new home owner upset


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Blowing him off after going back would be another thing...except he wants a DISCOUNT to meet his expectations on what seems to be a problem job....when those of the original customers were met.

I would have no problem saying the price is the price....hopefully he priced it where he would have a smile on his face the whole f'n time
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Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
I believe going back to meet with him as a "fix" on a job where he did not hire you was a big mistake. Now you have complicated the issue by engaging his perception that you worked in any way for him and not your true customer.

I would like to know how this plays out, hopefully I am wrong. Good luck.
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Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Dont mean to beat a dead horse but Ive been through this before as well.
We will take out the whole 'clean carpet doesnt stink' thing.

Goin back to try to "fix" it puts the blame on you that you didnt do your job. You did do your job to the scope and expectations of the original customer. Youre letting the guy beat you up over it.

Lets be honest the original customer only wanted a cleaning to make the house acceptable to sell. Though we dont know what they ordered, experience would tell me that 95% of the time when a house is selling thats what they want. If the buyer wants more they either have to contract it themselves or put it as part of the deal of the purchase. And that happens where the seller is responsible for certain repairs before the buyer will accept the house and purchase is final.

Instead of letting him beat you up offer a quote and a solution to HIS problem. Educate him(bissel thing) and turn it into good experience, and a profit.

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
I Think it was Jesus who said; "If someone Slaps your right cheek-- offer them the left cheek as well" You will be amazed how this advise will really help you grow. I true test of a person or company is Not how they respond when things are going RIGHT- BUT how they respond when things go wrong...

Its maybe only 2 hours out of your day to re-clean the house- so maybe do it at 1/2 price or free.. my business has grown because we always strive to take the higher ground if possible. I could make a list of the things I have to paid for because the custy blames Us-- when it was either pre-excisting or the fault of the custy... but doing so made them into Cheerleaders for my business instead of a thorn in my side.

If you really want to improve your life... Get rid of your Ego, Humble yourself and have Love in your heart. In all you do-- practice Peace, Love and Compassion.. Only the Humble will HEAR HIS message.

Peace Be With You, and may you create it in All You Do.
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Aug 9, 2012
sam miller
I said it once don't buy the problem. Upon inspection was it still clean did it smell ok???

was there a pet smell still????

You said he wanted it re cleaned for peace of mind??

If you already did it and its in fairly good shape offer to re steam it skip the vacuum P/T and give him a good rinse.

I'm sure you can make some money and win him over.

I love A holes because when I leave they are usually my best friend.

99 percent of the time and sometimes you just gotta cut bait.

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