My Pro-1200 update


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
So this is what I wrote on another thread:
I just got a new Pro 1200. Good machine. ...

It produces plenty of heat and suction.Given I am not a fire breather fan. 1) Psi control is a work in progress as unlike the CDS it does not have a water box, so it will not go lower than about 275 psi. 2) Also controlling the solution meter is hard when machine is in medium (it has low,medium,& hi). I can and do work with all doors locked (hole in side door step (not in door.)

Design is not super space saver as in the CDS, however once I got it figured out and put everything in it's right place, I pretty much got almost as much space as the CDS (my other van). Plenty of storage room in a non extended Chevy. I do have the L recovery tank + electric hose reel. No solution reel or water pond.
Hope this helps.

Well yesterday, the machine was not working, started clicking in the middle of the job. Bummer. Burned rubber smell. Since I always run like a dog, I didn't have spare belts. Bummer.
Besides, what the hack is it doing chewing belts - 90 hours old machine?!!

So I bring it to my friend Ray. He always seem to be happy to see me. God knows why. They look at it and sand some sharp edges at the pulley wheel, yet it seems too close to the recovery tank. So they install belts that are an inch shorter.

I'll be damned it works like a chump and I can actually meter the solution even on the medium settings. Great. What a treat.

Now about the flow. Would it hurt SS if they let people know in advance that it does not go very low? And for the low flow freaks like me, wouldn't it be classy if they included with the machine, a nice needle valve set to control it to a lower flow? That would be classy?

Surely Bill B. is familiar with Nordstrom stories.

In my dream............ he overnited it?

Of course I am well aware that I may be exposing myself to something like:
Since it seems you want to hear from us on this subject, even though you don't trust us. Here you go.,,,.,,
Please do us all a favor and choose one of our competitors products. I can't see you ever being satisfied.

With the sole exception of: Ofer, please do us all a favor and choose one of our competitor products for your next truck mount :winky:.

Bill wouldn't do it, would he?

Hey he may even overnite Rick Aranda (who by the way is about the nicest person you're ever likely to meet) who's gonna show me some nifty Pro- 1200 moves.

Now, Bill, I'm not going to take advantage, I'll reciprocate. I'll take good old Rick to the best Dim Sum restaurant in town. Rumor has it- they serve some killer steamed chicken feet.
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Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
I'm at a bit of a loss on this one as I have no idea what your talking about. Yes we build the equipment. Ray sold it and installed it. Ray gave you Nordstrom service. That's why Ray is a great guy to do biz with as you know. We support Ray and he isn't asking us for help on your unit. Now you are good to go correct?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
He wants to occasionally clean with very low pressure 250-275 psi.

I don't know if you'll find many other cleaners that would request that feature but Ofer cleans a lot of high end fibers and is a very finicky cleaner.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Dancing with Grass is absolutely right.
Or to quote my good friend Joe Apples:
I don't think you'll find anyone more anal retentive than Ofer. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for you.

Is that a no for overniting Rick, Bill?

Board extortion.

What's wrong with a little board extortion Mike?
After his immortal post to Marty, Bill's been my hero. I'm just giving him a helping hand to be all that he could be.

P.S. Did I mention that I really like the machine and that Ray it top notch?
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Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
Thanks Richard now I understand.... I just got my first cup of coffee down the hatch so to speak so the old gray matter is working a bit better. Well then Ofer made the perfect buying decision and purchased his machine through a well qualified distributor who can tune and accessorize his purchase to fit his business.
This us exactly why we sell through great companies like Ray and John on this board as well as many others so that the cleaners who make a living using our equipment have a person nearby that understands their needs and can set up the equip to work as needed


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
He wants to occasionally clean with very low pressure 250-275 psi.

I don't know if you'll find many other cleaners that would request that feature but Ofer cleans a lot of high end fibers and is a very finicky cleaner.
You got to be kidding. I'm as relaxed and easy going as a puppy. Actually if I was more easy going than what I already am, I'd be legally asleep.

To be fair to SS. I can get to 275 Psi. I wanted lower. I guess the pump won't allow. But then Richard may decide that I'm finicky, so I may consider letting it go.

Only if Mike sends me his training wheels and pacifier.
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Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Maybe go to a PC upholstery head? It has a flow control valve in the head. I'm sure some of the newer upholstery tools have the same abilities. What tool are you using? I can get my "old" PC tool down to a fine mist. Of course, it uses a lot more solution.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Upholstery is not the issue.
It is when cleaning woven area carpets with a jute core and a few other circumstances. I use really low psi and wet clean on the pull only. Don't like buying client's rugs. With my CDS it was easy to reduce the pump pressure to whatever I wanted. With the Pro-1200 -not possible.

Though I appreciate all the good advise, thank you, I do know how to improvise and find a solution. The whole Israeli army is one big improvisational skill.

