Oct 9, 2011
a board member brought it to my attention the awful thing I have done to all of my fellow members and cleaners..
I like coming on the board and reading posts. I do ask questions but only if theyre important.. Alot of my questions get looked at 100 plus times and get answered 2 or 3.. that happens quite a bit with others also as i can see, if you dont know or dont want to answer.. oh well.. I dont take it personal at all. I ask because the board reaches sooo many cleaners who may have had similar experiences. never would i just be a taker not a giver. i have posted on those i had knowledge that i felt hadnt already been shared, why share the same thing twice?
I said that to say this...
I was in the process of buying a wand from a seller who frequents the board. somewhere in that process, he asks me about posting on the board. I dont alot because actually I am sooooo very busy, so much that sometimes i post a question and cant get back to it to even see what help ive gotten.. I own a business, work for my school system and am a tennis coach for the middle school and the recreation department.
He now refuses to sell me anything because he feels i dont contribute to others... wow... that floored me that hed do that because i dont post on the board. wow.. dont bite the hand that feeds you????
Thank you all for your help and in the future I will try and share my experiences and knowledge..
My apologies


May 27, 2011
ronnieballenger said:
a board member brought it to my attention the awful thing I have done to all of my fellow members and cleaners..

He now refuses to sell me anything because he feels i dont contribute to others... wow... that floored me that hed do that because i dont post on the board. wow.. dont bite the hand that feeds you????

This person who requires you to post on a BB to make a sale sounds a lot like what they call an idiot.


Supportive Member
Feb 27, 2011
David Reed
Who the hell would not sell to you because you dont post enough?
If this is true buy from someone else, anything he has you can get elsewhere.
Oct 9, 2011
right now i dont want to say. I do appreciate the responses because thats the same way i felt, it made me feel bad to start with because i felt like maybe he is right, then figured it wasnt worth it. I like some of what he sells and have bought from him in the past.. Just dont understand people sometime.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
Ooooh ooooh ooooh pick me, I know I know! Lets just say hes not a favorite suppier on THiS board...


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
looks like you should make a point of reading this board more....probably would have saved you the hassle

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
not on "this" board

that's not a policy here.
if a member did it, can't do much about that (and wouldn't anyway) cause it's a free world here ...
rough 'n tumble though it can be at times.... free wheelin' none the less

Just dont understand people sometime.

Don't try, Dude
I know who/what you're referring to ...there's a 3-4 page recent thread dealing with this very thing

We all get to pitch our tent the way we choose .
we all get to invite who we want at the camp fire
Some folks will sell anyone marshmallows to cook on the camp fire, some won't

don't sweat it


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
If you are talking about a supplier who posts or advertises here please PM me who it is.

I have to imagine you are talking about Joe Bristor and his forum though.

This sort of bullshit is endorsed by former and present Mikey Boarders over there if you can beleave that.
Oct 9, 2011
one reason i went with him is that he emailed me and told me he would let me demo a 15" wand if i paid freight
both ways if i didn't like it.
im in the market for one and its hard to pay 1000 for one and be stuck with it..

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
ronnieballenger said:
one reason i went with him is that he emailed me and told me he would let me demo a 15" wand if i paid freight
both ways if i didn't like it.
im in the market for one and its hard to pay 1000 for one and be stuck with it..

now you will be just another person that he can hide behind his board and accuse that you only wanted things from him for free....even though he made you that offer.....


May 27, 2011
I am sure teh manufacturer would be thrilled to know that as sociopath is handling their wares.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Just to make it clear Ronnie, Joe Bristor only participated on this forum for a very short time.

I would encourage you to do business with a more "stable" supplier.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I love Mikeys board
I love Mikeysboard because… it helps me find the people I don’t want to serve.

What you are about to read is a recap of what I go through several times a day.
I use a little word called ‘contribution’ to quickly separate givers from takers.

