They already answered the question, but, I wanted to chime in anyways.
I am still trying to get the new version of the Studebaker Airpath as an additional door prize of our April 8th CCINW meeting in Seattle. I already have a Mytee Bentley,
Glides and slides in our chance to win a $1000 in products for a $30 ticket which includes Dinner at Anthony's. If we don't procure one for a prize we hope to have one there just for the meeting guest can check out the new and improved stuff to help us to dry our carpets faster. We got Mister Barry Costa speaking on the Science of Drying for our restorers and Ol me Elwood J is doing a talk on fast drying carpet cleaning so we cover both bases.
Hear tell of some possible honorable mention peoples that might be attending. We might see the likes of Tony Wheelwright, Keith Studebaker, Brandon Burton as well as our own Bryan O'Haleck