1400+ hrs on my "El"
One of the most trouble free TM's I have owned.
Keep it clean! A lot of problems are prevented just by keeping any TM wiped down and cleaned.
The Inverter worked for better than a year and started to fail. I took it off and now run a power cord to the customers house. 80%+ can be reached w/a 50' cord, much less pita that I though it would be (running the cord and finding outlets).
I'm on my second vac gage at it is toast also.
Kerosene burner: at the first sign of smoke off the stack, replace the fuel filter in the kerosene line.
Replace the Honda air filter every other month, 25 bucks $$$!
I drain the oil every Friday and it takes exactly one quart to fill it back up, unless you also put on a new filter.
Pimp it out Greenie style!