Most recently it’s Ronnie Ballenger, the guy looking for a PMF Ti wand.
Obviously he didn’t know of all the upgrades I do.
So like others of ignorance, he goes to MB whereby no one dared tell him “just call Joe” for fear of being threatened by the linchmen in control.
So I email Ronnie about my version then he calls me.
We had a nice 15 minute talk and I answered all his questions.
I explained how I build the PMF Ti with custom everything, lenth, flow, glide, optionals etc..

He thinks about it a couple of days, realizes it’s probly a better value - custom features you don’t get with the stock wand he was about to pay $300 more for - so he starts an email exchange with me. Some 15 emails later I have him really wanting it. So I’m about to arrange it for him, but one more little detail… I know Ronnie to know if Ronnie s a giver or still a taker. See, I know from years back that Ronnie is a slow payer, an ungrateful customer and vindictive bulletinboarder, quick to ask questions when he needs help but slow to answer others’ questions. I hoped he had changed and was about to find out. You may know that I simply won’t help anybody else if they don’t already have at least a smiggin of desire to help others.

So after Ronnie’s telephone call and 15+ email Questions, I would find out if he was a giver, a Contributor? Not a tough question to answer for an honest, willing person, Right? Well, like so many before him, he pretended to not know what I was talking about. When he realized I was serious, he quickly to backed out of the deal. I made it clear what I wanted was one simple little thing, to be willing to help others. Of course he would not even address that issue. Denial. Just like so many others. Where do these people hang out? You guess it, Mikeysboard.

I would have put money on Ronnie going there in a vindictive way, just like so many others before him. Sure enough, there he is on Mikeyboard. But wow! Notice the well written, punctuated document Ronnie posted. Not at all like the brief text messages he threw at me 15 times…like answer this quick, I’m busy. No! this was well thought out, planned piece no doubt one he got help with. Hey Mikey, Joe is being mean to me. No problem Ronnie, let me help you. This gem was meant to garner sympathy & support from others of his same caliber. And as crazy as it seems, it was meant to twist the story from one of Joe offering to help to one of how mean & crazy Joe must be. Only on Mikeyboard do you get such one-side twisted lies.

Classic childish behavior Ronnie’s…. if I can’t get daddy to lemme maybe mommy will. His sarcastic attempt to discredit me, my business and me generosity. It won’t be for some time til Ronnie realizes how bad he screwed up.

I have drawn this line … I’m only gonna help certain people from now on.
All the rest can be the Ronnie Ballenger’s of the world.

Guess who came to his defense… the same losers who I’ve expelled in the past.
FACT: they have each been asked to contribute. That’s all I ask. Is that too much? To an honest person, he would say no, not at all. To dishonest people, it is not even in their vocabulary. Look at Ronnie’s denial. Notice he NEVER actually addresses the real issue. He NEVER says sure I will contribute.

These people follow the same behavioral pattern: confusion, defensiveness, denial vindictiveness, in that order. Most twist the fact or outright lie just to save face.
The only way they have to justify their utterly selfishness is to find others who will help them call me names and create a false message that it’s not them, it’s me. Of course few of these guys made it past high school; much less hold doctorate degrees in medicine or psychology do they? But there they are casting the stone, judging & ridiculing. This is Mikeysboard…. THE place to hang out if you are one of the helpless, selfish, sacrcastic people who needs a support group full of other misery-loves-company people.

I knew Ronnie Ballenger from the past, way before he called. Yet I reached out to help him.
I only asked one simple little favor of him. He rejected me completely.
Then he began his plan to get even with me.
Is this the action of a mature adult or a mean little boy? Seriously, I ask you?

I see the same behavior in Mikey and his administration, past & present. Aren’t these the guys who administer Mikeyboard and ‘kick-start’ the auctions, yet never seem to get around to finishing them? Aren’t these the guys ALWAYS taking up for the advertisers who pay Mikey; even when they know they are dead wrong?