Here's the point:

  1. I was told that due to having no water pond and size of pump, it will not go lower than about 275 psi. The meter that comes with the machine shows lower pressure and none of their literature says anything about it.
  2. The fact that most of you don't need lower psi is interesting yet irrelevant. I find it to be of value. It wouldn't be that difficult to correct or at least address the issue, as previously suggested. If there is a will.....
  3. Given the opportunity to gracefully (and cheaply if I may add) resolve the issue and come out smelling like roses. Bill chose a different rout.
  4. Most of you guys know quite well that when a client "complains," it is our chance to shine. Regardless if he/she is right or wrong. Practically all here would have made the most out of this opportunity. Hell, a new receptionist with three days seniority on the job would have been delegated the authority to make the client happy.

Here is how a different company handled something similar:

OK Ofer, we have listened to your positive feedback. Thanks. Going forward the Hydro_force in-line sprayers will be manufactured with the velcro strap included. This change will happen as soon as we get a supply of Velcro straps in. Might take a couple of weeks. No increase in price.

Does it mean that I will not buy another Pro-1200 in the future?
Hell no. I like the machine. It's a keeper.
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Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
No one including yourself ever contacted me about a any solution that would have made you happy. Heck no one including yourself "other than I guess by starting this thread" told me there was a problem. Heck you could have pm'd me. I feel that saying I chose a different route is unfair. I'm glad your happy with the machine. I'm also sure that given the overwhelming desire of customers for more pressure and flow even in portables we don't design for the low flow you feel is necessary. If you would have told me your reason which I learned for the first time 38 mins ago we'd had handled it. No need to post, while I may not always respond to things publicly it doesn't mean I don't check in.
So how about you tell me what you want to get your machine right and we will get it done.
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Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
LMFAO! Good thing you compared your issue with a Velcro strap..:oldrolleyes: Who the hell cleans under 275psi, and why? I don't think my wand would even clean evenly under 275.. Still have your helper?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Bill if I were you I'd get in the next flight to SFO with some Teflon tape, two brand new box wrenches with burrs removed and blessed 100% kosher, a Titanium Parker needle valve and a $19,000 rebate check made out to cash..

Let me know when you arive and Ray and I will pick you up and then we'll track down Mr Velcro Strap.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
No one including yourself ever contacted me about a any solution that would have made you happy. Heck no one including yourself "other than I guess by starting this thread" told me there was a problem. Heck you could have pm'd me. I feel that saying I chose a different route is unfair. I'm glad your happy with the machine. I'm also sure that given the overwhelming desire of customers for more pressure and flow even in portables we don't design for the low flow you feel is necessary. If you would have told me your reason which I learned for the first time 38 mins ago we'd had handled it. No need to post, while I may not always respond to things publicly it doesn't mean I don't check in.
So how about you tell me what you want to get your machine right and we will get it done.

In that regard you're absolutely right, I should have pm'd you and not handled it through the board. Ray as always takes excellent care of me. The issue I felt was a small machine shortcoming. I've done it with others on this board in the past (pm'd) and it works much better.
And the same goes for the rout comment. I sometime get wound up on a subject and lose proportion.

My apologies.

:winky: I love Mike's remark. Hey I'd' be honored and treat them to a good dinner.

As per the Pro-1200?
So far, I love it. And with a new arrangement and the L recovery tank, I got ton of space in the back.

Funny story. I always thought that women don't care about how the machine looks. Last week I had two women, one about 25 years old and one about 80 look at the machine and comment about how impressive it looks.
And I thought chicks don't dig it.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
In all seriousness Ofer, do you think an inline needle valve will accomplish what you need?

I wouldn't want it mounted permanently as the constant high flow would wear it out quickly.

The locking variety would be nice if you want it close to the tool.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I don't know mike I never tried any.
Anything that will allow me to substantially reduce volume and still be able to spray evenly would work.
I could have a special wand with much smaller jets for that, but that would mean one more tool in an already over crowded van.

I would think something that can be temporarily attached would work best, as it is not something I do or need everyday.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I did.I do it all the time. Looking for something with better control and more secure-less prone to being knocked open by accident.
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Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Upholstery is not the issue.
It is when cleaning woven area carpets with a jute core and a few other circomstances.

Excuse me, but who was it you were saying couldn't spell?

I always find it interesting when I see a mfg. whine about an issue being revealed publicly. It typically shows a sensitivity born of past mistakes, and an immaturity resulting from an inflated ego.

Thanks for posting this publicly.

Without public discussion, we'd all be buying lemons with no hope of future improvements.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Yes, or just attach quick connect at both ends.

Thanks Marty. I'll correct it pronto. Now, if you just correct it on your quote part, no one will ever know :winky:

P.S. Every immigrant is entitled to one spelling mistake a day. It's in the Mikey's Board constitution. Me, being a frequent poster, I get a two per allowance. I'm bidding for more in an on going auction here.
Us, third worlders aliens, have our inalienable rights.
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