3 feet out on each side, so a span of nearly 6 feet. and from looking at the unit you can see where the feet wrinkle the carpet behind the unit. minimum stretch on a carpet is supposed to be something like 1% or a little over an inch for a 12 foot room. Barry IIRC said carpet can be stretched up to 17%. so with this unit your are counting on being able to put a temporary extra stretch on the carpet in the span and then the carpet relaxes and the stretch ends up relaxing across the entire span of the room. would it work yeah just like putting a dead man behind a power stretcher ie a tack stripped board that someone stands while the foot of the power stretcher is against, but in that case your normally putting the stretch over a much larger span of the carpet. I would also worry about an idiot ripping the carpet because your putting alot of pressure behind the feet. I have ripped too many carpets to count trying to get that last little bit of stretch with my knee kicker.


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
I got mine today . I,ll start using tomorrow . If I can get away from using the knee kicker and cliping poles .it will make me very hhappy I talked to Bruno on the phone seems like a very helpful guy , to me the tool makes perfect sense. Kinda like a cross bow for carpet stretching.
as I already said we do a lot of restretching and I like simple. Let you know tomorrow how it works
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Bruno Fissori

Aug 27, 2013
Bruno Fissori
let me wager and say barry is not going to like it. let me know if I end up being right. ok here is the deal as I see. your only getting most of the stretch out of a 3-4 foot span between the feet and the head of the unit. yeah I hear the it pulls from the center and all that jazz IMO that would help. but even using a regular power stretcher the head is still stretching carpet on either side of the head up to 3 feet out on each side, so a span of nearly 6 feet. and from looking at the unit you can see where the feet wrinkle the carpet behind the unit. minimum stretch on a carpet is supposed to be something like 1% or a little over an inch for a 12 foot room. Barry IIRC said carpet can be stretched up to 17%. so with this unit your are counting on being able to put a temporary extra stretch on the carpet in the span and then the carpet relaxes and the stretch ends up relaxing across the entire span of the room. would it work yeah just like putting a dead man behind a power stretcher ie a tack stripped board that someone stands while the foot of the power stretcher is against, but in that case your normally putting the stretch over a much larger span of the carpet. I would also worry about an idiot ripping the carpet because your putting alot of pressure behind the feet. I have ripped too many carpets to count trying to get that last little bit of stretch with my knee kicker.

Your right Steve, stretcher heads can stretch up to 3 feet out on each side, but it is not an even strech. Imagine a row boat moving through the water and how the ripples move outward in a V pattern, it's the same idea on a stretch that far from the head. The maximum force is directly behind the head, in the center. If the stretcher was only stretching in the localized 3 feet in between the head and feet, there would be a solid ripple behind the feet. The wrinkles you see behind the feet are from the carpet stretching in front of the feet, but the stretch moving up through the center is much more substantial. Notice in the video how the kicker can't even get a ripple in the 12 X 16 test floor.

This works nothing like a dead man. A dead man works on the same 2 dimesional principles as the carpet poles, push from point A to point B. Knee kickers do rip carpets. There is a sudden impact to the carpet like a car wreck. Who hasn't ripped a carpet in the past with a kicker? In eight years of regular use the triFORCE as ripped ZERO carpets on installs or restretches and we have had ZERO recalls. It does not rip carpets due to the controlled forward motion of the power stretcher. One of the comments we hear most often is, "Why would I want to keep using a knee kicker when there is a better option? The results of eight years prove this to be a truly revolutionary tool, but the hardest part is setting aside what we know now about installation and learning something new. Thank you for your input Steve and I hope this helps explain the tool better. Contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss it in greater detail.
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Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
The results of eight years prove this to be a truly revolutionary tool, but the hardest part is setting aside what we know now about installation and learning something new.

This is an important thing to remember. You will be learning a new way to stretch with this tool. So before you want to throw it in the river, remember this. It will end up being faster and easier.

Sent from my motorola flip phone using Crapatalk 1.1

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I couldn't tell you. I use the one off my stretcher that I already had.
I have an old heavy beast that I got from some old man. Paid $100.

Sent from my motorola flip phone using Crapatalk 1.1


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Still using mine with my Roberts power head.

I have no complaints at all about it.


Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
The Behr claw rips the tac strip up.
If you watch the videos in their website, you can see how this tool works.
I have a stretch job tomorrow that the tri force will be excellent on. I'll take some pics.


Jan 2, 2016
Jeremy Gray
The Behr claw rips the tac strip up.
If you watch the videos in their website, you can see how this tool works.
I have a stretch job tomorrow that the tri force will be excellent on. I'll take some pics.
That was always my concern with the claws. It seemed like they were adding extra nails a lot.

Kellie Hiler

Nov 8, 2015
Kellie Hiler
No, my .380 makes me feel safer.
The Tri-force makes me work less. Working less makes me fatter. Being fat makes me harder to kidnap, so I guess you can say it makes me feel safer too.
But i'd rather count on my .380.
Crap....I've lost a lot of weight lately, I better get to eating more! :eekk:

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman

This is a perfect example of a good use for the tri force.
Hardwood installer cut the carpet at the transition. He compromised the stretch in the process. Instead of putting a tac strip along the transition he just put the T-bar across hoping it would hold the carpet down. This resulted in the room having ripples in the doorway (for some reason they aren't really visible in the picture.)
There wasn't a good wall behind the stretch to put my power stretcher on because of the desk and shelves. So the tri force is the perfect tool for this. I had to fix 3 transitions in this hallway. 20 minutes $95.


Sep 19, 2007
I'll try to chime in once I get back later, but I bought the TriForce Max last year. Seriously this tool is so wonderful. The Max is great because it is so small, from head to tail I can restretch a carpet in the smallest places, that before would require lots of furniture moving. If someone is thinking of getting one the Max is really worth the extra money just because of the short footprint. I really should make a video of how I use mine because the other videos don't show the benefits that I have found when using mine. One thing that most people need to get used to is that the stretch takes place only right at the head so you move it along the wall just a foot or to at a time. Kinda like using a kicker to restretch. When using a kicker you pretty much place the kicker every few inches along a wall. So on a 12 foot wall you might place kick the carpet at 8 places, with the triforce you would place it 6 or 7 times. A traditional power stretcher may only need to be placed 4 times on a 12 foot wall. Hopefully that makes sense.
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