Maybe you can get a glimpse into why I left there – in the same second I realized the corruption was real, I was gone. I did it quietly not like the lie Mikey told where “Joe wants to address the group.” Mikey you lied to 1) create content for your own selfish self 2) to hide the fact that you are a liar. I have nothing against the group overall, most of you have a lot to share and you do. Fact is Mikey should be paying you all, not you paying him. Because without you, he is nothing. Nada. Squat. ZERO CONTRIBUTION. Right Mikey?

Both he and his adminstration … I want nothing to do with. I question their ethics, morality, honesty, and integrity. Just follow the money and you will see for yourself.

On the other hand if it wasn’t for these people, and this place, it wouldn’t be so easy for me to distinguish the Ronnie Ballenger’s of the world now would it?
So I gotta say it again, I love Mikeysboard.

Ronnie, you got it backwards, YOU have bitten the hand that was reaching out to feed you.
You only get to make that mistake once. Now you go hungry. Please go pay a thousand bucks for a stock PMF Ti 15” wand then join the crowd of cleaners belly-aching how bad it is. And remember it was your own selfishness that got you into the mess you’re in.

Like I say, I had hoped you had changed your ways, but you proved otherwise.
But it’s never too late. Just do what others do – contribute. You got it in you. So do it. But it’s too late for you & this wand. It was meant for you but now it’s going to a real cleaner who is not so selfish.

For the MBers reading this who fear the retaliation of Mike and his clan of manipulative thugs, fear not. Look at how MB readership has been in steady decline since the first days. The good people gradually realize this model is wrong and leave. Simple. I hope you join up with real cleaners and join in with the good sharing going over here. Like I say, you all have a lot to offer. Ronnie Ballinger does too. He just needs to realize it. Thanks RCTeam for making this place real. We are the white light at the opposite end of the black hole that I love so much.

Below is the email exchange. Note the sequence,
Me helping Ronnie,
Ronnie taking my help
Then I ask for his help and immediately rejects me.
Confusion, denial, rejection, vindictiveness, seeking support, fake contributions to save face.
Classic behavior I’ve seen from so many Ronnie’s.

After our 15 minute initial phone call where I patiently explained all his options ….
Ronnie starts emailing me and promptly respond to all of them.

Will you still send me a 15" wand to try out if I pay shipping??

sure, I’ll start getting one ready.
Length = long?
Glide = Hybrid?
Flow = Medium?
Thermometer? If so, which side, left or right?

Length-Where do u measure from? Im 5'11"
Flow?? Type of jets?
Glide hybrid.. holes/slots
No thermometer...

flow, low flow, medium flow, high flow.
It’s 6 jet wand.
See the shear kit page to help you decide.

i guess medium to high.. sorry still dont quite understand fully but thatll prob work for me.. i thought the flow was controlled more by the pressure you put out..

yea, youre right, but jet size is important too.
I realize I only have two in stock the long one (too long for a guy 5’11”) and the pressure gun version which is the right length for you.
Interested in pressure gun?
If not, I gotta wait til Monday to order, I may already a couple coming but PMF is typically slow.
I’ll be lucky to get it Monday week.

Jet gun may b cool... but think regular one is ok..

Ok... got a job on june 19 th i wantd to try it out on but guess ill have no choice if u dont already have one comn..

Ok Joe... guess just let me know when u find out if u have one comn...
If i like this one ill b back with ya in a 12" 2" ...

Don’t forget the VT14 – my best seller by far.
I can make you one custom length, custom flow, glide, stainless soft Touch.
All the same features except 14” ss head instead of 15” Ti head with PMF.
VT14 is $499 vs $799 for the PMF.
Plus I can get it on the way Monday so you’d have it on time.
just a thought.

I actually want a 16"
But will do the 15...
So guess i dont have a choice but wait..
When will u find out if u have some on the way.?

I’ll call Monday.

K..lemme know...
Do u usually have a 12" n stock..

which 12” ?

Just like the 15

Hey go sign up and start posting on my cafe.
I prefer helping givers.
I’m sure you have a lot to give but most posts I see from you on MB are Qs you need answered.
Let’s see if you can show me that you are a giver, not just a taker.

Now thay i think about it.. dont worry, ill look elsewhere....

I was just asking you to share your knowledge.
You got a problem with that?

Its cool joe.. dont worry..

Not worried, just had to reconfirm whether you were still a taker.
I was hoping maybe you had changed your ways. Obviously not.
Your JoeBilt wand will go to a real cleaner.
You will pay more for less; just as it should be.
Sorry Ronnie.
Joe Bristor

Whatever.... ive been cleaning for 19 years.. I AM A REAL CLEANER..theres no mistake in that..
I had already lookd at ur web for some other things i wanted...
Make no mistake joe, i dont HAVE TO HAVE ur wand and one more thing...
NEVER try to degrade me, just becausevi dont live on the boards doesnt mean im not a great cleaner...i am, i do alot of work so im in the field...not on my computer...
The questions i posted were mostly problems....

Remember... dont bite the hand that feeds you...

As a professional, i cant believe you went from selling me two wands and accesories to bugging about me in a chatboard..***** Joe, you are deff not who i thot you were..

I notice through your last several responses you never did offer to contribute.
It’s like holding the cross to a vampire – that word contribute - isn’t it?

What do u mean i didnt offer to contribute???

(Note Ronnie’s denial. Note how he immediately turned on me when I asked him to contribute.
It only took Ronnie a day to author his Mikeyboard post. Notice how he carefully left my name out. After he’d gained some support, here’s his final sarcastic “see I got you back” revenge email he sent to me)….

Hey Joe,
Why dont you go to Mikeys board...
I have a great thread going and you will love it...

I especially love Mikey's final comment:
Just to make it clear Ronnie, Joe Bristor only participated on this forum for a very short time.
I would encourage you to do business with a more "stable" supplier.

As if to say I left under force or for some reason wasn't wanted there.
As if to imply he is stable? Do any of you know the real Mikey?

No Mikey I paid my dues to you and then some. In fact you told me you should be paying me $2k a month for all the people I bring to his board.
Don't worry I still do and don't need anything from you.
Mikeyboarders pay me month far in excess of what you could afford.

I just love reading about the great conspiracies behind the third reich of the evOl MB empire..


only one more unstable than Bristor is his new Radar.

Joe I really wonder how independent thinking some of those guys are. Your straightforward honesty in dealing and telling people to their face is intimidating to the takers.

At the expense of being really direct with people in the spirit of honesty what comes out is two things. First, you truly are honest and second, you personally get really pissed off if people try and play games with you, lie to you or try and take advantage of you. You have every right to be direct with people so too Fkn bad is some ***** head gets a taste of his own medicine from you. Power to you Joe - keep the losers and takers out of here!

So Mikey, or one of his followers who can't think for themselves, under a Waldo or Golden Boy alias came over here to deliberately poke a stick at some of us and to give this place (your business) a bad name. How pathetic, insecure and childish can you get? But talking out of the other side of their mouths they say you shouldn't mess with another persons business. What a hypocrite! Isn't that exactly what is doing by his remarks and sending people over here to vandalize the good vibrations of this place?

Too bad more people didn't have the moral fiber to stand up to that *****. And Waldo (Mikey) shove your bogus Top 25 Cleaners Ranking up your a s s. -Bob Foster

5 new posts a day and Ken Harris claims it's the number one board on the web.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
wow...first time I've been to that forum....found out two things reading the "exchange". 1. That dude is absolutely as fuckin crazy as rumored. . 2. Bob Foster is desperate to be bottom bitch of whichever pimp will have him.......

I've only "dealt" with Joe once, actually just a short email exchange, but didn't like the vibe............ it was not about any products. Actually I still have no idea wtf it was about.....

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I guess after being on the boards for as long as I have.....the one thing that I have never understood is that how a few people can have this industry by the balls and are just to ignorant to loosen there grip a bit....

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
The sooner everyone realizes they can't change or control anyone but themselves, the the more happy you will be. Can't change Joe, can't change Mikey, can't even change your spouse. So if they have enough positive qualities that you can accept and accommodate the negative, then appreciate them warts and all. If their negative qualities outweigh the good, don't waste time bitching, just move on.

Take care,

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
the point of all this Lisa is that Joe catches unsuspecting customers off guard with his nut job personality.

Most BB vets are smart enough not to do biz with the kook, it's guys like Robbie who will always continue to come on the other forums and say WTF?

No one actually expects to run into a SNL character in real life. :lol:

All you guys who are defending Joe right now, just wait your turn is coming

I've lost count on how many of his most avid supporters have bailed on him, seriously.

any minute now he wont pull out in time and Foster will will have to spit him out as well.. LIKE!

just watch.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I control my wife, in fact I've spent years molding her like clay into the "perfect spouse". And I must say I've done a very good job...what? Never mind, my wife is calling and wants me to scrub the floors.

Gotta go! I've seen Jimmy naked


Not too many people in today's world that would send someone an $800.00 item on spec.

If you like, pay for it, if not, send it back.

All the guy asks for is to give a little back in participation.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
greentech said:
Not too many people in today's world that would send someone an $800.00 item on spec.

If you like, pay for it, if not, send it back.

All the guy asks for is to give a little back in participation.

what if people don't have time to chit/chat on his board.....what about the cleaners that never go to boards and ran across his web site and needed he going to penalize them for never hearing of his board.....


Jim Martin said:
greentech said:
Not too many people in today's world that would send someone an $800.00 item on spec.

If you like, pay for it, if not, send it back.

All the guy asks for is to give a little back in participation.

what if people don't have time to chit/chat on his board.....what about the cleaners that never go to boards and ran across his web site and needed he going to penalize them for never hearing of his board.....

I don't think he told him it MUST be his board.

It seemed to me it was Ron's lack of participation here on MB in the past that Joe was referring to. (I don't know Ron or his activity on this or any board).

I got something from Joe and could not pay for as fast as I thought that I would be able to.

From what people have to say about the guy, I thought he was going to show up at my front door!

Quite the contrary, he was very understanding and gracious.

He will also send you a drum of his soils and oils and let you pay by the month. Where else are you going to find a guy like that?

I can only speak from my dealings with him.


May 23, 2010
Seems to me that Joe isn't doing anything much differently from say a Sam's Club or a Costco - each charges a membership fee. In exchange for that fee, members get to shop at the respective establishment and receives special pricing and/pr pfferings not available to the public at large at other outlets.

Joe doesn't charge a membership fee - he simply asks that you contribute some of your experience to helps other cleaners. Joe doesn't call these people who share "members." He calls them "realcleaners." If you do not contribute to Joe's forum, or show elsewhere that you have tried to help others, then you are not a "realcleaner," i.e. a "member" eligible to purchase from Wanders - it does not mean that you are not in fact actively engaged in the cleaning business, aka a real cleaner, as oppossed to a realcleaner.

Joe doesn't force anyone to contribute to his forum, just as Sam's Club and Costco do not force any consumer to pay up their membership fees. But just as you won't get through the checkout line with a Costco card, neither will you get your shopping cart processed at Wanders if you don't contribute. That is Joe's business model. And that is Costco's and Sam's Clubs model as well. If you don't wish to pay the "membership fee" you are free to shop at Jon Don or Interlink or Cobb's or Pemberton's or wherever for your cleaning supplies and tools, just as you are free to shop at Walmart or Kmart or Target or wherever for everything else.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
For as much as I post here ordering anything should not have been an issue. Joe specifically stated it had to be HIS board that I needed to participate on, which is precisly when I told him that it was HE who could go fook himself.

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